nail extensions at home Nail extensions every year gains allgreat popularity, because it simplifies the care of manicure. This procedure becomes a real find for those women who can not boast of healthy nails. Build-up guarantees an elegant manicure and well-groomed appearance and adds a certain zest to the image of a modern successful woman. What if you do not have the means or ability to regularly visit a manicurist in order to maintain your nails in perfect condition? The output is obvious - you need to learn how to build up at home. At first glance, this seems difficult, because many simply do not know which technology is used to build up and how to properly get down to business. But this is quite realistic. Of course, it will take a lot of time and effort. For example, to revise the mass of magazines to study the build-up of nails at home. But you will get a lot of advantages: save money and will no longer depend on the master. But it's best to just read this article. In it, we'll look at various ways of building up - for example, acrylic or using gel or overhead tips, - and explain in detail how to grow nails at home. how to grow nails at home

Methods of building

False nails The fastest and most economical option- buy artistic tips with a special glue, read the instructions attached to them and glue them to the nails. Unfortunately, such a manicure does not look very natural, if sticking tipsy sloppy. Their shape can not be changed, and the picture does not differ fantasy and individuality. The kit includes ten tips, and the glue dries almost instantly. Without a certain skill it is difficult to paste such tips smoothly. The glue deforms the horny plate, pulling it to a rigid tip. After such experiments, the nails may need to be treated. First, correct the length of the tips. This must be done before you paste them. The longer their length, the less they will last. Next, prepare your nails. Remove the old lacquer, cuticle and burr. podpilite. Wash your hands and dry them. Pick up overhead tips for each finger, arrange them in order, that would not get confused. Drip some glue into the center of the false nail and distribute it with the spout of the vial over the entire surface. Attach it to the natural nail and squeeze it for ten seconds. Have they glued it? Now remove excess glue that came out from under the plates, and cover the tips with your favorite lacquer. To remove false nails, drip a little liquid under the plate to remove varnish with acetone and gently lift it with a manicure stick. Acrylic nails Acrylic is a compound of powder and liquid. Initially, it was used in dentistry, and more recently acrylics have been used in cosmetology. There are two methods: creating nails on tips and on forms. In the second case, the plate is formed directly from the polymer material. To the positive moments can be attributed a good protection of their own nails from the negative influence of the environment, the strength of the material, the long life of acrylic nails (up to four months). There are also minuses: an unpleasant smell, a small toxicity. If you do not know how to build acrylic nails at home, read this little manual. Starting materials: acrylic, liquid for increasing the adhesion of natural nail with artificial nail, solvent, degreaser, brush and nail files. All this can be freely purchased in specialized stores. A full set will cost you about $ 100. At first glance this is a rather big sum. But all materials are enough for a long time, so the money will pay off very quickly.

  • Building on forms:

Before making a correction with acrylic,Wash and disinfect hands. Do a manicure, podpilite length. Grind through all nails, remove dust from the nail plate and around it. Apply a special preparation for cleansing and let it dry. Set the shape and glue its ends to create the future nail. Then pour liquid into the container, soak the brush into the monomer. Well wring the brush from the liquid so that it remains almost dry. Then, draw a ball with a camouflaging powder. It should look like a hedgehog. If the ball is wet, you can not work with it. Acryle simply spreads over the nail. Wait until the ball is impregnated with liquid and apply it to the mold. Roll it in shape and cuticle zone, stepping back from the cuticle itself by one millimeter. Create the desired shape of your nail. Continue to build up this way until you reach the desired result. You can make yourself ordinary nails, or the French manicure - with the help of white and pink powder. You can also make fantasy drawings with different colors of powder, acrylic paints and different accessories. Remove the shape with tweezers. Saw the free edge and the entire surface of the artificial nail, sand and polish it.

  • Correction:

Write down the nail, paying special attentionborder between artificial and natural surface. After that, grease the work surface with a degreaser and a coupling fluid. Avoid getting liquids on the cuticle. Begin the coating by laying acrylic on the surface of the nail, simulate an exact copy of its natural shape. Wait three to four minutes for the material to freeze. The next step - washed the surface. Polish the surface until it is perfectly smooth and shiny. Repeat the procedure with the rest of the nails. That's all, now you know how to build nails acrylic at home. Gel nails This method is the most popular. Its essence is that when the nail plate is grown, both semi-synthetic and natural components are used. The most commonly used resin is a coniferous tree species. Pros: safe materials for health, antibacterial qualities of the gel, a natural look of manicure. The last innovation is the laying under the tips of silk fabric for additional strengthening of the nail and acceleration of the procedure of building up. In addition, now you can decorate your manicure with beads, rhinestones, colored foil. Be a little diligent and imaginative, and you will be proud of how nails grew at home. There are only two disadvantages to this method: relatively high cost and the need to re-build with a nail break. Remember that the extension procedure in any case can not be absolutely safe. Quite often there are micro-trauma nails. Sometimes it is possible to penetrate fungi or infection. Any fungal disease is treated long enough and causes a tangible damage to the nail plate, destroying and deforming it. If a long time to use build-up, there is a possibility of dystrophy of the nails. So, what is needed to build up the nail gel at home? First, stock up the following materials: saws, tips, liquid-disinfectant, primer, binder, gel, brushes, ultraviolet lamp, acrylic paints and brushes for painting.

  • Building on forms:

Do a manicure, remove the length of the nails, but not up toend. For the shape should remain free edge of the nail two or three millimeters, grind their surface. Put on the shape for the build-up, by tying its ends under the nail. Apply one layer of gel to half of your nail and extend it to the shape to the desired length. Dry under the lamp to fix for about one minute. Apply a second gel layer, not reaching the cuticle one or two millimeters. Dry again under the lamp. Carefully remove the stencil for extension and give the desired shape to the nail. Dial a little more gel on the brush. Apply it to the middle of the nail and distribute it in both directions so that a bump is formed in the middle. Turn the palm up for a few seconds and then dry it in the lamp already in the normal position. Then use the nail file to give the nails the final shape. Apply the last layer of gel - the thinnest. And dry it under the lamp. Do not wet your hands after the procedure for thirty minutes.

  • Correction of nails:

The procedure for correction of old nails occurs inseveral stages. First, the cuticle is carefully moved away with the spatula. Then roughly half of the old gel is removed with a rough file. After that, the nail cut off at the cuticle is sawed for better adhesion to the new gel. The fingernails of one hand are in turn treated with a disinfectant and a primer, then a binder, and placed under an ultraviolet lamp. The next step is applying the gel. It is best to do two or three layers, drying each under the lamp for a couple of minutes. The first layer is made thinner, the second and third - thicker. After obtaining the required thickness, the remaining sticky layer is removed with acetone. The finishing touch is the correction of the nail file with a nail file (first rough, then shallow). The procedure for correction occurs almost the same way as nail extensions at home. The difference of the first build-up is that the nail needs to be cut very short and completely cut, processed with a primer and glued to the desired type. To cut the tips of the desired length, stock up with special pliers. The shape is attached to the nail file. This technology of building gives nails an excellent appearance, prevents their peeling and brittleness. what you need to build nails at home

Removal of artificial nails

It happens that it becomes necessary to removeartificial nails. This procedure can be done at home. The main rule - never rip off your nails with forceps, knitting needles and other "auxiliary tools". If you already know how to grow nails at home, then with their removal also there will be no problems. In order to remove acrylic nails, you will need tweezers, acetone, foil and cotton wool. First, remove the length of the nail by pinching the protruding edge with special manicure tweezers. Be careful not to scratch the skin. Then pour the acetone onto the cotton pad and attach to the nail. Wrap your finger with foil to avoid inhaling with acetone. Wait ten minutes, remove the foil and cotton pad. You will see that acetone almost completely dissolved acrylic. Remains are easily removed with a soft nail file. Gel nails to remove a little more difficult. You need to buy a very tough nail file (100-150 grit.) And gradually cut the gel. The protruding edge is removed with manicure forceps.


Before you grow your nails at homeyourself, make sure that there are no contraindications for you. Talk with your doctor. Women suffering from regular intestinal disorders or diabetes mellitus from the desired artificial marigold will most likely have to give up. The procedure for building up is also not recommended during antibiotic treatment. Try not to wear artificial nails all the time. At least once every two to three months for a week, release your own nails "to freedom" so that they breathe and recover. What can happen to your nails? If you can not build acrylic nails correctly, it can cause them to grow in waves, or worse, wrap in or out. So, this way of building up fast, but the most dangerous. Therefore, think carefully about whether or not the goal justifies the means in this case.

Care for manicure on nails

It is not enough just to learn how to grow nailsat home. It is also very important to be able to properly care for them. To ensure that your marigolds always look great, from time to time pamper them. Rub them with manicure oils or usual olive and apricot oil. To have the most beneficial effect, the oil should be warm. You need to rub it with light massage movements. After the procedure, take a suede polish and polish your marigold. Regularly make soda baths to strengthen the nails. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm water. In the prepared solution, lower the fingertips and hold for several minutes. To achieve the best results, perform this procedure every day for a week and a half. Then take a short break and repeat the course again. We hope that our tips will help you learn how to grow your nails at home and care for them. This can be not only useful, but also exciting. Perhaps you will discover the true talent of a manicurist, make this a hobby or even a profession. We advise you to read:

