care for fuchsia Simply gorgeous flowers from this regular of ourssills - colorful, bright, unusual shape, similar to dancing dancers. By the way, the popular name of fuchsia is a ballerina. Many beautifully flowered houseplants are moody and require special care. But fuchsia is a pleasant exception. It is unpretentious and, perhaps, thanks to this, it has gained such popularity. Caring for fuchsia is not difficult even for beginners florists.

Types of Fuchsia

Genus fuchsia from the mountain forests of America, where shegrows under the canopy of trees, wrapped in cool fogs. These are small shrubs and trees, numbering more than one hundred species. However, in indoor floriculture, not so many species of this remarkable plant are known. Fuchsia is exquisite. Shrub, reaching a meter height with thin drooping reddish shoots and lanceolate leaves. Her graceful flowers hang on filiform pedicels. The pink or red flower cup has the shape of a narrow dissected funnel. Corolla in the form of a bell is painted in red violet color, and long stamens and a pestle are carmine-red. Fuchsia sparkling - a half-shrub up to two meters high. Its reddish stems are lignified at the base, and the leaves have an unusually large size for this genus (about 20 cm in length). Flowers are collected in thick panicles. The calyx of the flower is bright red with pale yellow teeth. The short corolla has a rich coral color. Fuchsia hybrid - the most common type of indoor fuchsia, numbering more than two thousand varieties. Among hybrid fuchsias there are also low-growing plants, and stamping forms, and erect shrubs, and specimens with hanging shoots. Their flowers are distinguished by a special variety of color and shape. In their coloring the whole range is represented - from milky-white and tender pink to richly violet and purple-red. A fantastic effect is achieved by contrasting a combination of different shades in the coloration of one flower. Ensure that your fuchsia is blossoming and delighting you - care by all the rules, attention and care on your part. fuchsia care

Rules for successful fuchsia growing

Blossom fuchsii violently and continuously from spring tolate autumn. For abundant flowering, this plant needs rest in winter, when plants partially discard the leaves. At this time, watering is minimized and the fuchsia is kept in cool and relatively dry conditions. And in the spring they move to a warm place and transplant them into a loose soil mixture (two parts of leaf land and one part of humus, sand and peat). Transplanted fuchsia is placed on a bright spot, ensuring a constant flow of fresh air, protecting from direct sun and spraying on especially hot days. Water them during the flowering period abundantly, but not often - once every two to three weeks. In order for the plant not to lose flowers and buds, it does not disturb, shifting from place to place. General care for fuchsia is reduced to certain requirements, which look like this:

  • temperature - moderate or slightly lower (20-20 degrees);
  • light - bright, but with shading from the direct sun;
  • watering - abundant during flowering and temperate during dormancy;
  • transplantation - annual, in the spring before the beginning of flowering or in the autumn after it;
  • reproduction in spring and summer with stem cuttings.

Possible difficulties in growing

Despite the unpretentiousness of fuchsia, they can sometimes be capricious. In what way is this expressed?

  • Fall of leaves. The cause of this may be too warm air, lack of moisture or light. The solution to the problem is spraying, copious watering, good lighting.
  • Falling buds can cause waterlogging or insufficient watering. In addition, the plant can thus react to heat and change of place.
  • Short flowering period. The reason for this may be incorrect maintenance in winter (excess watering, warm wintering) or poor feeding.
  • The appearance of brown spots on the leaves provokes excessive watering in the winter.
  • As you can see, for the successful cultivation of fuchsiayou need very little: properly organized period of rest, proper watering, bright light and moderately warm air. Agree that for such an unusually beautiful flower is not too high requirements. Try to just follow the rules and then fuchsia and caring for it will give you only pleasant troubles. And the fireworks of her wonderful flowers will more than pay off all your "labor". We advise you to read:

