Selection of wedding ornaments Each bride prepares for the wedding very muchcarefully, paying special attention to their appearance. When the dress is sewn, the shoes and accessories are selected, the bouquet is bought and waiting for its hour, remains a small, but very significant detail of the ideal image of the bride - jewelry. This can be jewelry or products made of natural stones and precious metals, in any case, the decorations should be special, emphasizing the charm of the bride. In order to choose earrings, you need to consider the length and color of the hair and hair, the color of the dress and other ornaments (ribbons, laces, veils, gloves, etc.) and even the color of the bride's skin. A universal classic choice is jewelry made from round pearls. These can be simple stud earrings or slightly elongated "drops", a string of pearls around the neck. Particularly touching pearls shine pale skin, with other tones you can experiment in a jewelry store or supermarket. are the main detail, complementing the image ofthe bride and groom. Their choice is very large and varied, having your own idea of ​​this ornaments, you can even turn to a jeweler who will make exclusive jewelry to order. If you want to enclose an additional romantic subtext in the engagement process, choose the Claddagh rings. With their emergence and spread is a beautiful legend about the Irish jeweler Richard Joyce, who was captured by pirates and was sold into slavery. Yearning for separation from the bride, he created a ring in the form of two hands holding a heart crowned with a crown. Over time, both the shape and meaning of wearing the ring slightly modified, but the legend is still alive. and species of which are very diverse, there are oftenon sale in online stores, so it's worth paying attention to them. Additional decorations can serve as brooches, chains, pendants, necklaces, bracelets and even wedding diadems. If there is a brooch on the dress, it is advisable to exclude the additional jewelry "decor", minimalism will only emphasize the elegance and taste of the bride. Chains with massive pendants look good in the cut of the deep neckline, but are lost on top of the high corset. In such cases, you should choose a short necklace, fitting the neck or get by with a silk ribbon, simply wrapped or tied into a bow.

