cervicitis Cervicitis is one of the mostcommon gynecological diseases. What is this attack, and how to deal with it? Doctors call this term an inflammatory process that seizes the mucous membranes of the cervix. However, it is not necessary to confuse cervicitis with cervical erosion, in which ulceration of the mucous membrane of the cervix. In order for a woman to develop cervicitis, it is necessary to introduce into the sexual organs of women various pathogenic pathogenic flora. As a rule, the causative agents of cervicitis are either pyogenic bacteria or gonococci. In addition, the causative agents that provoke cervicitis are:

  • Intestinal sticks. Incidentally, most often infection with the E. coli occurs through the fault of the woman herself - as a result of the fact that the rules of personal hygiene are not properly observed. Remember the golden rule that every woman should know, and every little girl - to wash out is necessary from the front back - from the vagina to the anal opening, but in no way the other way around.
  • Streptococci.
  • Staphylococci.
  • Infectious diseases, sexually transmitted infections. Most often, cervicitis develops due to diseases such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and others.

Most often this disease affectswomen who are of childbearing age. And this feature has a well-grounded basis. Initially, the cervical canal - the cervical canal - is absolutely sterile. However, if trauma occurs - for example, ruptures due to traumatic births, miscarriages, abortions, insertion of intrauterine contraceptives into the uterine cavity, or if there is a decrease in the cervix and vagina, erosion of the cervix, the cervical canal becomes very vulnerable to penetration of various pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. In addition, often the disease occurs as a result of improper use of intravaginal contraceptives - vaginal caps, tablets, suppositories. Therefore, it is so important to consult with a gynecologist before using any contraceptive, which will help you choose the most suitable means for you and, importantly, teach you how to use it correctly to reduce the risk of injury to the cervical canal of the cervix. However, unfortunately, trauma to the cervical canal is not the only case in which infection with pathogenic microflora can occur. Often, cervicitis is observed simultaneously with a number of gynecological diseases, for example, such as:

  • Erosion of the cervix, especially in a neglected state, is bleeding profusely.
  • All without exception, varieties of colpitis, especially acute.
  • Endometritis, both acute and chronic forms.
  • Acute and chronic form of salpingo-oophoritis.

And strict order does not exist -Cervicitis can occur both before the development of the underlying disease, and after its onset. But in any case, the cervicitis requires immediate medical attention to the gynecologist for accurate diagnosis and selection of an individual treatment regimen. cervicitis

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Disease

When should I see a doctor? Of course, with the very first symptoms of the disease. However, pay attention to the fact that manifestations of cervicitis even in the most acute stage can be expressed very little - a woman can not always pay special attention to them. Incidentally, in recent years, an increasing number of gynecological diseases is virtually asymptomatic, and it is possible to detect them only at the next preventive examination with a gynecologist. And it often happens that a woman turns to a gynecologist with one disease, and the doctor discovers a whole "bouquet." However, let us return to the symptoms of cervicitis of the cervix. As a rule, sick women complain about:

  • Vaginal discharge, which may not be very different from normal, but can be extremely abundant, with changes in color and smell.
  • In the event that the whiteness is too much, a woman can begin to experience very strong itching and burning sensation in the genital area.
  • In especially severe cases, but, fortunately, it is rare, a woman can experience quite strong pain in the lower abdomen.

In order to diagnose a disease, a doctor- a gynecologist will first examine a woman on a gynecological mirror, using special mirrors. There is a strong edema of the mucous membrane of the uterus and its hyperemia. In the same case, if the disease progresses a long time, and is in neglected form, sooner or later the inflammatory process involves not only the mucous membrane of the uterus, but also the muscular layer of the cervical canal. The way in which the disease develops depends on two main factors: the causative agent of the disease, and the state of the body's immune system. Most often there is an acute form of inflammation, however, and chronic cervicitis - also not uncommon, occurs in about three cases out of ten. And chronic cervicitis is not more difficult to recognize. Neither painful sensations, nor any pathological excretions can be at all. And the only sign of the existing disease will be the densification and thickening of the cervix of the uterus, determined during manual gynecological examination, namely chronic cervicitis leads to similar changes.

Treatment of the disease

Immediately after it is installedthe presence of this disease, the doctor will appoint a number of studies, the result of which will reliably establish the provoking factor, which led to the development of cervicitis. After that, the doctor will pick up those antibacterial drugs that will effectively fight the infectious agent itself. And in the acute stage of the disease, antibiotic therapy should be both internally, for the whole organism, and for the local - only complex treatment can save the disease. Well, if the infection has penetrated the body for a long time, and the disease has taken a chronic form, in addition to antibacterial drugs, a woman is shown physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as taking drugs that improve the functioning of the immune system. Unfortunately, cervicitis is not always so easy to treat - and this is not surprising, because the pathogen can penetrate not only into the cervical canal, but also into the cavity of the uterus itself. And for carrying out various medical procedures the disease becomes practically inaccessible. In the same case, if treatment lasts for a considerable period of time, and an effective result is not observed, the doctor can decide whether to perform, either laser therapy, or cryotherapy. To prevent cervicitis, a woman must carefully observe personal hygiene, especially during menstrual periods, and be protected during sexual intercourse. And most importantly, a woman should consult a doctor at least once every six months for a prophylactic examination. All diseases captured at an early stage of development, are treated much faster and easier than in a neglected form. We advise you to read:

