chemical face peeling at home Often, while most of the womenfair sex shine with youth and beauty, they do not always think about the problems of wrinkles, traces of fatigue, goose paws on the skin of the face and similar "joys". It is believed that these signs of aging creep towards women, beginning with middle age. But this attitude to the problem is fundamentally wrong. Scientists have proven that our skin is subject to the aging process throughout life. One of the most cherished desires of women on planet Earth is to stop the aging process. And in order to fulfill it, scientists have tried hard and invented a revolutionary method of preserving the youth and beauty of the skin of the face for many years. His name is chemical peeling. In an accessible language is the removal of the top layer of the skin. Thanks to this "damage", the human body "includes protective mechanisms" and begins to produce collagen and elastin, which ultimately leads to a sharp regeneration of skin cells. To conduct such a procedure mechanically, you will have to survive traumatic consequences. But with the help of a chemical method, this dubious "pleasure" can be avoided. Chemical peeling is very popular among women, who are eager to get the skin rejuvenation effect very quickly. But fans of this procedure should have information about the depth of the exfoliation, possible risk and result. To do this, you must first deal with the types of skin aging and determine your own in each individual case.

What are the types of skin aging?

The first type of aging refers to the skin without visiblewrinkles, with thin lines and epidermal cords, without pigmentation and hyperkeratosis. Rejuvenation of such skin can be carried out only with the help of superficial peeling with the correct selection of cosmetic products. The second type of aging refers to the skin with wrinkles in the dynamics, the first pigment spots, when probing zones of keratinization and roughness. In this case, the use of medium peeling is indicated. The third type refers to the skin with wrinkles resting, uneven pigmentation and hyperkeratosis. It is desirable to use a medial and deep peeling. Skin, entirely covered with wrinkles and resembling crumpled and straightened paper, refers to the fourth type of aging. In this case, a deep peeling and lifting of the skin of the face is required. chemical peeling at home for the face

Features of peeling for different skin types

Chemical peeling of oily, mixed ornormal skin can be carried out several times a week. For more sensitive and thin skin, this procedure is shown only once in 2 weeks. For dry skin, you should choose recipes for chemical peeling with alpha hydrochloric acid content. They improve the susceptibility of the skin to moisturizing creams. In addition, the skin due to peeling will be better to breathe and shine with health. Oily or mixed skin requires regular chemical peeling. It is useful to know that owners of such skin should use cosmetics containing glycolic acid, which will hide the reddened pores. To peel sensitive skin should be approached very carefully. Of course, it is better to choose a mechanical version of it, which does not irritate the skin. But you can use the chemical, using the acids with a low concentration.

Peeling in the salon or at home: where it is best to conduct it?

Depending on what depth of the exfoliation you arechoose, such will be the expected result. It should be remembered that the use of a medial and deep peeling is indicated for the prevention of skin cancer. But if you find suspicious lesions on your face, you better refuse this procedure and consult a specialist. If, in addition to signs of aging on the skin, there are also defects in the form of scars, scars and stretch marks, you just need to peel regardless of age. In the future, as a result of the efforts, a young and attractive appearance is assured to you. Of course, the best chemical peeling will only be done by a professional doctor with special knowledge in a specialized clinic or salon and sterile conditions. In the same place, a specialist will determine the duration of the full course of rejuvenation. But the prices for such procedures are high, so not everyone can afford to use salon services. How to preserve beauty and youth without tangible material costs? The answer is simple: make yourself a chemical peel yourself at home. Remember that in this case, you need to be extremely careful and observe all the rules for safe handling of acids, although for this, weak solutions are used. In addition, at home, you can only make such a chemical peel, which will apply to the surface type.

What are the types of chemical peeling?

What are the advantages of chemical peelingon the basis of acids? Thanks to it, the structure of the skin improves significantly, mimic and superficial wrinkles are removed, tone is restored, melanin production is regulated, the process of pigmentation is slowed down. To conduct such a peeling at home, masks, special compositions (containing fruit acids of low concentration) and enzymes are used. This mixture helps dissolve dead cells. And, notice, the procedure is completely painless. Agree, this is much better than mechanical damage that can leave scratches. Fruit acids are different: lactic, malic, citric and glycolic. But, since the solutions are very weak, their action is usually intensified by acids of other species (salicylic, retinol and ascorbic). In some recipes, you can see the addition of antioxidants and bleaches. A chemical face peeling performed at home will make your skin radiant. Cosmetologists know that light in the dead cells of the upper layer of the skin is very weakly reflected. But if you exfoliate them, new cells will open. They are more closely adhered to each other, which in turn contributes to the appearance of a healthy shine. Therefore, you will look younger. With the help of regular peeling at home, cell renewal accelerates, and in the deep layers of the skin the production of collagen and elastin is enhanced. This procedure can make small spots on the skin invisible. To do this, simply include a whitening substance in the peeling recipe (for example, vitamin C). The skin will become perfectly smooth, soft and supple. The number of wrinkles will be greatly reduced by regular cellular renewal of the skin. Chemical face peeling performed at home, works on a thorough cleansing of the skin. Therefore, one can not worry about the clogging of pores and the appearance of unaesthetic spots.

Simple recipes for chemical peeling at home

Slightly concentrated salicylic acidIdeal for home oily skin peeling. This drug helps to exfoliate all unnecessary, remove inflammation and cleanse the pores, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, prevent the appearance of acne, reduce the traces of acne and smooth out the complexion. Another advantage of this acid is that it does not penetrate deep layers of the skin. Therefore, it can not harm and cause side effects. Calcium chloride is also very effective during the chemical peeling of oily and combination skin. This drug requires very careful use at home. If everything is done correctly, you can achieve amazing results, almost no different from salon procedures. Preliminary, you should make a peeling test on a closed area of ​​the body. With a positive reaction, you can proceed to face treatment. Note that chemical peeling with calcium chloride should not be done by women whose skin is dry, sensitive, prone to redness and rash, or there are obvious damaged or inflamed areas. Owners of combined skin should only peel the T-zone. The recipe is relatively simple. You will need to buy in any pharmacy a five-ten-percent solution of calcium chloride in glass containers in the form of bottles. For beginners, advise a 10% solution of the drug to be diluted additionally with saline or ordinary water. Also take a baby soap on healing herbs. Further, with a cotton swab or a cosmetic disk moistened in the above solution, the surface of the facial skin is treated and left in a state of rest until it dries completely (the procedure must be repeated 5 times). It should be noted that the effect of calcium chloride on the skin should not be a sensation of strong tingling or burning. If such a problem occurs, immediately rinse with baby soap and rinse your face with warm water. After drying the last layer of calcium chloride, you can proceed to easy soaping the skin with a baby soap. In this case, the solution must roll down. Massaging the face should be done carefully, with the same procedure repeated and the remaining solution is rolled off. At the same time, you will certainly feel how the horny layer of skin is literally removed. Remember that if done correctly, the skin begins to "creak" under your fingers. This means that it's time to wash everything off your face. Naturally, peeling will lead to inflammation and dehydration of the skin. You must be ready for this not only morally. Prepare ingredients to prepare a soothing and anti-inflammatory mask. In such a case, herbal infusions mixed with finely ground oat flakes and baby powder will be very useful. Adding tea tree oil in such a mask will make it not only soothing, but also anti-inflammatory. After 10 minutes, wash the mask with warm water and use a light moisturizer. Some masters of chemical peeling at home also recommend using this recipe, but from the end. That is, after applying to the skin a layer of soap foam, you need to massage it with your fingers, moistened in a solution of calcium chloride, periodically moisturizing them. In this variant, the main thing is not to overdo it and the result will simply stun you. There is another miracle cure for face peeling. To make it, you need to grind 40 grams of dry powder into powder and mix with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution until a creamy mass is obtained. The face must be cleaned and steamed beforehand. The area of ​​eyebrows, lips and eyelids should be lubricated with petroleum jelly in order to avoid intensive exposure to them. Do not forget rubber gloves for hand safety. The resulting mixture with a cotton swab, apply to the skin and rub in soft circular motions. The mask should be held on the face until completely dry - about 20 minutes. After that you need to wash your face with warm water. Do not wipe your face with a towel, just blot it with a gauze napkin. To complete the procedure, powder the skin with talcum powder. To soften the skin, use borax Vaseline. Such peeling should be done daily, but not more than 3-4 times a week. Avoid direct sunlight on the skin. At home, chemical peeling should be done only closer to the night. During sleep, the skin will calm down, and the risk of exposure to ultraviolet rays will be excluded. chemical peeling for the face at home

What else you need to know about the procedure?

Whatever the preparation for the home chemicalpeeling you did not choose, be sure to read the instructions for its use. In addition, remember the elementary rules applied for almost all skin types. First, clean and dry the skin. Then apply a small amount of the drug on the face, except the area around the eyes. Soak for 5 minutes and rinse well with warm water. Even better, if you use a neutralizing agent to remove the peeling. Next line of moisturizing cream. If the skin still showed obvious signs of irritation, use cool lotions from the herb tincture alternating. After carrying out a chemical peeling try not to touch the face, do not use make-up and most importantly - do not go out in the sun. Direct sunlight adversely affects the skin, which was subjected to chemical peeling. Therefore, in spring and summer, this procedure should be carried out very carefully. The frequency of application of a soft peel depends on the type of skin. For owners of dry skin is enough and 1 time in 2 weeks. And oily skin requires an intervention 4 times more often. Deeper peeling can "pamper" your skin no more than once in 2 weeks for 6 months. Do not neglect the test for an allergic reaction before the procedure. In no case do chemical peeling at home, if you are experiencing individual intolerance to drugs, hypersensitivity to the skin, there are neoplasms and inflammatory processes, there is an active herpes. In addition, if you have cardiovascular disease, are pregnant or breastfeed, it is better to avoid peeling in order to avoid undesirable consequences. As already mentioned above, after the procedure, avoid contact with the skin of ultraviolet rays for another 10 days. If you want to conduct chemical peeling of your skin at home, start with a proven home remedy. Remember that peeling is not a panacea for all skin problems. Therefore, try to look after it every day not only with the help of cosmetics, but also through a healthy lifestyle. Take care of yourself, take care of yourself and be beautiful and healthy!

