It often happens that guests are approaching,The main courses are ready, but there is no dessert. There is no time to prepare a dish, and store-bought cakes do not make you hungry? Make a cold cake! It is a real find for such cases, because it is easy to assemble, and the ingredients for it are in every refrigerator. In addition, you can adjust the recipe to suit yourself and use additional or interchangeable products. For example, replace 21% fat sour cream with 15%, and in addition to chocolate chips, you can decorate the cake with coconut or Easter sprinkles. Do not be afraid to experiment, your kitchen - your rules. Today we will tell you the most successful recipes for making delicious desserts from "Fish" cookies. These ordinary small crackers will serve as the basis for a very unusual dish. Soaked in juicy cream, they will acquire a completely different taste and consistency.
Cookie Cake "Fish"
If you cook this dish at least once, you will love it forever. The recipe is very cheap, and even children and bachelors can cook this simple dessert. Ingredients:
- Fish cookies - 400-500 grams
- sour cream (15% or 21% fat content) - 500 grams
- a glass of sugar without a roller coaster
- a small tile of dark chocolate
- little grapes for decoration
Method of preparation:Start cooking by whipping the cream. To do this, take a small saucepan, pour in sour cream, sugar and whisk thoroughly until a homogeneous creamy mass is formed. Now just pour the "fish" into the resulting sour cream mass. Mix everything thoroughly with a spoon so that the cookies do not break too much, and put it on a plate. It is best to put the dessert in a slide - this way the cake will be more beautiful and stable. Once you have dealt with the form, put it in the refrigerator or another cool place so that the dry cookies are completely soaked in sour cream. Usually one or two hours are enough for this. While this is happening, prepare the decoration for the dessert. Take a bar of chocolate and grate it. Wash the grapes and cut them into halves. When the allotted time has passed, take the dish out of the refrigerator and sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips, lay out the grape halves. Place a few dry cookies on top in the shape of a flock. The fish cookie cake is waiting to be served. Enjoy your tea!
Cake banana cold
The delicate taste of banana will be wonderfully complemented by sour creamthe taste of the cake. Before you start working with bananas, be sure to wash them, because they are treated with harmful substances during transportation. And your loved ones deserve only tasty and healthy food! Therefore, make sure that you do not transfer harmful substances from the banana peel to the cake during the preparation process, and do not forget to wash your hands. Ingredients:
- cracker cookies "Fish" - 400-500 grams
- sour cream (15% or 21% fat content) - 500 grams
- a glass of sugar without a roller coaster
- a small tile of black bitter chocolate
- bananas - 3 pieces
Method of preparation:Peel slightly green bananas and puree them in a blender. Pour sour cream into the blender bowl, add sugar and continue to beat the mixture. Then pour the cream into a deep bowl and add all the crackers. Mix and refrigerate for 4 hours - the crackers should swell. Place the mixture with fish soaked in sour cream on a plate and shape it into a cake. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and refrigerate on the top shelf for a couple more hours. After the required time, the cookie cake "Fish" can be served. Enjoy!
Cake without baking with custard
This recipe is a little more complicated than the previous one.preparation, because you need to cook the cream yourself, and not use store-bought. But when you try it, you will not regret spending some time at the stove, because the delicate custard with a creamy taste and chopped nuts make the taste of the cake simply unsurpassed. Ingredients:
- 300 grams of "Fish" cookies
- 300 grams of butter
- 180 grams of sugar
- 4 yolks
- 300 grams of milk
- 50 grams of flour
- half a liter can of peeled walnuts
- pinch of vanillin
Method of preparation:First of all, let's start cooking the cream - this is the most difficult and responsible procedure in this dessert. Boil the milk in a saucepan and turn off the heat. Separate 2 yolks into a separate bowl, add flour and sugar, mix thoroughly. Then pour boiled milk into the resulting mixture, put it back on the heat and heat until thickened. At the end of cooking, add cold butter, cut into cubes, and vanilla - if desired. Cool the cream to room temperature. While it cools, grind the cookies in a meat grinder, chop the nuts and pour both ingredients into the resulting cream, mix well. Let's move on to preparing the mold. Line it with baking paper, lay out the resulting mass and smooth it out with a knife. Put the mold with the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours - the cookies should be well soaked. When this happens, carefully remove the cake from the pan using paper, decorate it with walnuts and whole crackers. Enjoy!
Snack cake made from cookies "Fish"
The recipe for this cake is completely different fromprevious ones, because this is not a dessert, but an appetizer. The dish turns out large in volume, rich in taste. What you need for a party with a lot of guests! Ingredients:
- Fish cookies - 300-350 grams
- carrots - 300 grams
- onions - 250 grams
- canned saury in its own juice - 3 cans
- marinated champignons - 750 grams
- greens of dill - a bunch
- mayonnaise - 250 grams
- cooking oil for frying
Method of preparation:Preparing the filling for this dish takes some time, so you need to start by chopping the vegetables. Wash and peel medium-sized carrots, grate them and sauté them in a saucepan with vegetable oil. Put the fried carrots in a separate bowl. Cut the champignons into slices and set half aside. Peel the onions, cut them into small cubes and fry them in vegetable oil together with 1/2 of the chopped marinated champignons. It is better to cool the fried mushrooms and onions completely, and drain the liquid from the remaining raw marinated ones. Wash the dill thoroughly, dry it and chop it. Put the canned fish in a deep plate, drain the liquid and mash it with a fork. After these preparations, start laying out the snack cake in layers, but gradually. Divide the filling into two halves, put the first layer of cookies on the bottom of the pan, and half of the fried marinated mushrooms with onions on top of it. Smooth the surface of the vegetables well and press the second layer of cookies firmly on top. Generously grease the surface with mayonnaise and put half of the fried carrots, you can sprinkle with ground white pepper and nutmeg. Thanks to the spices, the recipe will only benefit in taste and aroma. Put a heaping tablespoon of mayonnaise on the carrot layer and smooth it out. Cover with a layer of "Fish", press down a little and cover again with mushrooms fried with onions. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise and put the next "layer" of cookies. Now it's time for the mashed saury. Carefully put the fish, then the fried carrots on top, and smooth the surface with a spoon. Put the "Fish" on again and press down a little. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the cookies, then add the unfried marinated champignons. Sprinkle them with chopped dill, add mayonnaise and put the final layer of cookies. Spread generously with the remaining mayonnaise, sprinkle with dill and put the snack on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Let the cake soak well, this will take 6-7 hours. Enjoy!
Cake without baking with multi-colored jelly
The recipe will take a little longer to prepare.preparation, because we suggest decorating the dessert with multi-colored jelly cubes. You can also add fruits, candied fruits, prunes, dried apricots. All this will give the cake an individual taste and bright colors. Ingredients:
- 500 grams of "Fish" cookies
- 500 grams of sour cream
- 250 grams of sugar
- 25 grams of gelatin
- 2 packages of fruit jelly (different colors)
- walnuts chopped 100 grams
Method of preparation:First, make the multi-colored jelly. To do this, read the package carefully, but take 15-20% less water than the recipe requires. It is better to freeze in a form so that the liquid level is no thicker than 1 centimeter. So, let the jelly cool down well, and in the meantime, we suggest starting to whip the cream. Pour sour cream into the mixer bowl, add sugar and vanilla if desired. Whip the cream until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Measure out the exact portion of gelatin and soak it in a small amount of water. Heat it up a little so that the grains dissolve, and pour it into the sour cream while it is still whipping. Cut the finished jelly into small cubes and pour half of them into the bowl with sour cream, add all the cookies and chopped walnuts there. The dessert mass is ready, it's time to prepare the form in which the cake will cool and soak. Line the chosen dish with cling film and spread the prepared mass, leveling it with a knife. Place the remaining cubes of multi-colored jelly on top in patterns. Put the dish on the middle shelf of the refrigerator for a few hours. When the sour cream hardens, call your family to the table and get ready to listen to compliments. Both adults and children will surely like this delicate dessert. Enjoy your meal!
Anthill cake made from cookies "Fish"
All children love to help make sweets, butNot all mothers and grandmothers will allow little cooks to fuss with baking. There is a great solution - to cook together a cold cake from "Fish". The recipe for "Anthill" is surprisingly simple, but its implementation will bring a lot of pleasure to cooks and their guests. Ingredients:
- 300-400 grams of "Fish" cookies
- 150 grams of peeled walnut kernels
- 300 grams of soft butter
- can of condensed milk "Toffee"
- coconut chips and chocolate for decoration
Method of preparation:Take a large bowl and pour all the cookies into it. Place the nuts in a thick bag and roll a rolling pin over them several times to crush them into large crumbs. Mix the nuts and cookies and start whipping the cream. Heat the butter at room temperature - let it melt. Put all the boiled condensed milk in a separate bowl, add the butter and start whipping at low speed. If the "Toffee" is quite dense, it is better to mash it with a fork first. When the mass is whipped enough, pour in the "Fish" with nuts and mix gently with a spoon. Put the whole mass on a plate and form a pyramid. Sprinkle with coconut flakes, grated chocolate. Let your little helper decorate the cake to his or her taste with the remaining cookies, nuts, etc. Enjoy cooking and bon appetit!
Cake without baking with bananas and prunes
The recipe calls for layering the cake with circlesbananas. By varying the thickness of the fruit slices, you can make the dessert taste more intensely fruity or delicately sour creamy. This amount of products is calculated for a form with a diameter of 25 cm. Ingredients:
- 300-350 grams of "Fish" cookies
- bananas - 3 pieces
- a glass of sugar
- sour cream 25% fat content - 450 grams
- gelatin - a tablespoon
- Vanillin at the tip of the knife or vanilla sugar - 10 grams
Method of preparation:Dissolve the gelatin in a small amount of water and heat it in the microwave for a few seconds. While this is happening, pour the sour cream into a mixer bowl and beat it, adding a portion of sugar and a little vanillin. Put the aromatic spice moderately, about on the tip of a knife, because a large dose of vanillin will add bitterness. When you are done with the sour cream, pour in the dissolved gelatin and mix one last time. Wash the bananas, peel them and cut them into circles. If you prefer a richer taste, cut the fruit thicker. Line the cake pan with banana circles and pour them with a third of the finished cream. Then carefully place half of the "Fish", the remaining bananas and pour the second third of the sour cream and sugar mixture. Put the cookies again and pour the remaining cream. That's it, the recipe has come to an end, you have successfully coped with the preparation of the dessert. Now let it sit in the fridge for a while - about 6-7 hours, and you can serve it with the banana layer facing up. Enjoy!
Coffee cold cake
The recipe below will definitely appeal to coffee lovers. The dessert will charge you with energy and vigor for the whole day. And it’s easy to prepare. Ingredients:
- a glass of sugar
- 500 grams of "Fish" cookies
- butter - 1 packet
- 3 tablespoons ground coffee
- 4 pieces of eggs
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- chocolate bar
- a packet of vanilla sugar
Method of preparation:The recipe consists of several stages, and the very first of them is brewing coffee. Boil a glass of water and make strong coffee from finely ground beans. Let it steep, and you start making the cream. Mix eggs with sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla sugar in a saucepan. Heat the resulting chocolate mixture in a water bath. When it thickens enough, remove the dish from the heat and lower it into cold water. After cooling it in this way, add 200 grams of softened butter and beat well with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When you are done with the cream, prepare the mold - grease it with butter. Begin to gradually place the cookies in it in layers, first dipping them in the prepared strong coffee. Grease each layer with the resulting coffee cream. When all the layers are tightly packed, put the cake in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf so that it soaks for several hours. When 5-6 hours have passed, take the cake out and carefully turn it over using an additional plate. Decorate the product with grated chocolate. Enjoy!
Cold cake from cookies with droops and grapes
We suggest you pay attention to the recipedessert that will take pride of place in your cookbook. It is incredibly easy and cheap to prepare, and its appearance deserves the highest praise. You can replace chocolate with ready-made chocolate drops. This will reduce the time spent in the kitchen and give an incredibly beautiful look if you use them as decoration. In addition, drops are available in different shapes and colors. Let your imagination guide you! Ingredients:
- sour cream not less than 20% fat content - 700 grams
- cracker "Fish" - 300 grams
- raisins (pre-steamed) - 100 grams
- chocolate (any) - 200 grams
- instant gelatin - 25 grams
- jelly finished green - 90 grams
- white grapes large - 400-500 grams
- sugar - 220 grams
- sugar vanilla - 10 grams
Method of preparation:We suggest starting this recipe by preparing the mold. Take a 25 cm diameter springform mold. If you don’t have one, prepare a mold with a 5 cm high side and line it with cling film. Cut a strip of parchment paper about 7-8 cm high and the length equal to the circumference of the mold. Find a paper clip — you will need it to secure the parchment. If you are not skilled at this kind of work, it is better to use a springform mold. Once you have completed the preparation, start diluting the gelatin. Pour the gelatin into 150 ml of boiled hot water, dissolve it and leave it in the cold to cool. Then prepare the green jelly according to the instructions, dissolving it in 300 ml of hot water. Also leave it to cool at room temperature, preventing it from hardening. Pour sour cream into a bowl or saucepan, add granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and whisk everything thoroughly with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the mixture is whipped, pour in the cooled gelatin and mix again. Now it's time to add the steamed raisins and the "Rybki" cracker. If you want to get a more uniform structure of the dessert, break the cookies into pieces beforehand. Mix the mixture until smooth and leave for a while. In the meantime, work on the chocolate. It is better to first cool the chocolate bar in the freezer and finely chop it with a sharp knife, removing the shavings layer by layer. Put a third of the finished cream in a springform pan, sprinkle it with chocolate. Next, put in the second third of the cracker mass, a layer of chocolate chips, and finish with the remaining cream. Put the pan in the refrigerator to harden for about half an hour. While the cream is hardening, pour boiling water over the grapes and cut them in half. Take the cake out of the refrigerator, arrange the prepared grapes cut side down on it, and pour in the cooled green jelly. When you are done, put the cake in the refrigerator until it hardens completely for 2-3 hours. If you do not have a springform pan, you can use a shallow pan and a strip of parchment. Place the mixture of crackers and sour cream in a pan lined with film and smooth it out. Roll the strip of parchment into a ring and secure with a paper clip. Set the ring to the diameter of the cake and slightly immerse it in the mixture. After hardening, arrange the grapes and pour in the jelly. The parchment will prevent the liquid from spreading. When the cake has completely hardened, carefully remove it from the pan and cut, trying not to damage the halves of the berries. Enjoy your tea!
Cake "Hedgehog"
This recipe will be a real hit at a children's party! It looks incredibly like a hedgehog, which will undoubtedly please little sweet tooths. Ingredients:
- Fish cookies - 1 kilogram
- boiled condensed milk "Iris"
- 200 grams of powdered sugar
- a glass of sour cream
- 120-150 grams of butter
- 7-8 teaspoons of cocoa powder
- 50 grams of poppy
- peanuts in chocolate - 3 pieces
- peeled sunflower seeds - 100 grams
Method of preparation:Unlike the previous recipes, the crackers for the "Hedgehog" dessert need to be crushed into powder. To do this, place the cookies between layers of parchment and roll them several times with a rolling pin to break them finely. Then pour the resulting crumbs into a bowl, add cocoa powder and powdered sugar. Mix all the dry ingredients thoroughly, put all the boiled condensed milk, sour cream, and melted butter here. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with your hands until smooth. There should be no pieces! When the base is ready, use wet hands to mold the hedgehog figure. Give it upturned brow ridges and a long muzzle. Once you're done molding, roll the figure in dry poppy seeds. Use chocolate-covered peanuts to make eyes and a nose. Now proceed to the most difficult and painstaking task - lay out the hedgehog's skin using seeds. Call the children for help - they will gladly take part in the preparation of the dessert. Having built the "Hedgehog", call the fidgets to the table - this cake does not need to be left in the refrigerator for a long time. Just wait a quarter of an hour, and you can serve. Enjoy your meal! Now you know that an unremarkable cracker can be turned into a luxurious, bright, satisfying dessert. The appearance of the dish and its components depend only on your imagination. Any recipe can be slightly changed to suit your taste and desire. Use all your inspiration to please yourself and your loved ones with unusual dishes. We recommend reading: