How fun to have a children's holidayIf your precious child is expectinga significant event, be it a birthday or a family children's party in honor of some other event, the question inevitably arises: how to make this event fun and interesting, what to treat the kids to and what games to keep them busy with. The table for kids can be made light. Ice cream, cocktails or juice, an abundance of fruits and berries and, of course, cake. For beauty and interest, drinks can be served with funny straws, use napkins with children's motifs, and put paper caps on the kids' heads. In addition, you can buy various masquerade or.When the meal time comes to an end, as a rule, they start running around the house, shouting and throwing everything they can get their hands on. In order to minimize the effect of the raging horde of kids, you need to come up with interesting and fun games for them. Don't forget to sing "Karavai" if the occasion of your party is a birthday. Then you can play blind man's buff (I hope I don't need to remind you how to play this funny game). Then you can move on to more relaxed games. In advance, draw a girl's face on a large sheet of paper, only without a nose. Attach a poster to the refrigerator with magnets, and another magnet will be her nose. Blindfolded children must take turns sticking the nose where it is supposed to be, and whoever does it more accurately wins. Then you can play paint. The leader stands in the middle of the room and calls out a color. The child who has this color on his clothes, holding on to it, moves from one side to the other. Those who don't have this color must run across, but the leader must not catch them. Also recite poems with the kids by heart, jump on balloons and don't forget to prepare small prizes for the winners and consolation prizes for all the other kids. And one more piece of advice: don't buy whistles or other noisy objects for the kids, otherwise you'll get a headache! I hope your party will be fun and interesting, the main thing is to be creative and have a little patience. We recommend reading:

