"I am a hereditary Santa Claus. My father, People's Artist of Russia Leonard Varfolomeyev, died, perhaps, his entire conscious life. And now my son Arseny at seven years is trying on Santa Claus costume. He believes in a fabulous grandfather, but knows that Grandfather does not have time to congratulate all the guys, so I help him. The son himself says that he is "the third Santa Claus".Photo: personal archiveThe first time I used Santa Claus was in the army.I served in Siberia, where the only women were she-wolves and bears. That's why the army New Year is when Snegurochka is one of your friends, and Baba Yaga is an army comrade. Gifts are cigarettes, candy, sugar. After that, I hosted Christmas trees everywhere - even in Moscow, in front of the best students of the capital, who were awarded an annual prize. Modern children ask Grandfather Frost for iPhones and Lego. So my son asked for a Lego from the Star Wars story. In order for Grandfather Frost to bring a gift, you need to listen to your parents all year round - this is the most important thing, because parents will not wish harm on their child. If one of the children at the party does not believe that I am real, I ask: "Who is your dad?" - "A businessman!" - the boy answers. "And who do you want to be?" - "A businessman!" - “So my dad was Santa Claus, and I am Santa Claus too!” After that, there are no more questions.
Father Frost in the third generation dreams of a light. Photo: personal archive Woman's Day asked Chelyabinsk children: "What should I do to make Santa Claus bring a good gift for the New Year? What gift do you want to receive? "