child 8 months The child at 8 months is hyperactive and showsconscious interest in the world around them. The ability to crawl allows a child to learn new things that come across his path. Crawling on all fours is also a training of the muscles of the legs and back, which helps to strengthen them for further walking skills. At this age the child learns to keep his balance and stand, holding on to the support. The Kid already sits well, takes the right toy, moves objects from one handle to another. A child can consciously show an adult toy, to which he must reach. At 8 months, the baby already clearly and loudly pronounces syllables, expresses joy and anger, while screaming at the same time, learns from photos of familiar people. At the request of adults clapping his hands, waving his hand at parting. Closely follows the moving objects on the TV screen or outside the window. The most interesting activity for a baby of eight months is throwing toys on the floor - so he studies the sounds of falling and the parents' reaction to this action. When adults return toys to the place, the kid again throws them, thus attracting the attention of adults to themselves.

Achievements of the child in 8 months

At the 8th month of life, the baby gains in weight 500-550 g and grows 2 cm. On average, his weight is 8100-8500 g, and height is 68-75 cm. At this age the child acquires such skills and abilities:

  • Actively babbles, trying to say something;
  • Understands and reacts to simple requests: "give your hand," etc .;
  • He plays simple games of "Ladushki" and reacts to music, "dances";
  • Differences between "one's own" and "another's". Fear and anxiety in the absence of mother;
  • He sits confidently, gets up and walks by the pedestal (in the arena);
  • Improves physical development as a result of active crawling;
  • Knows how to chew and bite off soft food. It goes from puree to crushed food.

Good development of the baby is formed with proper care: regular walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, massage, air and water baths. baby food at 8 months old

Day regimen for an eight-month-old baby

At 8 months the child eats 5 times a day every4 hours. For babies, mother's milk is still an important food, however, non-essential. The first and last feeding is breast milk or a milk formula for "artificial persons". Third feeding - lunch should consist of vegetables and meat: chicken, beef or lean pork. The total volume of basic feeding should be 220-250 g, of which meat should be 40-60 grams. The second meal (about 11 hours) should be cottage cheese and ground fruits. For a mid-morning snack, the baby needs to prepare milk porridge with a boiled egg yolk. If the baby already has 4 teeth, then you can switch from grinded food to chopped food. You can give crumbs such soft foods as cookies, apples, carrots, so that he learns to bite and chew on his own. In 8 months you can already accustom him to the pot. If the baby is sitting quietly, then it should be planted after each meal and sleep, but not more than 10 minutes, even if nothing happened. With this procedure, you do not need to give a crumb of toys, so as not to distract. If the result of planting is positive, then it is necessary to praise the baby. He must develop a clear understanding of why he is planted on a pot. If the kid resists and does not want to sit, then it's better to postpone this skill to 1.5 years. At this age, the children are already beginning to perceive the pot and its purpose more consciously. A child in 8 months should sleep at least 14-15 hours a day, of which 8-10 hours - a night's sleep. At this age the baby sleeps all night calmly, practically without waking up. In the afternoon the youngster sleeps 2 times for 1.5 - 2 hours: in the morning and after lunch. Good health and normal development will ensure a constant sleep and nutrition regime. Of course, all children are different, everyone has their own biorhythms and needs for food and sleep. Here the main rule - to lay and feed the child at the same time. Observance of the regime protects against digestive problems, and also ensures a good mood and calmness of the baby.

Emotional and intellectual development

Eight months of life displays emotionaldevelopment of the baby to a new level: the child feels a strong attachment to the mother and clearly divides people into "his" and "strangers." The kid reacts very painfully to parting with his mother, which for him at this age is the "center of the universe." But this fact should not become a lever of adult management, so the mother should show special flexibility in the upbringing of the baby, so as not to develop in him capriciousness. Mom should not only feed and put their children to bed in time, but also give them enough attention in communication. When the baby will have enough attention, then he will not be so worried about the temporary breakup with his mother. And mother should not completely "dissolve" in her beloved child, she needs to find time for herself. The kid at 8 months no longer only distinguishes strangers, but also reacts to the expression of persons, the intonation of the voices. The prohibitions adequately react, stopping their actions for a while. Eight-month-old children are very emotional and sensitive. A small child is already with interest considering his reflection in the mirror, smiling at him, touching. The mood at this age changes very quickly. Small children easily express both their joy and discontent. To the bad mood is not delayed, it is necessary to switch the attention of the baby to a pleasant object: a toy, an hour, a cartoon. Intellectual development of the child in 8 months is formed especially actively. The kid at this period of life is very curious. His actions begin to occur no longer on the instinctive level, but on the conscious. The child receives information, analyzes it and draws conclusions. He has a good memory, observation. The child remembers the latest events and reacts actively to a new thing in the apartment. He already knows how to compare objects, to evaluate their quality. However, the speed of development of the child's mental abilities depends on the speed of his adaptation to the environment. This means that parents need to talk more with the baby, talk about the new, help them acquire new skills. Karapuz easily fulfills simple requests: "wiggle with a pen", "crawl to my mother", etc. He easily finds the necessary items, and he can point to the object that interested him. Some babies are already beginning to say the first words: "baba", "mom", "dad", "give". They continue to babble, while trying to imitate the sounds, voices of adults. With the help of syllables, children are already able to express their requests, desires and emotions. With the help of gestures they "communicate" with adults. At this age, the child begins to distinguish his name and respond to it. This fact is a very important stage in the development of a small person. games for eight-month-old children

Physical training with a child of eight months

Good physical development of the eight-monththe child is characterized by his ability to crawl. Before learning how to get up, stand and walk, the kid first has to learn how to get on all fours. The absence or change of the order of the basic movements may indicate a violation of the nervous system. These violations can themselves and pass, and may remain, later manifested in reading and writing. Crawling is also training the muscles of the body. If the baby early rose on the legs, bypassing the stage of crawling, then as a result, he can get a twisted spine, crooked legs, lack of mobility of the muscular corset. So, crawling is a very important moment in the development of crumbs. To the child began to crawl well, you should deal with it with a certain set of physical exercises:

  • Exercise in the bath. To do this, put the baby on the bottom of the tub with a tummy and gradually fill the container with water. As a result of filling, the water will begin to lift the baby under the belly, causing it to stand on all fours. At the same time, you must be very careful and careful not to choke the child!
  • Classes at the home sports complex with rings and a slide. Exercises with these devices are a good simulator for the muscles of the hands and feet.
  • Exercises with a slide. Holding the baby, you have to put it head down the hill and start the descent. The child will instinctively stand on all fours.
  • Walking "on hands". To do this, raise the child by the legs, so that he stands on the handles. He will really like this occupation, if at the same time it is also rocking back and forth. The surface of the floor should not be slippery, but not soft (fluffy carpets).
  • Showing love and attention to his child, hisdevelopment and upbringing can give excellent results in the future. So, the development of a child of 8 months is characterized by the onset of a new stage, not only physical, but also emotional and intellectual. At this age, a small person is actively getting to know the world around him. The participation and attention of parents is very important here. Only a loving mother is able to feel her child and give him the necessary attention and care.

