First courses are undoubtedly the basisa full meal. When Ukrainian borscht, Russian shchi or nutritious broths with vermicelli or noodles get boring, it is not a sin to treat yourself and your loved ones with exquisite dishes belonging to the fantasy of French chefs. Whichever recipe-representative of the above-mentioned cuisine you take in your hands, each of them will turn out to be a real masterpiece. Don't believe me? Then let's look at the cooking procedure together, perhaps, of one of the traditional dishes of this country, whose name is cheese soup with chicken. To master the dish, you do not need special culinary skills, and it is not at all necessary to have great talents, because everything is simple and very clear. And a weighty argument in favor of delicate chicken broth with cheese and pieces of fillet is the fact that the necessary ingredients included in this or that soup recipe can be easily purchased in any supermarket. In addition, note that its preparation takes no more than half an hour, and this, you must agree, is a benefit to housewives who cannot devote a lot of free time to cooking. French cheese soups are considered universal dishes - they are served not only for lunch, but also for guests at special events. The dish is nutritious and at the same time moderately caloric, so it is an excellent substitute for meat with a side dish for dinner.
Soup with chicken broth with tender meat and mushrooms
We invite you to master the first recipe for an exquisite and,undoubtedly, a quick-to-cook dish that combines all the most important qualities: incredibly delicate taste, economy and simplicity. Considering all of the above, cheese soup with chicken can be safely classified as an original dish worthy of aristocrats. Thanks to fresh mushrooms and processed product, the dish has a truly perfect juicy creamy taste and amazing aroma. At the same time, unlike traditional soups with cereals or noodles, the dish described below turns out to be hearty enough to become the basis for a festive lunch or dinner. At the same time, you can complement the meal with only a vegetable salad with lots of greens, and none of the guests will leave the table hungry. By the way, the recipe for the last dish with tomatoes, cucumbers and other ingredients can also be found on our website. We hope we were able to interest you, if so, then let's get down to the culinary procedure. In addition to the tender chicken soup, we suggest baking bread and making aromatic croutons. Ingredients: For the soup (for four people):
- 1000 ml of purified water
- 100 g of processed cheese (you need a normal product without additives)
- two medium potatoes (soup-puree will be more homogeneous and tender if you use vegetables of "pink" varieties, which are perfectly boiled)
- carrot
- bulb - one piece
- salt
- 190 g of fresh champignons
- one average chicken fillet (weighing approximately 200 g)
- butter - for frying
For the croutons:
- four large slices of a white loaf
- a tablespoon of dried Provencal herbs
- vegetable oil - a large spoon
Method of preparation: Для начала следует сделать сухарики, конечно, всегда можно использовать «коммерческие», купленные в ближайшем магазине, но продукт собственного приготовления, согласитесь, гораздо аппетитнее и, несомненно, полезнее. К тому же рецепт сухариков до смешного простой – так почему бы не уделить ему несколько минут своего времени? Сделать их рекомендуется заранее, чтобы они как следует остыли к подаче основного блюда. Итак, первым делом необходимо нарезать небольшими кубиками белый батон, после в глубокую тарелку насыпьте ложку прованских трав. Отметим, что традиционно эти специи состоят из нескольких видов засушенной зелени, а именно: мяты, душицы, шалфея, майорана, базилика и розмарина. Теперь добавьте к травам несколько миллилитров растительного масла, предпочтительнее использовать оливковое. Тщательно разотрите ингредиенты вилкой и в полученную смесь опустите кусочки заранее порезанного батона. Хорошо перемешайте продукты, при этом делать это нужно очень быстро, чтобы хлеб успел достаточно пропитаться маслом и специями, в то же время полностью не размок и не распался на части. Рецепт гренок подошел к логическому завершению: выложите их на противень, покрытый специальной бумагой или пергаментом, после отправьте в разогретую до 180 градусов духовку. Примерно через пятнадцать минут они подрумянятся и начнут источать безумно аппетитный аромат. Значит, пора вынимать посуду. Кстати, существует еще один вариант: при желании можете подсушить гренки на обычной сковороде. Только заранее обработайте ее небольшим количеством масла, иначе рискуете сжечь хлеб. При этом сама процедура приготовления сухариков сокращается практически вдвое — обжаривайте их при постоянном помешивании до появления красивого золотистого оттенка не дольше пяти-семи минут. Готовые гренки рекомендуем выложить на бумажное полотенце, которое впитает лишние остатки растительного масла. Рецепт румяных сухариков для супа вами освоен, поэтому можно смело переходить к основному блюду. Сделаем его, пока остывают гренки. Итак, сначала необходимо обжарить овощи и грибы. Для этого очищенную морковку натрите на тёрке, а репчатый лук порубите на кубики минимального размера. Оба продукта высыпьте в сотейник с толстым дном, где уже разогревается масло, и тушите их при регулярном помешивании до мягкого состояния. Важно, чтобы овощи не получились слишком зажаренными, иначе нежнейший сливочный вкус супа может перебить довольно резкий, неприятный аромат пережаренных ингредиентов. Теперь хорошо промойте филе, предварительно сняв с него лишнюю пленку и срезав, если это необходимо, жир. Пока оно стекает, порубите очищенные шампиньоны на тонкие дольки, затем точно так же, как и вышеуказанные овощи, подрумяньте их в сковородке. Грибы можно обжаривать отдельно или вместе с остальными продуктами. Вернемся к куриному филе: выложите его в кастрюлю с кипящей, чуть подсоленной водой, и доведите до готовности. Тем временем срежьте с картофеля кожуру и разделайте его на крупные кубики. Советуем сделать суп-пюре, который получается более нежным и аппетитным по сравнению с классическим первым блюдом. Как видите, рецепт очень простой и уже близится к завершению, поверьте, осталось совсем немного. Налейте в кастрюлю необходимое количество воды, поставьте ее на огонь и вскипятите. Как только жидкость начнет бурлить, выложите в нее морковно-луковую поджарку, затем грибы и в самом конце брусочки картофеля. Когда последний размягчится и будет практически готов, посолите кушанье, ориентируясь на свой вкус, сюда же введите куриное филе, заранее порезанное средними кубиками. Варите суп еще около пяти минут, уменьшив пламя конфорки. По истечении указанного времени высыпьте в горячий бульон тертый плавленый сыр. После добавления последнего будет достаточно буквально трех минут, чтобы продукт полностью растворился, а блюдо приобрело нежнейший сливочный вкус и аромат. При этом его цвет станет молочным. Как упоминалось выше, можно сделать суп-пюре: просто вареный картофель и остальные ингредиенты взбейте в блендере, потом высыпьте их в кипящий бульон с сыром. Хотите разнообразить рецепт и придать своему творению оригинальный внешний вид? Тогда непосредственно перед подачей украсьте каждую порцию ароматного кушанья тертым плавленым продуктом, смешанным с прованскими приправами. Нередко сырный суп с курицей ставят на стол со сметаной или жирными сливками. Неважно, каким вы его приготовите — похожим на пюре или, оставаясь верной традициям, традиционно жидким, — в любом случае, попробовав французское кушанье один раз, больше отказаться от него вы не сможете. Надеемся, это блюдо попадет в список ваших любимых семейных рецептов. Желаем успешных кулинарных экспериментов и благодарных едоков.
Cheese cream soup with smoked chicken
Many housewives are perplexed by the differencepureed soups from first courses of creamy consistency. Everything is very simple: thanks to certain ingredients, the latter are more viscous and dense. Usually, cream or sour cream of high fat content, often special sauces, act as a thickener. Agree, the first course prepared in the form of puree is very often associated with baby or diet food. However, in European cuisine there are a thousand and one recipes for dishes with a creamy consistency. Right now, let's consider one of these options - we will cook cheese soup with the addition of pieces of smoked chicken fillet. The procedure for its preparation is so simple that even a schoolchild or a novice housewife, devoid of practice and culinary experience, can make the dish. The taste of this unusual soup is delicate and unique - you will see, it will not leave anyone indifferent. Ingredients (based on five adult servings):
- cooking salt - at the discretion of the hostess
- purified water - 1200 ml
- 180-220 g of potatoes
- one piece of orange carrots (choose a vegetable larger)
- large shallots
- 195 g smoked fillet
- a small piece of hard cheese (you can add no more than 100 g of Russian or Edam cheese to the cream soup)
- 25 ml of cream of high fat content
- fresh dill or parsley (the recipe can always be changed a little - if necessary, take dried herbs)
- 30 g melted butter
Method of preparation:Each recipe is a unique combination of ingredients, which results in incredibly appetizing dishes. If we talk about French cuisine, and it is its secrets that we are trying to master today, then every dish here is a true masterpiece. What is the hearty and at the same time incredibly tender cream soup with a smoked aroma of chicken fillet worth. Agree, it sounds delicious. Believe me, this dish is worth making, so we suggest rushing into battle, especially since this procedure will take a maximum of 40 minutes. First, peel the carrots, then grate them on a medium grater. Now let's get down to the shallots: cut them into large half rings and begin to stew the vegetables in a preheated frying pan with melted butter. Be sure to stir the mixture periodically so that it does not burn. As soon as the onion becomes more transparent, reduce the burner, switching it to the minimum flame. The products are browned for three to five minutes. Meanwhile, fill the pot with water, leaving four fingers of water from the top. Chop the peeled potatoes into medium-sized slices, and grate the hard cheese on the smallest grater. The smoked fillet is left: cut it into thin strips, try to make them the same thickness. As soon as the water boils, pour in the raw potatoes, and after about 20 minutes, when they soften and begin to fall apart, add the stewed vegetable mixture. Lightly salt and pepper the soup, then let it boil for one or two minutes. If you want to make it more like a puree, mash the ingredients with a mortar, then return them back to the broth and continue cooking. If you have an immersion blender, grind the mass until creamy right in the pot. Wait a little more time, then add the remaining ingredients to the dish: cheese and chicken pieces. The main task at the last stage is to prevent the dairy product from sticking to the sides of the dish. To do this, pour it into the boiling broth very carefully, in small portions. The recipe suggests using hard varieties of cheese, but if you do not have such cheese, take several packs of regular processed cheese. Stir the soup with a spoon periodically, sprinkle it with freshly chopped herbs at the very end and pour in the cream. When you are done, immediately remove the dish from the heat. Its consistency should be similar to pancake batter. If for some reason the soup is too thick (for example, you put too much potato or cheese), you can dilute it with hot boiled water or the same cream - just add a little more than indicated in the ingredients. All cream soups are usually served hot immediately after cooking, since after cooling they lose their wonderful creamy consistency. However, rest assured that the cheese soup with an incredible creamy aroma will be loved by your whole family. Even the most fastidious connoisseurs of delicious food will not refuse such a dish.
Soup with cheese, tomatoes, bell pepper and chicken
Lovers of first courses should definitely try thiswrite down the following recipe for a stunning cheese soup with pieces of tender chicken, fresh tomatoes, and bell peppers. The latter gives the dish a slightly sweet, truly spring flavor, and the butter in which the products are fried makes it tender and piquant. The culinary instructions presented to the readers' judgment will certainly become one of the most striking in your collection of first courses. The main feature of the latter is that it can be served as a regular soup or, if desired, brought to a creamy state. This is done using a regular immersion blender. Be that as it may, in both cases the taste of the cheese and vegetable soup with chicken remains amazingly tender and exquisite. Ingredients:
- fine salt
- 1.5 liters of water for broth
- three large potatoes
- two ripe, fresh, strong tomatoes
- 100 g carrots
- 18 ml of melted butter
- white bulb
- a large Bulgarian pepper - one piece (we recommend using a red vegetable)
- medium fillet (fresh or smoked)
- two packets of cream cheese
- a few cloves of garlic (two or three will be enough)
- fifteen grams of fresh parsley
Method of preparation:First of all, you need to boil the chicken fillet, pre-washed and peeled. For this, you will need a deep saucepan and 1200 ml of cold purified water. We think what to do next is clear: when the liquid boils, salt it and put the fillet in it. After about 25 minutes, take the chicken out with a slotted spoon, cool it and separate it into fibers with your hands. If you want, you can simply cut the fillet into pieces. Do not pour out the remaining broth: put it back on low heat, put the bird here and continue cooking the future soup. Pre-peeled and thinly sliced potatoes should be added to the chicken, then cook the dish until the ingredient begins to disintegrate. Without wasting a minute of precious time, chop the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots into strips on a medium grater. Combine the above ingredients in a saucepan with butter and fry, stirring, until half-cooked. Now peel the tomatoes; this is quite easy to do if you pour boiling water over the fruits beforehand. Cut them into small pieces and add them to the carrot and onion mixture. Simmer the vegetable mixture under the lid for about five minutes, and at the very end season it with garlic, crushed with a press. Pour the resulting frying into the boiling broth with potatoes and chicken, bring it to a boil, and before turning off the heat, pour the bell pepper, cheese, and chopped greens into the bowl. Let the soup steep for about half an hour before serving. The first courses of French cuisine, the recipes for which were presented above, are especially good with croutons of white or rye bread, so if possible, complement your freshly prepared dishes with them. We recommend serving them with homemade sour cream or low-fat mayonnaise. It should be noted that the chicken fillet can be replaced with lean beef, and vegetarians will appreciate the cheese soup with vegetables in lean broth. Have a nice time in the kitchen and delicious dishes!