It's summer outside, which brings a lot of things to peoplepositive emotions - the sea, the sun, trips to the country, nature. And who knows what you can come up with in the summer? However, summer, in addition to all its delights, unfortunately, also brings unpleasant surprises. And knowing what first aid for insect bites is simply necessary. For example, insect bites. It would seem to be a simple minor annoying nuisance that is not worth paying attention to. However, sometimes even bites of ordinary mosquitoes can cause a lot of unpleasant minutes. And if mosquitoes have bitten a child, the consequences can be more serious than ordinary itchy blisters. Allergy to insect bites in children is a common occurrence. Well, if we are not talking about mosquito bites, the consequences can be the most unpredictable. Below we will talk about the types of insect bites, their consequences and treatment. Perhaps many of you will object that not all of the insects described below are found in Russia. However, it is worth remembering that even on vacation at the most prestigious resorts, no one is immune from the fact that poisonous insect bites will pass them by. This is what this article will be about. It will consider such questions as what to do if bitten by insects, what are the consequences and complications. Bites of many insects, such as hymenoptera, bedbugs, deer and horse flies, can cause a very severe reaction in people with a weakened immune system. In addition, insect bites in children cause the development of quite severe toxic reactions of the body. These toxic reactions can threaten not only health, but also human life. However, it should be noted that insect bites are much less likely to be fatal than bites of poisonous hymenoptera insects. But in any case, insect bites require treatment, and sometimes quite serious.
Bites of Hymenoptera
Scientists classify Hymenoptera insects asbumblebees, bees, wasps and hornets that are so familiar to us. Each of us has been bitten by a wasp or a bee at least once in our lives, so it is not difficult to imagine what it is. Insect bites have the following symptoms:
- A sharp pain at the time of the insect bite.
- Redness of the skin in the bite.
- It is also very common for swelling to appear at the site of the bite and around it - insect bites very often cause swelling.
- Almost always bitten place itches.
However, the above describes the mildest reaction toHymenoptera insect bites that do not require medical intervention. However, such a reaction does not always occur, unfortunately. In order to notice complications in time and prevent trouble, each person should know the typical possible reactions of the human body to Hymenoptera insect bites. This knowledge is very valuable, as it can save not only your life, but also the lives of people around you. Below are the main types of reactions that occur in response to Hymenoptera insect bites:
- Local body reaction.
A local reaction is a skin reaction at the siteinsect bite. If a person has a predisposition to allergic reactions to the bites of these insects, the tissues at the site of the bite swell significantly for a fairly long time. The skin looks reddened, is quite hot to the touch, and is very painful to the touch. Such a severe form of local reaction to bee or wasp bites often involves the joints that are in close proximity to the bite in a severe inflammatory process. How serious the consequences of the local reaction of the body to bites will be depends largely on the location of the bites. For example, if a person steps on a wasp or a bee, he will get severe swelling of the foot, which will cause a lot of unpleasant minutes, but will not be mortally dangerous. However, if a person accidentally does not notice a wasp on an apple or other food and the bite is in the larynx or oral cavity, the consequences in the absence of timely medical care will be much more deplorable. In particular, such localization of the bite often leads to obstruction (swelling) of the larynx and even bronchi. What this may end in is clear even to people without medical education. If an insect stings a person in the eye area, especially in the eyelid, the consequence may be partial or complete loss of vision as a result of the development of perforation of the eyeball, inflammation of the lens, capsular cataract in the bitten person. By seeking medical help in a timely manner, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing such complications.
- Toxic reactions of the body to the bites of Hymenoptera insects.
If a person is bitten by a bee or a wasp more than oncetwice, but a whole series of bites, there is a very high chance of developing a toxic response of the body. The victim experiences a violent local reaction, which was described just above, and in addition, a number of symptoms of intoxication (poisoning) of the body, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, possibly an increase in temperature and even loss of consciousness. In the event that the body of the victim has a particularly increased sensitivity of the body to bee stings, a severe headache, tremors and muscle spasms, and even convulsions often join the above symptoms. With timely treatment, the symptoms of a toxic reaction disappear within 24 hours.
- Anaphylactic reaction of the human body.
Anaphylactic, or as it is often calledis called a systemic reaction of the human body to the bites of hymenoptera insects. Such reactions can be very different - from mild to fatal within a few minutes after the bite. As a rule, one can assume how violent the body's reaction to an insect bite will be. As a rule, the faster the first symptoms begin to appear, the more pronounced they will be, the more severe the reaction will be. At the very beginning, a person experiences itchy eyes, lacrimation, swelling of the face. Following them, a rash similar to a nettle burn appears on the body of the bitten person, as well as a dry cough. If immediate medical assistance is not provided to the victim, more and more new symptoms will develop, such as spastic abdominal pain, severe debilitating vomiting, cyanosis, wheezing, laryngeal spasm and even pulmonary edema. In especially severe cases, there is the release of bloody sputum, involuntary urination and defecation, shock and death. On average, death occurs within 30-40 minutes, and very rarely within 3-5 minutes. Remember that often a common local reaction can progress very quickly and develop into anaphylactic shock. It is very difficult to independently determine what the reaction to a bee sting will actually be. That is why, when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance or take the victim to a medical facility yourself, regardless of whether a child or an adult was bitten by a bee. And bites from stinging insects can be quite severe.
- The late reaction of the human body to an insect bite.
Sometimes a person is bitten by wasps or bees, herubs the bite site and forgets about the bite. And after 10-14 days, the person begins to complain of fever, rash, headache, inflammation of the lymph nodes and general malaise. No one even thinks of connecting this malaise with an insect bite. And instead of looking for the cause of the malaise, you need to remember how to treat insect bites.
Preventing bee stings
At the very beginning it is necessary to give one simple, butVery important advice. If you come across a swarm of bees, do not make any sudden movements under any circumstances – the most common mistake is to start waving your arms. This will only attract the attention of the insects even more. Try to leave the place where the bees are concentrated quickly, if possible, going through dense vegetation – for example, bushes. Do not kill a wasp or a bee under any circumstances, being in the immediate vicinity of their relatives. A crushed insect releases special substances that drive the swarm into a real rage. Thus, you expose yourself to the risk of attack by other insects. In the area of residential premises and outbuildings, it is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the territory every spring in order to identify wasp and bee nests. These nests must be destroyed regularly, as they appear, right up until the frost. However, remember that such work entails a certain risk of being bitten, so it is better to entrust this work to special insect control companies. And if there are no such companies in your locality, then a person who is clearly not prone to allergic reactions to hymenoptera bites. If you suffer from allergic reactions to bee stings, do not under any circumstances give in to the temptation to walk barefoot on the grass when traveling out of town - there are often bees or wasps in it. There is no need to expose yourself to additional risk of an insect bite. There is another little trick, which is the correct choice of clothes for trips out of town. Try to avoid brightly colored clothes, and give preference to neutral tones - green, beige, white. Bright colors of clothes attract insects. Also, hymenoptera insects are often attracted to various smells of perfumes. Try not to use aftershave lotions, shampoos with a strong smell, perfumes, eau de toilette before traveling out of town. This also significantly reduces the risk of a bee sting. If you often go to the country or to the village, work in the garden or vegetable garden, wear clothes that cover your arms and legs. When choosing clothes, try to avoid clothes with a lot of folds, in which an insect can get entangled. Remember that leather and suede clothes can enrage hymenoptera insects. If a person is allergic to hymenoptera bites, he should never mow the grass or pick flowers. They should also be very careful during picnics in nature, as well as near fruit trees, especially if there is spoiled fruit under them.
First aid with the bite of bees
As is already clear from the above, all casesA violent reaction of the body to a bite of hymenoptera mechanisms should be treated by doctors. However, it is very rare for a victim to be bitten by bees or wasps in a hospital emergency room. Therefore, emergency care for insect bites should be provided immediately and at the scene of the incident. First aid for insect bites should include the following:
Flies and mosquitoes bites
As you know, wasps and bees are far fromare the only insects whose bites can cause quite serious complications. The next most common are mosquitoes. Mosquitoes belong to the order of small blood-sucking insects. They live mainly in the southern regions with a dry and hot climate. The main danger of mosquito bites is the risk of transmitting infections such as bartonellosis, fever and malaria. Mosquitoes are most active in the evening, before sunset. Most often, mosquitoes bite a person who is outdoors, but sometimes mosquitoes penetrate through open windows and doors into the room. An itchy blister always appears at the site of a mosquito bite, which is painful when palpated. Numerous bites have a very negative effect on the general condition of the human body. Children are most sensitive to mosquito bites. Often, as a result of the penetration of toxic substances contained in mosquito saliva into the human body, a person develops hypersensitivity and, as a result, phlebtoderma appears, also called itchy dermatitis. In addition to this disease, mosquito bites can lead to the development of allergic urticaria. In this case, itchy pink blisters containing liquid appear on the face, arms and legs. After 2-3 weeks, the disease goes away on its own, without causing any harm to human health. In both cases, the condition of the affected person can be alleviated as follows: the patient must be provided with a constant stay in a cool room, a cool shower, and a gentle anti-allergic diet. Any gel from insect bites should be applied to the blisters, designed to reduce itching. However, mosquito bites often cause a fairly serious reaction in many people. These reactions, as well as the reaction to bee stings, are divided into two subtypes:
- Immediate reaction.
The immediate reaction of the human body toA mosquito bite usually manifests itself as reddening of the skin at the site of the bite, the appearance of blisters and painful sensations. As a rule, the symptoms of an immediate reaction disappear very quickly.
- Prolonged reaction.
Manifestation of prolonged reactionscharacterized by pronounced swelling, severe rashes, fevers, symptoms of intoxication - nausea and vomiting. In particularly severe cases, skin necrosis may occur. No less annoying to summer residents and mushroom pickers are blood-sucking insects, such as flies, horseflies, gadflies. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the bites of these insects very rarely cause complications such as the bites of hymenoptera insects. However, often the bites of blood-sucking insects cause all sorts of allergic reactions. And an allergic reaction to insect bites occurs in everyone in its own way.
Mosquito bites
Unfortunately, mosquito bites often do notare taken seriously by people and, as a result, the bite sites almost always remain untreated. However, this can result in various complications, because mosquitoes are often carriers of various diseases. It is the child's body that is most susceptible to infections, so parents, having noticed a mosquito bite on their baby, should immediately treat it with either an alcohol solution or a solution of brilliant green, simply put - brilliant green. Also, children are much more likely than adults to have allergic reactions to mosquito bites, and they also occur in a more pronounced form. Very often, the baby begins to look like a balloon after a day of staying at the dacha. In order to reduce such allergic manifestations, parents can use antiallergic drugs such as fenistil or zyrtec. In order to alleviate the baby's condition and reduce the itching from insect bites that bothers him so much, you can use fenistil ointment. If there are no medications at hand, you can use an old folk method - lotions with soda. To do this, you need to prepare a soda solution at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of warm boiled water. There is also a folk ointment for insect bites, which is very easy to prepare - for this you need to melt 100 grams of butter in a water bath, add half a jar of Vietnamese balm "Zvezdochka" to it, mix thoroughly and place in a glass container. The ointment must be stored in the refrigerator, using as needed.
Snake bites
When leaving the city, a person may be in dangerAnother danger is a snake bite. Throughout Russia, there are quite a large number of snake species that have such a strong poison that they can cause significant harm to human health and even lead to death. A snake bite is much more dangerous than an insect bite or even a spider bite. However, it must be said that the opinion that all poisonous snakes are very aggressive and attack humans first is wrong. In fact, snakes never attack humans first, but only if a person disturbs the snake. Moreover, even if a person passes in close proximity to the snake, it will prefer to crawl away rather than attack. And only if a person steps on the snake, it can attack and bite him. However, this happens, and happens quite often. Timely and correct medical assistance for a snake bite can save a human life. But before providing medical assistance, it is necessary to make sure that the person was really bitten by a poisonous snake. If a person was bitten by a non-poisonous snake, two rows of thin small scratches left by the snake's teeth can be found at the site of the bite. In the same case, if the bite was inflicted by a poisonous snake, two stripes of scratches from the teeth will also remain at the site of the bite, but at the end of the stripes a clear and deep puncture from the fangs will be visible. Also, a bite of a poisonous snake has the following signs:
- As already mentioned above, there should be two scratches on the site of the snake bite with punctures from the canine teeth at the end.
- At the site of the snake bite, the affected person experiences severe pain, and a significant swelling forms around the bite.
- At the injured person such symptoms as nausea, vomiting, a feverish symptom, a strong muscular weakness very quickly accrue.
- Almost always a person bitten by a snake feels the release of cold sticky sweat.
- No less indicative sign of a bite of a venomous snake is the appearance of the so-called "double vision" in the eyes.
- Depending on which snake bites a person, there may be a significant difficulty in breathing.
In case you or someone near youbitten by a snake, the most important thing to do is to try to calm down and send someone for medical help. Before the ambulance team arrives, you need to do the following:
- In order to maximally limit the spread of poison in the body of the victim, limit his mobility.
- If the snake bites the leg, it should be slightly raised, if it is necessary to fix the hand in the arm, it is necessary to bend it in a bent position.
- Immediately after the snake bit a person,it is necessary to begin to suck off the snake venom from the wound with the mouth. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze the surrounding tissue with the teeth and, lightly squeezing them, begin to suck the poison, regularly spitting it. Thus, it is possible to remove up to 50% of all the poison that has got into the body, which greatly facilitates the condition of the injured person. Do not be afraid that the poison will enter your body.
- After the poison from the wound has been removed, the wound should be disinfected with any available means at your disposal.
- After this, always apply a tight pressure bandage. However, do not forget as the edema increases, weaken the bandage.
- Before the ambulance arrives, the patient must be wrapped up and given him a large amount of drink.
There are also a number of things that should never be done in the event of a snake bite, as this can only harm the victim:
- Do not cut the bite. They will not help to prevent the absorption of poison, but it can be highly likely to cause infection of the wound.
- Whatever it was, burn the wound from the snake bite. By such a measure, you will only deliver additional pain to the injured person. The teeth of the snake are arranged in such a way that the poison penetrates into the tissues approximately to a depth of one centimeter. Therefore, cauterization does not give anything at all, except for additional trauma to the skin.
- Apply a tourniquet above the bite site. Thus, it is simply impossible to finish the improvement, but there can be very significant deterioration of the state right up to a lethal outcome.
- Give the affected person alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is not only not an antidote, but, on the contrary, it makes it much more difficult to remove snake venom from the human body, several times enhancing its negative impact.
Apply a tourniquet above the bite site.Applying a tourniquet to the affected limb worsens the condition of the victim and increases the risk of death. And finally, I would like to add - remember that this article describes only general types of reactions to insect and snake bites, as well as standard first aid techniques. However, in each specific case, individual reactions of the body are possible, often completely unpredictable. Therefore, if you notice something wrong, immediately seek qualified medical help - because the bites of poisonous snakes and insects are very dangerous to human health and life. And it is almost impossible to predict what the consequences of insect bites will be. And remember - it is much more effective to prevent all kinds of bites than to deal with their consequences later. After all, in our time, there is a huge selection on the shelves of pharmacies. And buying remedies for insect bites will not be difficult. Any cream for insect bites can reliably protect you and your loved ones. If you take all the necessary precautions, your summer will not be overshadowed by any minor annoying phenomena in the form of midges and wasps.