What we will now show you, can causeyou have a fit of faintness. Be careful. We warned you, and now to business. If your child systematically ignores your requirements to clean up the room, show him this photo. Yes, it's an iPhone charger. Yes, in the leg. 18-year-old Julia received a very unpleasant injury, just jumping off her bed. She just wanted to take some popcorn, without which the show does not look good, and does not get into the social network. And strangely, she did not notice the charger lying on the floor. And he did not forgive Julia - he bit her in the leg.A photo: @JEWL_ia "When your room looks like this, you have to imagine the consequences of not seeing where you're going," Julie posted in her microblogging photo of her room and, in fact, her injury. It looks awful - both. "Before you ask, I'll say: yes, it hurts. At first I started screaming and calling for help from my mother, and then I took out the phone to take a picture of it all, "Julia told the portal.
1/2Photo: @JEWL_iaPhoto:@JEWL_iaBut the poor girl didn’t get any sympathy. Well, she did, but not to the extent she would have liked. People first noticed the fabulous mess in her room, and only then took pity on her leg pierced by a charger. “How do you think I feel?” Julia asked. “Maybe you feel like you should clean your room?” they tactfully answered her on Twitter. Not everyone, however, was so tactful and simply sent gifs illustrating their disgust at what they saw. And some even demanded gory details. “For those who really care, there was a lot of blood. My leg is still bleeding,” Julia complained. And, by the way, the girl is not going to clean up her room. Despite everything. She probably just decided to watch her step more carefully. Oh well, God help you. P.S. As you may have noticed, Julia has a Christmas tree on her mantel. The photo was taken on January 31st. Tellingly.
Photo: @JEWL_ia