cocktails with liqueurA cocktail is a wonderful refreshing drink,consisting of a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks with various fillers (syrup, milk, honey, etc.). A cocktail has always been considered a woman's drink, and it's not about its strength. Have you ever heard the expression "let's have a cocktail" in a purely male company? Hardly, because cocktails with liqueur, champagne, strawberries and wonderful whipped cream have always been a purely female prerogative. Well, who among us in their right mind and memory would refuse an evening cocktail with liqueur, especially if it is served in a romantic setting?

Cocktail with liquor: history of origin

Perhaps the most popular ingredient forcocktail was and remains liqueur. This is not surprising: it is difficult to imagine at least one alcoholic drink that has such a great variety of consistencies, colors and tastes. It is difficult to say when cocktail recipes with liqueur appeared, but the first official document in history testifying to the appearance of the liqueur itself dates back to 1575 - it was invented by a Dutch doctor. Recipes for such famous liqueurs as Curacao, Galliano, Cointreau, Grand Marnier, Benedict were invented back in the nineteenth century, and are still successfully used to prepare alcoholic cocktails. Cocktails themselves appeared about two hundred years ago. Already in 1862, the first book dedicated to cocktail recipes was published. Alas, it is impossible to name the inventor of this drink, because mixing a couple of drinks and serving is not a tricky business. But the cocktail truly gained nationwide love in America, during the Prohibition period. Alcohol was banned then, but taverns continued to exist, albeit underground. It was in these secret drinking establishments that master bartenders came up with a way to hide the taste of strong drinks by mixing them with lemonade and juice. Prohibition was repealed, but bartenders continued to hone their skills in making a cocktail - a drink that was so beloved by the people. No less interesting is the origin of the word "cocktail": believe it or not, linguists offer a good dozen versions of the origin of this word. According to the most popular of them, the cocktail is "Cock' Tail", a rooster's tail. The essence of the story is that a certain American, a tavern owner, was an ardent fan of cockfights. One day his precious bird went missing, and a young lieutenant (this was during the Revolutionary War) found the rooster and returned it to its owner safe and sound. Overjoyed, the happy owner decided to marry his only daughter to the lieutenant, and immediately made her prepare the best refreshing drink for her future husband. The girl did not lose her head and mixed Kentucky whiskey, homemade wine and bitters. The guests drank the new drink with pleasure, raising toasts to the "Cock' Tail" - a rooster's tail from which not a single feather fell.cocktail with liqueur

Recipes of cocktails with liqueur

There are so many cocktails with liqueur these days thatA whole book could be devoted to their description. We will not talk about the types of cocktails and their classification, but will simply give you exact recipes for drinks that you can make at home. Cocktail "Angel's Kiss" The name of this cocktail with liqueur speaks for itself: after taking a sip, you will feel the tenderness of cream and the real heat of liqueur, driving you crazy.

  • Fifty milliliters of coffee liquor "Kahlua" (Kaloua);
  • Fifty milliliters of twenty-percent cream.

Pour the liqueur into the glass and add it one spoon at a timewhipped cream. This liqueur cocktail should be drunk in one gulp. Grasshopper Cocktail This cocktail got its name because one of its ingredients is green liqueur. This drink was so popular that a joke was dedicated to it. A grasshopper came into the establishment and jumped on the bar counter, and the bartender said to him:

  • You know, we called your cocktail here.
  • How, do you drink a cocktail called "Karl"?


  • Thirty milliliters of green liquor "Creme de menthe";
  • Thirty milliliters of white liquor "Creme de cacao";
  • Thirty milliliters of cream.

Shake the liqueurs and cream in a shaker filled withhalf with ice. Strain into a glass. Cocktail "Monica Lewinsky's Dress" A cocktail with such an original name was very popular several years ago, when the story of the relationship between Bill Clinton and his secretary thundered throughout the world. You can surprise and amuse your friends by recalling this piquant incident and offering a little cocktail with liqueur.

  • Fifty milliliters of liquor "Blue Chicago";
  • Thirty milliliters of semisweet champagne;
  • A few drops of cream.

Whip the liqueur together with the champagne and pour into a glassglasses. Add a few drops of cream to each glass. Cocktail "B-52" There are several versions of the origin of the name of this cocktail, but the most popular is the following: the drink appeared around the same time as the release of the Boeing B-52 "Stratofortress" bomber. Moreover, these cocktails with liqueur in their finished form are very reminiscent of a miniature copy of the nuclear bomb that the plane was transporting. This drink is for extreme sports enthusiasts, because it is set on fire before drinking. In order not to get burned, drink this cocktail through a straw, starting from the bottom layer.

  • Twenty milliliters of liqueur Kaloua (Kahlúa);
  • Twenty milliliters of Bailey's liquor (Bailey's Irish Crème);
  • Twenty milliliters of Cointreau liqueur.

Kahlua liqueur is poured into a glass.Then slowly and very carefully add Baileys (it is best to pour it in along the back of a tablespoon). Add Cointreau in the same way. Set the top layer on fire. As you can see, making cocktails with liqueur is not at all difficult, because all the recipes are very simple. It is important to strictly observe the proportions and use beautiful, impressive glasses. Well-made cocktails are as valuable as good wine: giving their wonderful taste and aroma, they give the body peace, and thoughts - lightness.

