The modern rhythm of life often does not leavea person has the opportunity to think about his health: daily tasks and responsibilities come to his attention in his eyes, and, trying to solve these problems, which seem to him as a priority, a person puts off thoughts of health in the long box. So, for example, because of an urgent meeting, an employee of the office can have a burger with a daily calorie intake, or refuse to eat at all, and the young mother, not having time to cook dinner and take the child out of the kindergarten, once again transfers the planned run to Park, which promises itself now for several weeks.
Metabolic syndrome: factors of formation
Each of us can easily remembersuch examples, when urgent cases forced him to abandon actions aimed at maintaining or improving his health. This is all the more easy, given that the rejection of harmful products or exercise does not bring immediate benefit immediately after a person first replaced a serving of deep-fried potatoes with a vegetable salad, and an evening spent at a smoky bar visit the gym. Therefore, most of us think that the next refusal of actions aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle can not be decisive in terms of their health. But in fact, this behavior can cause a number of serious diseases, including the metabolic syndrome (MS). Any specialist will agree that measures aimed at maintaining and improving one's health have a pronounced cumulative effect: as healthy food and exercise become a habit, their influence on the well-being and appearance of a person becomes more and more noticeable. In addition, one should not lose sight of the fact that a kind of habit gradually develops in relation to such actions, which in time causes the person to make a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle automatically. Therefore, he no longer faces the daily agonizing choice between a hamburger and a baked chicken breast, but makes this choice without thinking. However, the absence of such a habit has a similar effect. Just like activities aimed at improving and maintaining health and well-being, the habit of malnutrition and a passive lifestyle has a cumulative effect. In other words, the negative consequences of this lifestyle accumulate, eventually becoming more prominent. Sooner or later, the effect of their influence becomes evident not only to others, but to the person himself, who all this time tried to turn a blind eye to some deterioration in his state of health, fast fatigue after physical exertion, exposure to infectious diseases and other problems. In such a situation, it is extremely important to notice negative manifestations in time, without waiting for the moment when their elimination becomes extremely difficult. The fact is that some symptoms are dangerous not so much by themselves, as by the consequences to which they can lead. However, before these consequences really come, it's not too late to start fighting for your health.
Possible negative effects of MS in the absence of treatment
One example of this situation iscalled metabolic syndrome, which in recent years has become very popular in the world. In particular, the breadth of its spread is typical for developed countries, whose lifestyle is often characterized by excessive caloric intake and insufficient physical activity. Together, these and some other negative factors can lead to the development of such a disease as metabolic syndrome. By itself, the syndrome is not a disease, but a complex of various violations of the normal functioning of the human body, which together can lead to quite serious problems. Among the most common negative effects of the metabolic syndrome is cardiovascular disease, including some of the most dangerous - myocardial infarction, the development of diabetes and stroke. In addition, depending on the individual characteristics of a person, the metabolic syndrome can trigger the occurrence of fatty liver hepatosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), malfunction of the genitourinary system in men, gout and other dangerous diseases. Thus, the possible negative consequences are quite dangerous, and therefore it will be useful to understand what the metabolic syndrome is and how to deal with it.
The main symptoms of metabolic syndrome
As already mentioned, the metabolic syndromeis a combination of several types of disorders that occur when the functioning of human body systems. According to experts, they are based on a violation of the normal mechanism of glucose uptake, which in the professional literature is called insulin resistance. In practice, such a problem manifests itself in the fact that the amount of insulin in a person's blood turns out to be inappropriate to the amount of glucose that is present in it at the moment. As a result, insulin, which is one of the most important human hormones involved in almost all aspects of metabolism, disrupts the normal order of assimilation of proteins, fats and other substances that have a significant effect on the functioning of the body. One of the main consequences of such a violation of normal metabolism is the occurrence of obesity in a person suffering from insulin resistance. At the same time, however, it is necessary to assess the fact of the existence of this problem from an objective point of view. In the modern world, this concept has acquired an interpretation that is far from the medical interpretation of this term: girls with a normal ratio of height and weight tend to admit obesity and try to get rid of it in every possible way. Of course, this situation has nothing to do with real obesity, which is a consequence of a violation of the normal mechanism of glucose uptake. Within the framework of existing medical practice, there are sufficiently clear and objective criteria for identifying obesity, which can be regarded as a component of the metabolic syndrome. In particular, the specialists developed a special indicator, called the body mass index, which is used to determine the limits of the norm and the excess weight for each person individually, taking into account its growth. At the same time, this index is quite simple in the calculation, so anyone can independently establish the existence of a risk of metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome: diagnosis of the risk of
The body mass index is determined from the followingformula: BMI = weight / square of growth. Thus, in order to calculate your own body mass index, you need to know exactly the values of your weight and height. For calculations on this formula, weight should be used in kilograms, and growth in meters. For example, the calculation of the body mass index for a woman weighing 70 kilograms, whose growth is 160 centimeters, will look like this: BMI = 70 / (1.6 * 1.6) = 27.34. To understand whether the result is dangerous in terms of the possibility of having a metabolic syndrome, you need to know how to interpret the results of calculations. Currently, specialists distinguish the following boundaries of interpretation of the body mass index:
- BMI less than 18.5 - insufficient weightbody. In terms of the possibility of developing a metabolic syndrome, a group of people with such a body mass index is characterized by minimal risk, but it should be borne in mind that an insufficient BMI value can be a factor in the development of other diseases. Therefore, experts recommend that you consult with your doctor about the possibility of achieving normal body weight;
- the value of the BMI in the range from 18.5 to 24.9 -normal body weight. These limits of the body mass index are optimal from the point of view of human resistance to various diseases, including metabolic syndrome;
- the value of the BMI in the range from 25.0 to 29.9 -overweight. In this case, the specialists, as a rule, ascertain the presence of an increased risk of a number of diseases, including the metabolic syndrome (MS);
- the value of the BMI in the range from 30.0 to 34.9 is obesity of the 1st degree. Obesity is a serious risk factor for the development of the syndrome in question, which increases with further weight gain;
- a BMI value ranging from 35.0 to 39.9 is an obesity of grade II, which is a major health threat in terms of MS development compared with lower BMI values;
- the value of BMI above 40.0 is obesity of the third degree, the maximum risk of MS development.
Thus, a statement of body mass index,exceeding 25.0, is a possible risk factor for metabolic syndrome. In addition, it should be borne in mind that even with an equally high body mass index, the tendency for MS to develop is not the same for people suffering from different types of obesity. So, the greatest risk of MS development is found in those people for whom the so-called abdominal type of obesity is characteristic, when fat deposits concentrate around the waist. Experts' opinions about the absolute values of waist volume, which represent a danger, diverge. However, a significant part of them recommend starting to take action if the waist of a man exceeds 94 centimeters, women - 80 centimeters. In turn, the situation where fat deposits are concentrated in the pelvic region, is less of a hazard in terms of MS development.
Metabolic Syndrome: Additional Symptoms
In addition, specialists identify a number ofadditional symptoms, the presence of which can be used to diagnose this disease. Thus, the presence of several of them can clearly indicate the formation of a metabolic syndrome. In particular, they include:
- increased blood pressure, whichprofessional language is called arterial hypertension. Threshold of dangerous values experts call pressure 135/80 and recommend paying more attention to it in case of exceeding these values;
- violation of the characteristics of human lipid metabolism. These violations can have a different expression. Thus, dangerous symptoms include elevated triglyceride levels to over 1.7 mmol / l, an increase in low-density lipoprotein levels of up to 3.0 mmol / L or more, a decrease in high-density lipoprotein levels of up to 1.0 mmol / L for men and 1 , 2 mmol / L for women;
- high blood glucose. Experts recommend to pay attention to it if the index measured on an empty stomach exceeds 5.6 mmol / l;
- a violation of glucose uptake, which is characterized by an elevated (7,8-11,1 mmol / L) content of it in the blood plasma two hours after the adoption.
Specialists note that the presence of a person, althoughthe three listed signs, one of which is the excess weight of the body, can serve as a criterion for establishing the metabolic syndrome. However, if the symptoms are identified, you should see a doctor who, if necessary, will prescribe additional tests and then make a final diagnosis.
Metabolic syndrome: independent treatment
If the doctor still made such a diagnosis, it is not necessarydespair. First, a significant part of the work to prevent and eliminate the negative consequences of such a diagnosis can be done independently. First of all, the treatment of the metabolic syndrome involves a change in the habitual diet, since it is most often the cause of the formation of obesity and other unpleasant symptoms. At the same time, the recommendations for changing the nutrition that the specialists give are quite simple and generally recommended to all those who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle. In particular, we are talking about eating enough fruits and vegetables, excluding drinks and foods high in sugar, a significant reduction in fat consumption, while replacing most of the animal fats with vegetable fats. The second direction of work to eliminate the effects of metabolic syndrome is the change in the way of life. In particular, we are talking about making it as active as possible. At the same time, this can be achieved not only by including regular classes in the sports center or swimming pool in your daily life, but also by increasing your daily activity. So, for example, experts say that with simple enough actions you can easily increase the daily energy consumption by 100-500 kcal, which after a while will necessarily lead to weight loss. For example, for this you can park the car not in the immediate vicinity of the office, but a couple of blocks from it, go up to your home on the fifth floor not on the elevator, but on foot, do not send the courier to take mail to a neighboring business center, and do it yourself . However, in an effort to treat this set of violations, it should be borne in mind that if nutrition recommendations can be introduced into their daily lives right from tomorrow, then with the physical stresses, the principle of gradualness should be adhered to. In particular, this concerns classes that involve considerable physical activity, for example, performing exercises in the gym, riding a bicycle, jumping rope and similar loads. However, all these measures are unlikely to bring the result immediately: it takes a considerable amount of time to change the diet and gradually increase physical activity, leading to weight loss, improved metabolism and the disappearance of symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. Circumstances can also develop in such a way that a person needs to achieve a more rapid and effective result.
Medication for metabolic syndrome
In case the situation requires a cardinal andurgent intervention, experts recommend resorting to medical treatment of symptoms of metabolic syndrome. It is extremely important to remember that medical treatment should be carried out only under the constant supervision of a doctor, as only he is able to track the dynamics of the effects of certain drugs and, if necessary, adjust the therapy in time. Otherwise, its results can not only not improve, but also worsen the situation. In general, drug treatment with MS is usually aimed at eliminating certain of its symptoms: obesity, impaired glucose uptake, lipid metabolism disorders, hypertension, and others. Depending on what kind of symptoms are available in a particular patient, the doctor will be able to select those or other drugs aimed at eliminating his problems. In addition, when talking to a doctor, remember that the effectiveness and duration of treatment will be strongly dependent on how long the patient suffers from the symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. So, if they have appeared at it or him rather recently, the expert will be easier for them to cope with them, having picked up a corresponding medicine. If they are present in a person for many years, you should be prepared for the fact that this treatment will be quite long. Nevertheless, given the severity of the negative consequences that the metabolic syndrome has, it is necessary to fight it. Otherwise, after a few years a person whose main problems were overweight and high blood pressure may face diabetes, serious cardiovascular diseases and other problems, which will be much more difficult and costly to cure. Therefore, specialists recommend to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment already at the first suspicion of forming a metabolic syndrome.