chocolate pie When the whole family is assembled, it's nice to everyone togethersit over a cup of evening tea, chatting, enjoying sweets and enjoying excellent baking. We assure that the top of the bliss for your family and friends will be a chocolate cake, the recipe of which is offered here.

Pie "Chocolate"

This chocolate cake with its amazing taste surprises everyone who tries it. Try it and you! Ingredients:

  • 250 grams of dark chocolate,
  • 200 grams of sugar,
  • 115 grams of butter,
  • 80 grams of cocoa powder,
  • 150 grams of flour,
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder,
  • 250 grams of milk,
  • 6 eggs.

Preparation: While the oven warms up to 160 degrees, melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath, gradually adding milk. Separately mix flour, baking powder and cocoa. In the third bowl, whisk, to a significant increase in volume, eggs with sugar. Then combine all three mixtures and mix well. Transfer to a greased oiled form, gently align and put in the oven bake. After 45 minutes get the cake, check with a toothpick for its readiness. Allow it to cool slightly and pour on the glaze. To do this: in a water bath, melt the chocolate with the addition of a small amount of cream. Pour the top of the cake with the glaze. When it stiffens, you can carry the chocolate cake to the tea table.

Chocolate-nut pie

Chocolate and nuts are an excellent combination, especially in a chocolate cake. Ingredients:

  • 5 tablespoons of flour,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar,
  • 4 tablespoons sour cream,
  • 0.5 tiles of chocolate,
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa,
  • 4 tablespoons of any ground nuts,
  • 1 tablespoon brandy,
  • half a teaspoon of soda,
  • a teaspoon of vinegar.

Preparation: Whisk eggs with sugar. Add to them melted chocolate, sour cream. And also - soda, slaked with vinegar, cocoa, nuts, brandy and flour. All mix well. The resulting dough is put in a mold and baked in an oven heated up to 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Ready cake, if desired, you can decorate with cream "Ganash". To do this, the cream and butter put on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Immediately pour them chocolate. Leave for 5 minutes. Stir until smooth. When the "Ganash" completely cools down, it must be beaten up to an air condition and applied to a chocolate cake. This will be the final closing touch.

Chocolate-ginger pie

The recipe for a chocolate pie with ginger allows you to make pastries with a spicy but very pleasant taste. Ingredients:

  • 3 chocolate bars,
  • 500 grams of butter,
  • 10 eggs,
  • 400 grams of powdered sugar,
  • 70 grams of corn flour,
  • ginger root,
  • cocoa.

Preparation: Ginger clean and grate on a fine grater. Chocolate melt with butter, add to it ginger and two spoons of cocoa. Eggs beat up with powdered sugar, pour in flour. Combine the chocolate mass and eggs. All mix well. Shape the butter with butter, transfer the dough into it and bake for 45 minutes in a preheated oven to 180 degrees. Ready cake to decorate any cream. chocolate pie recipe

Chocolate pie without flour

It's hard to meet someone who does not like chocolate. Similarly, the taste of a chocolate pie will delight everyone who is lucky enough to taste it. And nothing of flour! Ingredients:

  • 450 grams of chocolate
  • 6 eggs (4 whole and 2 yolks),
  • 200 grams of sugar,
  • 50 grams of butter,
  • 100 grams of creamy cream,
  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid.

Preparation: Heat the oven to 190 degrees. Put baking paper on the bottom of the oiled form. Chocolate, stirring, melt in a water bath. Eggs beat up with sugar and add to them melted butter and citric acid. Stir thoroughly. Next, pour a little melted chocolate into the egg mixture and mix gently. So gradually pour in all the chocolate. Separately whip cold cream, the fourth part of which add to the dough, mix. Transfer the remaining cream and mix again. Pour the dough into prepared form. Bake in the oven in a water bath for about 45 minutes. Readiness of a chocolate pie is checked by a toothpick - it should leave from it dry, and the pie to the touch should be firm. This chocolate cake is cooled down right in the form placed on the grate, about 1 hour. When it completely cools, it should be wrapped in a plastic wrap and left overnight in the refrigerator, but no less than 4 hours. After that, to get it out of shape, it is necessary to hold a knife along its walls, and then within 10 seconds the bottom of the mold is heated over the fire, and quickly turned onto the plate. Sprinkle the top of the chocolate cake with powdered sugar.

Hot chocolate cake

Chocolate cake cooked on itrecipe, can be found in restaurants in Israel. The highlight of such a chocolate cake is that it is baked from above, but inside the chocolate remains sticky. That's why it should be eaten hot. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of bitter chocolate,
  • 200 grams of butter,
  • 4 eggs and 4 yolks,
  • 110 grams of sugar,
  • 60 grams of flour,
  • 30 grams of brandy,
  • 100 grams of white chocolate,
  • 100 grams of creamy cream.

Preparation: Bitter chocolate melt in a water bath or in a microwave. Separately, melt the butter. Mix egg, yolks and sugar with a mixer. Combine the melted chocolate and butter, add them to the egg mixture, and pour in the sifted flour. Mix. Put the resulting mass in a culinary package. Small cupcake molds should be oiled and filled to half filled with the chocolate mixture. Melt the white chocolate, combine it with cream and beat with a mixer. Put this mixture in a bowl and freeze. Next, with a spoon for ice cream from this white mixture make the balls, which two put on the chocolate mass in the molds. Then fill each mold to the top with the remaining dark chocolate mixture, and send them to a preheated 180 degree oven for baking for 7 minutes. Finished small chocolate pies have a baked crust, and inside they have hot melted chocolate. Pies to put on a large plate, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon, next to place ice cream, decorate with mint.

Cheese and chocolate cake

Chocolate cake with cheese is the original recipe, and the taste of such a pie will bring you pleasure! Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of dark chocolate,
  • 200 grams of butter,
  • 5 eggs,
  • 1.5 cups of sugar,
  • two-thirds of a glass of flour,
  • 400 grams of soft cream cheese.

Preparation: Chocolate to combine with butter and melt. Beat up 3 eggs and 1 glass of sugar before lush foam. Pour the melted chocolate. Mix. In a separate container mix the cheese, two eggs and the remaining sugar. This mixture is slightly shaken, it should be without lumps. Shape the paper with baking paper and oil it. Pour into it two-thirds of the chocolate dough, flatten. On it to distribute all cheese mass, again to level. Pour the remaining chocolate mixture onto it. Using a fork, you can create a "marble" surface. Bake in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 45 minutes. Then turn off the oven, but leave the cake in it for another 25 minutes. Have a nice tea! We advise you to read:

