Proper development of a child at 6 months- this is a complex set of measures, constant communication with the baby, which allows him to correctly perceive the world that surrounds him. At this time, the baby can already independently roll over, sit up, sit, keeping his back straight. The baby should already recognize sounds, the taste of food, independently take food from a spoon with his lips, drink from a mug held by an adult.
The right menu and daily routine
At six months, the baby is already ready for histhe first acquaintance with "adult" food. He is interested in everything now, so he often tries to take a piece he likes from his mother's plate and put it in his mouth. But you can't give the baby everything at once now, so your development calendar for this time should be quite strict regarding complementary feeding. It is very important that the development calendar contains the correct daily routine for the baby. At the same time, you should not force the child into some strict specific framework, since feeding and sleep times may differ slightly for everyone. Do not strictly follow all the advice of grandmothers and mothers, try to find out for yourself what suits your baby, consult with your supervising doctor. Among the mandatory requirements that must be observed are the following:
- The dream of the baby should always begin in one and thatsame time. Choose the time when the child starts to sleep, usually it's 8-9 pm, and put him to bed. It is desirable that parents themselves go to bed at this time, so the child will soon get used to the regime;
- Up to one year of the baby it is not necessary to wake up very early, if he has a need for a morning sleep, then let him lie down in a crib a couple of "after-hours" hours;
- For a baby at the age of six months it is best to sleep in the open air, the time of such daily walks should be from two hours;
- Teach your child that the day should begin andend with water procedures, he should understand that hygiene is mandatory. Do not make it do it by force, it's better to make a cheerful play out of washing.
Begin to develop a child
The development of a six-month-old baby isa very complex and exciting period, during which a small and helpless person gradually becomes more independent, he begins to be aware not only of himself, but also of the world around him, to recognize faces, to remember the names of objects, although he cannot yet pronounce them normally. Now the baby is interested in everything, from his hands to the world around him during a walk. Children at six months open up the widest possibilities for themselves, but at this time they learn the world mainly by touch. Therefore, do not interfere with the baby to touch everything that he can reach, but make sure that he does not harm himself. If the baby wants to touch sharp or hot objects, do not shout at him, as this will only create complexes, but gently and confidently remove his hand, speak to him soothingly. The fact is that children at this age are already beginning to distinguish between a gentle and strict tone. At this time, the baby is interested in everything, so when you carry him, for example, to bathe, run his hand along the wall, hanger, clothes, tiles. You can add special bathing foam and toys to the bath. The development calendar should include games during which the baby will have the opportunity not only to touch objects, learning about them, but also to associate them with a certain set of sounds, a word. Give the child an object and immediately say its name. You can repeat this several times in a row, changing objects, so that the baby not only remembers what they feel like, but also develops his memory. We begin to train the arms, general physical condition For a six-month-old baby, it is necessary to begin training the arms and legs, which will be greatly helped by interesting games. This is an excellent development of coordination and motor skills. For the arms, we begin to learn the following movements:
- "The chicken drinks water." These are the movements of the hands, when the fingers are folded in the form of a bird's beak, the hands are rhythmically leaning forward and backward;
- "Kitten Strokes" - light, smooth movements, as if you were stroking a small kitten;
- "Painting the fence" - these are simple movements of the hand to the right and left, up and down.
All such exercises must be performed firsttaking the baby's hands in his own, gently guiding him. Then the child will begin to repeat them independently, copying your movements. This will allow you to properly train your hands and fingers, and initiate proper physical development. For the legs, which are not yet very good at holding the baby, correct coordination movements are also necessary. The child begins to try to rise, he actively crawls, kicks his legs hard. Encourage these activities, if the baby strives to stand up on his own, support him, but do not let go yet! At six months, the child begins to move actively, now, lying on his back or tummy, he begins to arch, feel his legs. He makes the first attempts to sit straight for three to ten minutes, and is aware of the weight of his body. Be sure to include simple physical exercises in the form of a game in your baby's development calendar, this will allow the baby to begin to correctly hold not only his head, but also his body, but this does not mean that he will begin to walk in the coming weeks, but the right direction has already been laid! Social contact and speech development of the baby The development calendar of a six-month-old baby is very busy, it is at this time that he learns not only to recognize and recognize the faces of others, but also to communicate with them correctly. The child's vocabulary is still very poor, he begins to independently put words together from sounds, for example, "ge-ge", "ogo-go" and the like. Now constant communication is very important for the baby, he already knows how to recognize facial expressions, distinguish a gentle voice from a stern one. He begins to be interested in bright toys and various sounds, which he begins to imitate with delight. At this time, it is necessary to constantly communicate with the child, the development calendar must necessarily include not only feeding, but also constant games, communication, speech development. Talk to the baby, read fairy tales aloud to him and sing songs, the child already distinguishes words well, he gradually begins to repeat them, understand when certain combinations of sounds are used in life. It is desirable that the baby is surrounded not only by adults, it is very useful to start his communication with other children. In order to gradually accustom a child to society, he must gradually overcome his fear of strangers.
What games are suitable for general development in 6 months?
A baby at the age of six months is already quiteactive to start playing with parents. But these games are still very peculiar, this is more an attempt by the child to learn how to establish contact with others. So what can you play with a baby who is six months old? Children love bright toys that make loud sounds, so it is recommended at this time to buy exactly these “sounding” toys, with the help of which the baby begins his communication. Most children really like to hold out toys to others, take them back, while they try to make their first sounds that resemble words. Try playing the game “Hat” with your child if he has already begun to slowly recognize faces. This game is very simple, but it helps the baby develop memory and logic. It consists of the following: mom or dad, sitting in front of the baby, put on or take off a hat, while the appearance for the child changes greatly. If your baby started crying, frightened by a stranger, then do not insist, try this game when he grows up a little. But in most cases, children like the game, they begin to take off and put on various hats and headwear themselves. At the same time, not only memory develops, but also motor skills, the baby learns to hold soft objects in his hands correctly. The child gradually understands the immutability of some objects and people around him, stops being afraid of strangers, acquires social skills, and understands cause and effect.
When should I contact a specialist?
It is advisable to consult a specialist ifa six-month-old child is indifferent to communication, feeding, games, does not strive to communicate, which month does not make any results in development. Particular concern should be caused by the fact if the arms and legs, facial muscles begin to twitch and such attacks are repeated quite often. Sleep disorders also require the doctor's attention, when the child looks clearly not slept or is constantly sleepy, apathetic. The age of six months is one of the most important stages, at which the child begins to gradually learn about this world through touch, hearing, sight. He begins not only to see, but also to recognize objects, distinguish them from each other, distinguish voices, react to facial expressions, determine the sources of sounds. This is a difficult, but very exciting time, when the baby climbs another small, but such an important step on his long path to learning about the world around him. And the task of parents at this age is to help the baby develop comprehensively, learn to react correctly to the environment around him.