Is it possible to walk with a child with a cold

When a baby starts sniffling, it causesdoubts: can you go for a walk? If a child's runny nose is also accompanied by a cough, he is unconditionally left at home. However, such a decision is not correct.You can walk with a child with a coldWalking with a child with a cold is possible and necessary.Photo: Getty Fresh outdoor air has a beneficial effect on the body of children and adults with various respiratory illnesses. At home, the mucous membrane of the baby's nose swells, which only worsens his well-being. In the fresh air, the edema subsides, and it becomes easier for a child to breathe and it's easier to blow your nose. If a baby has a runny nose and cough, it's more useful to walk outside than to stay in the apartment. Frequent walks will save the child from illness for a couple of days, and at home the cold will last for a week. Important conditions for recovery are the temperature and humidity level of the air. During the cold, dry hot and too "scratchy" frosty air is equally harmful.

When you should not walk with a child

Despite the benefits of fresh air,runny nose, there are also cases when it is better to refrain from walking outside. You cannot walk with a baby if nasal congestion is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • temperature increase;
  • lethargy;
  • severe fever or chills;
  • pain in the head;
  • decreased appetite.

All these signs indicate an acute respiratory viral infectionin the acute phase. In this condition, the child is contraindicated to walks and is recommended bed rest. With proper treatment and no complications, the disease completely goes away on the 5-6th day. If the acute period is over, but the cough and runny nose remain, you can resume walking with the baby. Another reason why you should not walk with your child is allergic rhinitis. During the flowering period of some plants, children develop an allergic reaction to their pollen. After walks, the runny nose will worsen, and the baby will begin to sneeze frequently. If you do not want to give up fresh air - put a cotton-gauze bandage on your child. If your child has a runny nose, you can walk outside if there is no weakness and symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection. You do not need to limit him in walks, because only in the fresh air will the baby be able to cough well and quickly get rid of congestion and dryness in the nose. Read also: g

