itching on the skin Rashes on the skin with itching can have many causes and are caused by various factors. In total, specialists distinguish about 10 primary changes in skin integument, among which are:

  • Maculae (simple spots) - skin areas with non-standard coloring up to 0.1 cm in diameter;
  • Erythema - spots of the same type, but more than 0.1 cm in diameter;
  • Papules - small elevations above the skin, nodules, up to 0.1 cm;
  • Plaques - papules with a size of more than 0.1 cm or a group of papules;
  • Node - formation inside the skin, often uplifting, with a diameter of 5-10 mm. A node larger than 20 mm can be considered a tumor;
  • Vesicle (vesicle) - an education containing serous exudate;
  • Bulla (bladder) - formation, more than 5 mm in diameter;
  • Pustule (pustule) - can occur as a result of infection of blisters and vesicles, has inside pus;
  • Urticaria (blister) - rapidly disappearing formation, which is caused by local edema.

Not all rashes on the skin are accompanied by itching. But not always, and the itching is accompanied by a mandatory change in the color of the skin. So it is known that the general itch of the body can be caused by uremia, jaundice, leukemia, lymphomas, polycythemia. Many drugs containing salicylates and barbiturates cause itching. In addition, itchy conditions without external changes cause diabetes, hyperteriosis, helminthiases (parasite infestation), late stages of pregnancy, hepatic and renal insufficiency, nervous disorders. Therefore, if you often have an itch for no reason, then you should consult a doctor and be examined. severe skin rashes

Severe itching causes scabies and drug allergies

To diseases that are accompanied by a strongitching, refers primarily to scabies. It causes ectoparasite, itch mite, the females of which are implanted into the horny layers, lay eggs. Hatching larvae gather around the hair follicles, causing irritation. Eruptions on the skin of all appear in the form of itching strokes on the hands, elbows, wrists, feet. Vesicles without inflammations are noted next to the strokes. Itching intensifies in the evening and at night, especially when lying down. Scabies are transmitted by direct contact with the infected. The disease is treated with drugs containing sulfur, benzyl benzoate, ointments containing tar, etc. Medication allergies cause a rash and itching all over the body. The disease can appear immediately after the administration of the drug (usually like urticaria), and after a few hours (cortical manifestations or maculopapular rashes) with the use of drugs sulfonamide or penicillin. Ugropodobnye rashes may occur after the application of bromides, iodides, hydantoins. When the body reacts to phenophthalein, tetracycline, sulfanilamide, clear lilac geometrically regular eruptions can appear, manifested each time after taking the drug in the same places. If gold, thiazides, as well as antimalarial drugs are present in the medicine, papules may form, which then merge into spots with itching and flaking. Treatment of medicinal allergies is prescribed individually by a doctor, preventive work can be directed to purification of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of the body as a whole. Unpleasant sensations chase those who suffer from eczema. For example, its nummular version is accompanied by eruptions in the form of coins, which are covered with crust and then heavily itch. The etiology of this disease has not yet been revealed, but the appearance of the disease is often associated with increased dryness of the skin, which manifests itself in adulthood. causes rashes on the skin

Through this, almost every child passes

Inflammation and itching of the skin almostEach child is associated with a household allergy. Especially often cheeks "bloom" in the first six months of life, when the baby's organism "gets to know" with different new substances and develops protective reactions to what he does not like. It is believed that in infants who are breastfed, allergic reactions are less common (if the mother does not abuse chocolate, oranges, etc.) than the "artificial". And it's not so much that the mixture can be substandard, but that the child at the time of artificial feeding often eats more than he needs. This causes a lack of enzymes for digestion, hence, food retention in the intestine, its rotting and absorption into the blood of harmful substances that give allergic reactions. Why do not you have to overfeed allergy sufferers? Therefore, allergic rashes occur more often in well-fed than in lean, undernourished children and adults. Treatment of household allergies consists in observing the food regime, excluding completely or partially allergenic products (food and household chemicals), adherence to the temperature regime (air temperature in the rooms for allergy sufferers should not be above 20 ° C) and measures of personal and household hygiene. Finding a person in airtight, dirty clothes in hot weather can cause such a phenomenon as sweating (widespread in infants). In this case, small red spots of the blistered plan with transparent contents may appear on the neck, shoulders, back, which slightly itch, and there is neither temperature, nor any other painful symptoms. In itself, sweating is not dangerous, but inflamed skin provides an opportunity for penetration into the body of various microbes. Therefore, in the heat, you need to take timely water procedures, use soda compresses (a teaspoon of soda to a glass of boiled water) to reduce the itching. A weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for the antiseptic treatment of the sweating elements. dermatologist consultation

Itching with insect bites

Very much itching and biting insects,accompanied by this or that kind of rashes. This is due to the fact that during a bite, for example a mosquito, a microdose of a liquid is injected, which does not allow blood to curdle during the "dinner" of the insect. This substance contains protein, which is a strong allergen for a person, so there is redness and itching. The use of ointments after infrequent bites is not always justified, so you can take advantage of folk medicine. The simplest means is to smear the affected areas with sour milk products, tea tree oil or fish oil. Not bad proved to be a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water, applied in the form of a compress) and a solution of ammonia (1 tablespoon for 3 tablespoons of water, applied with a swab). Itching and redness spread with a bee sting combined with a pale face, cramps, pressure drop, loss of consciousness is a sign of anaphylactic shock. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance, because The shock can develop into an edema of all mucous membranes of the body and lead to severe consequences. The minimum set of actions in this case consists of the following steps: remove the stinger so that it does not damage the capsule with poison (preferably with tweezers), rinse the bite with running water, get wet and lubricate with hydrocortisone ointment or hydrogen peroxide. To the damaged place it is necessary to apply cold, so that the bee venom slows down its distribution, give the patient an antihistamine.

Chickenpox, measles and scarlet fever

Almost everyone in childhood had a chickenpoxsmallpox. This ailment is accompanied by high fever, headaches, sometimes vomiting, diarrhea. There are red tubercles, which in a day pass into small-sized vesicles. At the same time, it is a big problem for parents to ensure that there is no scratching of the rashes (so as not to infect the infection) and to prevent contact with water. Chickenpox is easily transmitted, so children need to be isolated from each other, as well as to limit the contacts of adults who have not previously had this disease. Chickenpox passes for 2-3 weeks, during this period the temperature normalizes, the vesicles dry up and crumble. Under them there are pink spots that will completely come down in a couple of months. If the rash is scraped with chicken pox, then streptococci can be brought in, which causes suppuration, the need for antibiotics, and scars after recovery. Recurrent disease with this ailment is extremely rare. Another "child" disease - measles, also gives a consistent rash of the following character: on the first day the spots appear on the face and neck, in the second - on the trunk and hands, in the third - on the legs. At this time, the temperature rises (to 40 ° C), whitish points are noted on the mucous cheeks, lymph nodes increase. The patient is usually prescribed antipyretic and creates the most comfortable conditions for cure in terms of the regime. Rashes can be itchy both during the course of the illness and during the rash solution, when it flakes, and the skin beneath it brightens. With scarlet fever, itching appears simultaneously with rashes at the end of the first day of the disease. Skin reactions are represented by small points that are localized on the folds of the limbs, the lower abdomen and the inner thighs. Clearly visible white triangle in the nasolabial region (there is no rash). Red spots can last up to one week, after which the skin is peeled off by "plates". The patient is prescribed antibacterial therapy and bed rest. getting rid of itching on the skin

Rashes and itching in case of erysipelas, lichen

With erysipelas, a desire to scratch the patientplace occurs at the first stages of the occurrence of bright red erythema, which is accompanied by fever and signs of intoxication. The skin in the lesion is painful, tense, hot, the lymph nodes are enlarged. The erysipelas is a serious infectious disease that occurs after penetration into the injured skin of streptococcus. It is treated with antibiotics, UFOs, UHF (for local effects), weak electrocution discharges. In severe cases, antibiotics of prolonged action are prescribed, which prevent streptococcus reproduction. Severe itching with eruptions of bubble and bubble character accompany such a disease as shingles. It is caused by the virus of the herpes group (but not the one that causes herpes on the lips). The disease can occur in people who have suffered from chickenpox, but the virus has not been completely deactivated. He can express himself in decades in the form of rashes mainly in the area of ​​the exit of nerve endings. The disease passes on its own in 2-4 weeks, although in some individuals the disease states can last for years. In this case, famciclovir, acyclovir (antiviral drugs), anesthetics and corticosteroids (to relieve itching) can be used. The reason why the virus passes from the resting state to the active phase has not yet been studied. Even before the end, the cause of the appearance of another type of lichen, accompanied by itching, is not known, it is a red flat lichen. Someone from the doctors believes that he has a viral nature, others believe that he can arise on a nervous basis against the background of a general weakening of the body. Flat red spots appear most often on the elbows, legs, lower back, hips, abdomen, armpits. They have a diameter of 1 cm and more and a rough surface. Treatment of the disease is carried out by external treatment of itching surfaces (70% alcohol plus 1% hydrochloride plus subsequent treatment with glucoorticoid ointments), administration of radon and hydrogen sulphide baths. When neurotic reactions give drugs valerian, bromine, certain B vitamins. If infectious foci are expressed, then they are sanitized with antibiotics (macrolides, tetracycline) for 1-2 weeks. Furuncles itch at the initial stage With furunculosis, itching on the skin appears before the furuncle units come to the surface, this period of the disease takes about 3 days. This disease is mainly caused by golden staphylococcus, can develop on any place of the skin, but the most dangerous are furuncles in the face (especially in children). After several days of maturation, during which the patient can be fevered, the furuncle is transformed into an abscess, from which comes out at necropsy a tissue of a necrotic nature. Furunculosis foci can not be squeezed out independently, it is done only by an experienced surgeon, in order to avoid further spread of the infection. Additional remedies are the use of Vishnevsky ointment, injections of antibiotics, compliance with diet, hygiene procedures. If there are many boils, then it is not recommended to wash, and the treatment of healthy skin should be carried out with a solution of furacilin.

Hives can cause even a cold shower

Get on the skin rash and itch it is possible, justtaking a hot shower or doing physical exercises. This reaction gives cholinergic urticaria, which manifests itself in the form of a small-point rash with severe itching. Cold urticaria in people sensitive to cold water, causes a cold flow. The disease can be obtained and with sensitivity to vibrations, pressure, this or that kind of light (solar, ultraviolet, etc.). Treatment in this case consists primarily in eliminating the stimulus. In some cases, itching with hives can be a very "small evil", because Some of its forms (Quincke's edema), which manifest as giant edema, the size of a chicken egg, can lead to death. Especially dangerous is giant urticaria in the manifestation of the larynx, tk. this can lead to suffocation. Fungi and nerves are to blame for everything. Rashes on the skin, accompanied by itching, can be signs of candidiasis. In this case, under the mammary glands, in the gluteal fold, in the groin, between the fingers and toes, there are often itchy exudative spots bordered by small pustules. The disease, known to the population as thrush, is caused by a fungus that is present in every human body, but often because of weakened immunity it starts to multiply too much. Treatment consists in external processing of integuments with a 5-10% solution of sodium tetracarbonate, ingestion of natacimin, fluconazole, miconazole, etc. Of course, one should remember the folk wisdom: all diseases from nerves. And the neurodermite in this case is just a confirmation of these words. The disease is a chronic skin disease, in which dry, itchy, flaky plaques with thickened areas are constantly present on the skin. The disease is provoked by a psychogenic factor and is more common in women between the ages of 20 and 50, among American Indians and Asian immigrants. The main methods of treatment are psychocorrection. Most often, the neck, ankles and hands are combed. With nervous tension, it intensifies, it can become a habit and give unconscious actions to eliminate itching. It should be noted that there are serious diseases with rashes, which, however, are not accompanied by a pronounced itching. These include pemphigus, syphilis, lupus, infectious erythema (with the first signs of the disease more like a flu, itches only in the nose, and the rash is not always evident in adult patients), etc. Therefore, with expressed long-term skin problems and itching, it is better to apply to a specialist for advice.

