small room design Not all of us can boast of large,spacious rooms. Most often people have to be satisfied with the very modest size of the premises in the apartment. But you want to live in a comfortable, cozy, and, most importantly, beautiful space! The design of a small room is a real art, requiring certain knowledge and practical skills. Fortunately, if you take into account some of the main points in designing small spaces, you can independently cope with this task and make your home functional and aesthetically attractive. The simple design of very small rooms is primarily aimed at making the room spacious, light and harmonious. It is important to use the maximum daylight, at the same time, not forgetting the artificial. Relevant in a small bedroom or a nursery, no doubt, will be built-in ceiling lights or hidden lighting. To create a sense of the presence of nature, you can add beautifully flowering indoor plants to the window sill. They will become a source of oxygen and bring into the interior a living note. The design of a small children's room is important to build not only on the basis of practical and planning considerations, but also taking into account the ecological component of the interior. It is highly recommended to select such finishing materials and furniture components that do not cause allergies and therefore will be safe for your child. simple design of very small rooms

More? Less? Just right!

There are several basic rules of the visualthe perception of space, with which you can cheat and visually change the proportion of the room in a greater or lesser side. It should be remembered that light shades increase the size of the room and visually bring us closer to the object, while the dark ones, visually, reduce and distance objects. A small room wins provided that it has a minimum number of pieces of furniture and furnishings, while they must be relatively small. With the arrangement of large furniture and any contrasting spots in space, space is visually reduced. To increase the room, because this task is priority in the presence of a small space, you should adhere to several basic rules. It is preferable to use a light color scheme and pastel shades (light blue, soft pink, apricot, cream, etc.), as they expand the space and avoid bright, contrasting transitions between the colors. The design of a small room will benefit from the availability of light furniture. Although it can not be called practical in use, it does not eat space like furniture of contrasting colors. The minimum number of pieces of furniture and things. A large number of various objects visually conceals precious centimeters. This is facilitated by any disorder, even on the desk. A large amount of natural sunlight makes the space more spacious, as if revealing it. It is also important to use the built-in light. But if this is not possible due to the small height of the room, you can put floor lamps or low floor lamps. Choosing between a large-sized couch and a small one in combination with a couple of chairs, preference should be given to the second option, as large objects make visually a small space even closer. design of a small children's room When selecting materials for floor and ceilingremember that using the shades of the same color scheme that you have chosen for the walls makes the spatial perception of your room much more advantageous. After all, in this case, the boundaries between the walls, the floor and the ceiling are practically erased, which means that the room looks more spacious. Erasing borders is also facilitated by the use of mirrors in the interior, because due to the numerous reflections of color and light, the space reflected in them increases manifold. Nevertheless, do not forget about the feeling of psychological comfort - if the room is planned as a bedroom, the mirrors will not be very appropriate here and can interfere with a healthy sleep. Great pictures for a small room, oddly enough, are preferable to a few small ones. The fact is that the horizontally extended picture visually increases the perspective of the view. However, it is important to remember that high pictures make the room lower, so in this case it is better not to use them. When choosing furniture it is important to remember that the abundance of deaf surfaces can conceal space, and open and light-transmitting planes make it more spacious. Using the game of light, reflections and glare, you can transform the room and make it much lighter, lighter and more airy, so if possible, use pieces of furniture with parts or decor of glass or mirrors. In the case of a small room, a more favorable arrangement of furniture will be its arrangement along the walls, since if placed in the center, it will visually separate an already small room. Limit your use of low furniture, as, for example, high-backed chairs reduce the visual size and depth of the room. At the same time, the use of a wardrobe in the furniture to the ceiling with a light or mirror facade will make it almost weightless. Expanding the light space can be achieved through the use of plastic windows with narrower frames or a balcony door with a glass cloth to its full height. It is important to use the lightest and unobtrusive decor for windows. If these are curtains, they should be made of light and translucent matter, since in this case more light and air will penetrate through them. For use at night, you can use the curtains of a denser light-colored fabric, as well as roll curtains and Roman curtains. If you apply patterns in decoration, it is important that they are simple and monotonous, then the room will seem airy. While the use of complex and vivid ornaments can turn your room into a heavy and stuffy one. To visually increase the space, place the brightest and eye-catching object in the far corner of the room. Thus, the perspective increases, because the glance slides further, without clinging to closer objects. We advise you to read:

