cakes at home Any homemade cake can be cooked absolutely anymistress! And this is not an allegation. After all, what is the main thing in home cakes? Not the taste and not the appearance make these cakes special. And not even uniqueness (and every home-made cake is unique in its own way). The main thing in them is the soul and warmth of human hands. Does this sound grandiloquent? But it's true. Cooked with love and for loved ones, these cakes are charged with special energy, and therefore unique. In addition, cooking cakes at home is a process so fascinating that it can turn into a real hobby and even (even!) Become a way to earn extra money. But we will talk about those cakes that are prepared not for order, but for themselves. A big cake for a big holiday, a traditional birthday cake with candles, a small cake for girlish gatherings and even a cake "Just for fun". Prepare any of these cakes for the strength of each of us. As they say, there would be a desire, but there will be opportunities. Consider these very possibilities?

Cakes without baking

The fastest and probably the easiest wayCooking a cake at home - cookies instead of cakes. And most importantly - such a cake is nowhere to be bought! Only in home confectioners prepare these unusually simple, but very tasty cakes.

Cake "Nonsense"


  • A kilogram of a rectangular or square cookie;
  • A glass of fresh milk;
  • Bank of condensed milk;
  • A pack of butter;
  • Teaspoon of vodka or cognac;
  • Vanillin.

Preparation: Prepare this cake more than just, which, however, is clear already from its name. First, we make the cream, since it is our preparation that will take us most of all time. Cream butter will give a little mop: it should become soft and supple. Then put it in a saucepan and lightly take it out at a low speed of the mixer. And now, increase the speed of the mixer and, gradually pouring condensed milk, start whipping the cream. Add the condensed milk in small portions (on a tablespoon). At the end of the preparation, we add vanillin and vodka to the cream. If you are preparing a cream for children, then do not add alcohol. Limit only vanillin or instead of vodka, add a tablespoon of cold boiled water. Again, whisk the cream until smooth and you can start to assemble the cake. Milk pour into a deep plate and prepare a dish or a tray on which the cake will be placed. Now lay out the bottom layer of the cake from the dry pastry and sprinkle it with cream. Lay the next layer, dipping each pechenyushku in milk. Note! For the strength of the structure, simulate the brickwork, covering the whole cookie with the edges of the two "bricks" of the lower layer. For smooth edges of the cake, just crack the biscuits in half. Each new layer is laid out from milk-soaked cookies and grease with cream. Bake the sides of the cake and top with cream and sprinkle with the crumbs from the biscuits.

Cake "Snickers"


  • A kilogram of crumbly cookies;
  • Bank boiled condensed milk;
  • A glass of any nuts;
  • A pack of butter;
  • Chocolate bar.

Preparation: Shake cream from butter with condensed milk (see above). Cook the pastry in a crumb and mix it with nuts, and then put half of the resulting mixture into the cream and mix. Then add the remaining portions of the cookies with nuts in small portions to make a thick viscous (like soft plasticine) "dough". How many cookies with nuts you will leave in the cream, depends on the density of the cookies. So adjust the exact amount by eye. Now from the dough form a large "snickers bar", put it on a dish or on a tray and put it in the refrigerator: let it cool down properly. Chocolate melt in a water bath, lightly cool and cover chocolate with cake. Note: From this "test" it's easy to make a cake of any shape: heart, dome, Christmas tree, flower. And instead of melted chocolate you can use any chocolate icing. By the way, this cake can be decorated with meringue or any other cream, as well as marmalade, candied fruits and fresh fruit. cake at home

Cake "The Perfect Man"

Honey cake - classic home made confectioneryart. So delicious and popular cake that the recipe for honey cakes is taken on board by professional confectioners. But we will prepare a special honey cake, which has a promising name "The ideal man". Ingredients:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • Tablespoon of honey;
  • 100 g of cognac;
  • 2 teaspoons of hydrated soda;
  • 3 cups of flour;
  • Any oily or creamy cream.

Preparation: First, using a mixer, we'll put eggs with sugar. Then alternately add honey, cognac (two tablespoons), soda and flour. The finished dough is divided into four parts for four cakes. The shape for the cake is smeared with vegetable oil or margarine, put the dough into it and crush it with the hands on the bottom, forming a cake. Oven included in advance, and then alternately bake all the cakes. Bake will be ten to twelve minutes before thick brown. From the cooled cakes we will collect a cake, permeating each cake with diluted cognac and spreading cream. And decorate the cake as you like: sprinkle with crumbs from cookies, grated chocolate or nuts, make ornaments from cream or use fresh fruit for that. Note: This recipe is designed for two cakes or one, but very large. In a cream it is also not forbidden to add cognac - the cake will leave still "is more ideal".

Cake "Mandarin miracle"

Extremely easy to prepare cake. Suitable for a friendly party or for a small family celebration. Ingredients:

  • The 1st;
  • One and a half cup of sugar;
  • 100 g of margarine;
  • A glass of yogurt;
  • 3 cups of flour;
  • 4 large sweet mandarins.

Preparation: Mandarins are mine and are twisted in a meat grinder (crushed in a blender) directly with a peel. Margarine is rubbed with sugar and egg, we add yogurt, flour and twisted mandarins. We knead the dough and spread it into oiled and flour-filled form. Bake in the oven (preheated) for about half an hour. Willingness is determined by a toothpick. If a toothpick stuck into the middle of the cake does not leave a dough of dough, the cake is ready. You can decorate the cake with any cream and mandarin slices. And you can smear it with orange or tangerine jam.

Cake of "Scheherazade"

Cake, which is always obtained! In any case, so say those housewives who tried the recipe in practice. Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • A glass of flour;
  • A glass of walnuts;
  • A glass of raisins;
  • Half a teaspoon of soda.
  • For cream:
  • Bank of condensed milk;
  • A pack of butter;
  • Tablespoon of cocoa powder.

Preparation: Eggs are mixed with sugar and with the help of a mixer we will blow them. Then add the flour, vinegar, soda, washed and sorted raisins and not very finely chopped nuts. All thoroughly mix and divide the resulting dough into two parts (for two crusts). The biscuits are baked in a greased form in a pre-oven for twenty minutes. Ready cakes let cool, and then collect the cake, promazyvaya middle, top and sides of the cake cream. For cream, softened butter and whisk with condensed milk, (condensed milk is poured into the oil gradually), and at the very end we add cocoa. From above decorate the cake with nuts, raisins and candied fruits. cooking cake at home

Cake "Chocolate with boiling water"

A masterpiece of home cooking. It is probably impossible to prepare a tasty chocolate biscuit. Cake captivates not only with an amazing taste, but also with the simplicity of its preparation. Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • One and a half cup of sugar;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil;
  • One and a half teaspoons of soda;
  • One and a half teaspoons of baking powder;
  • 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • A glass of milk;
  • Vanillin;
  • A glass of steep boiling water.

For cream:

  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • A glass of powdered sugar;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Third pack of butter.

For glaze:

  • 100 g of sour cream;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons butter;
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Preparation: All the eggs will be broken into a bowl, add sugar to them and carefully razreterm or vzobem mixer. Should be gogol-mogol. Then we pour oil into it and again we'll blow it. Now add the sifted flour, baking powder, soda (not quenched), vanillin and cocoa powder, pour the milk and mix it thoroughly. Next, put the kettle on the stove and turn on the oven and cook the cake mold (grease with oil and sprinkle with flour). As soon as the kettle boils, a glass of steep boiling water is quickly poured into our dough and immediately it is stirred. Let the liquid consistency of the test do not scare you - it should be. Now pour the dough into the mold and put it in the oven, which should have already warmed up. Bake about forty-five minutes, take out the cake and let it stand for ten minutes in the form. Then we remove the cake from the mold and leave it to cool. While the cake is cooling down, we will deal with cream and glaze. Melt the butter in the saucepan, add cocoa to it and mix it. In a separate bowl, mix the milk with the powdered sugar and vanillin, and then combine it with butter and pour the mixer (at medium speed). Now cut the cake into two or three pieces (depending on the height of the cake) and make a layer of cream between them. For glaze we mix sugar, sour cream and cocoa in the saucepan, and then brew it all over low heat, remembering to stir it. As soon as the glaze begins to boil, put the butter in the saucepan, wait until it dissolves, and the glaze will boil once more. Now remove the icing from the fire, lightly cool and pour the cake. Cooking a cake at home is a kind of mystery. Each self-respecting housewife must have a home-made cake recipe. And everyone has their own secrets of cooking. Perhaps, one of the proposed recipes will be your branded homemade cake. Try, cook, go for it! You will certainly succeed! We advise you to read:

