I always thought my child was perfect. Not a scandal, no crook, not naughty. You can negotiate with him. So it was exactly until we flew to Vietnam. A lot of impressions and emotions literally overwhelmed a two-year-old daughter, after which she set the heat to everyone around.First Aid Kit on VacationPhoto: Getty Images

Sky, plane, kid

Why I decided to talk about the flight toby plane? It's simple. If you travel by private car, then, in fact, do not bother anyone. If you took a bus ticket, you can also ask to stop. But if you soared up with a child to a height of 10 thousand meters, where at least 200 more people are sitting besides you, you will have to make great efforts to ensure the safety of the child and the tranquility of other passengers. So. In the plane, children can cry. Not. They can cry! The reasons - the mass. Someone lays his ears, someone cradles someone, someone is tired, and someone is trivially afraid to go to the toilet. Be prepared for everything at once. Stock up sucking sweets and preparations for motion sickness. If the baby is breastfed, give him a chest when taking off and landing. So that the child is not afraid of airplanes, tell him in advance what and how you will fly. If the child is already an adult, it will not be superfluous to discuss the rules of behavior (for example, that you do not need to kick the back of the chair in front of you or jump along the aisle, depicting an Indian). Take a plane of water (including thermal) to splash on the baby, eliminating dry skin.Trip with a childA photo: Getty Images Don't forget the pot in your hand luggage. Yes Yes. This is especially true for two-year-olds. As a rule, they no longer want to wear diapers, but they still don’t go to an adult toilet. One of my friends recalled how her little granddaughter, just a few minutes before takeoff, solemnly announced that she wanted to crap. No persuasion - wait or do it in the diapers, did not act. In the end, I had to get the pot, put it on my knees and plant the child. Well at least the request to "do everything quickly," the little one fulfilled without talking. And just a minute before takeoff, the pot was safely poured into the toilet. Phew ... As they say, carried (and in all senses).

