Spontaneous fashion for black hair color came inRussia in the early 2000s. After all, it was then that new youth currents began to appear - the Goths, and then the emos literally flooded the streets of the cities. It seemed that the age-old rivalry between blondes and brunettes was over. And, undoubtedly, in favor of the latter. Remember the beauty contests of those years - rarely when the crown was given to a blond girl. Black hair color has become very popular, even blond Hollywood beauties have rushed to change their image. Well, fashion is treacherous and changeable. And we all try to please this capricious "lady". Of course, in recent years, the boom for black hair slept a little, but they had plenty of fans. Basically, this cardinal change of image is inherent in brown-haired women and light-haired girls - these are the data of unofficial statistics.
What is the secret of the popularity of black hair?
First of all, of course, is the image of the very samefatal and intelligent brunette, as a counterweight to a stupid and weak blonde. Black hair, seductive red lips, high-heeled shoes, languid, but at the same time confident look - a bitch, in a word. How, you did not know? After all, being erased is also fashionable! Here is an explanation for the spontaneous impulses of women to change their hair color. Secondly - the desire to be not like everyone else. Such an image of the girl neformalki, which still did not dare to pink or orange, but black - what you need! All is better than a faceless fair-haired, merging with a gray mass. Neither your self-expression, nor the depth of your senses, nor the breadth of your views. For these girls, the black color of the hair is a protection from the outside world, they seem to alert everyone around - "I'm closed, and touch me - to myself more." Well, and thirdly, many ladies (note - it's the ladies, not the teenage girls) that color their hair just like that. Well ... that was. Or are they experimenting on themselves-is it appropriate or not? And then the torment begins. After all, getting rid of black paint is not so easy. You find yourself in her captivity, because you need to be painted regularly, otherwise lighter roots will look like bald patches. Well, if you have the patience to pull out the paint, and if not? So you will remain a fatal brunette, even if you do not want to.
What is the best way to dye your hair?
Before deciding to radically changeappearance, well think, will the color of the "crow's wing" suit you? After all, women of Slavic appearance are mostly Caucasian, and it's not always possible to constantly visit a solarium or relax at resorts all year round. And black paint gives even more pallor, even you can say that the face gets an unhealthy greenish shade. As a result, all the disadvantages: wrinkles, pimples, redness manifest even more. Not afraid of possible consequences? Then let's discuss the quality of paints and their application. Basma - a natural hair dye We all know that natural products are more qualitative than artificial ones. One of these products is basma - a paint obtained from the leaves of an indigo plant. It is used in conjunction with henna or coffee, because in its pure form can give a blue or even green tint. Basma contains components that not only color the hair, but also give them a healthy shine, stimulate growth, protect against falling out. The paint is produced in powder, it should be used immediately after the dilution. How to paint hair with basma?
- Take 50-100 grams of powder (depending on the length of the hair) and mix it with henna, in a 2: 1 ratio. If you add more henna in a larger amount, then the color turns out to be dark chestnut rather than black;
- Next, pour the mixture with boiling water, mix until the mush. Take care that there are no lumps. Cover the lid and wait for 30-40 minutes, until nastoyatsya;
- Now you can dye your hair. We put the paint first on the roots and the occipital part of the head. Then distribute the entire length. It's better if you invite a girlfriend or sister to help, because it's hard to paint the back of your head. Especially when the hair is thick and long;
- To obtain a saturated hue, leave the mixture at 1-1.5, then rinse with warm water.
The only drawback of this coloringmeans it is short-lived, so you need to take care of hair carefully. Try to use shampoos containing natural and sparing ingredients. The same applies to balsams and hair masks. To make the hair shine and more saturated color, it is recommended to use infusion of the same basma and henna for rinsing. Pour boiling water (liter of one and a half) of paint powders in equal proportions (25 grams). Allow the solution to cool, then strain through gauze. This method will help you to keep the hair color and strengthen their roots. And one more nuance: after painting with basma, it is not recommended to use hair dye with chemical composition - even this paint is the best and expensive. This can lead to unforeseen consequences.
Black paint from famous manufacturers
If the use of basma you do not seduce, thenconsider the most popular colors that are offered by the world's cosmetology companies. Each company offers several types of staining: persistent, bezammiachnoe, toning. They differ in content, duration of staining and application. For example, shade mousses are used in the form of shampoo and stay on the hair for no more than a week. Bezammia paints do not contain chemical elements, so they are painted safely, but also for a short while. But persistent dyes stay on the hair for about two months, but can harm their health. Of course, many manufacturers add to their product vitamins and other elements that can protect hair from drying out, fragility and loss. Therefore, get only quality dyes - do not save on the health of your curls. Here are the most famous brands of paints: L'Oreal, Garnier, Matrix, Color, Sjoss, Londa, Schwarzkopf. And the choice is yours.
A few tips on staining
- Going to radically change the image, do not chasefor cheapness. It's not for nothing that the proverb says: "The miser pays twice." In this case, it turns out that you pay first for the paint, and then also for the hair treatment;
- If changing hair color is your constant passion, it is best to use gentle paints or toning mousses;
- It is necessary to follow the instructions forcoloring, because wrongly diluting the paint or restraining it on the hair, you break the structure of the hair. As a consequence, problems appear: brittleness, loss, scaling of the skin and dandruff;
- If you are a follower of persistent paints, try to purchase products with a minimum content of ammonia. Especially since recently many companies offer sparing staining;
- Applying on the hair is a persistent paint, do not tie the head with a pack and a towel, the greenhouse effect is needed only for dyes on a natural basis;
- Tinting the roots, do not update the rest of the hair. You do not need to injure them again. And if it is necessary, apply the paint only at the end of the procedure, a few minutes before flushing;
- Do not forget to apply balms and masks. They help the hair to recover after staining.
How to freshen up a natural dark color?
For natural brunettes there are folk methods that help to refresh and give a sparkle to natural color. Below are some recipes for paints that can be prepared at home.
- Take 10 leaves of walnut, 10 gramstea leaves and a liter of water. Place the leaves and the tea leaves in an enameled container, pour boiling water and cook for a few minutes. Allow the broth to cool, strain and pour into a dark bottle of glass. Store the broth in a cool place, away from sunlight. Each morning, dip the comb into a decoction and comb through the entire length of the hair. Drying with a hairdryer is not recommended;
- Shells of green nut (80 grams), alcohol (100grams) and essential oil of rosemary (5 drops). Finely chop the shell and fill it with alcohol. We store in a dark place, shaking every day. After 12-14 days we add essential oil and can be used. Apply paint to slightly damp and clean hair. Using it regularly, you will get rid of even gray hair;
- And the last recipe. We take 200 grams of nutshell (young), 10 grams of cloves, pre-cut olives (250 grams), 25 grams of henna. Olive, clove and shell fill with three liters of boiling water and cook under the lid, until half the liquid is evaporated. When the infusion has cooled, gradually add henna into it and mix until smooth. Store in a dark bottle, apply to dry hair for 3-4 hours, then rinse with water and shampoo.
How to wash off the black paint?
So we discussed the types of black hair dye,its shortcomings and dignity. What color you choose, decide for yourself. The main thing is that the staining is successful both for your appearance and for the health of your hair. And you still would not want to get rid of it soon. By the way, in order to wash away the black paint, you can also use folk recipes. The best way to deal with this problem is ordinary yogurt. You can mix it with lemon juice and just rinse your hair. But the more effective recipe contains a little more components:
- Take 100 milliliters of kefir, lemon juice, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of vodka or diluted alcohol, a teaspoon of any shampoo with a high PH content;
- Mix everything until smooth and apply to the hair, starting with the roots;
- Put on the shower cap and wrap the head with a towel, hold 7-8 hours;
- Rinse well with warm water and apply balm.
This simple tool will help youcoping with black paint. Do not forget about the health of your hair and try to hurt as little as possible by staining them. And remember, to use the services of a professional hairdresser is much safer than trying to experiment with your own image on your own. Yes, you will pay for the services, but you will be assured of the quality of the procedure. But it is from her that the future of your hair depends! We advise you to read: