children's vitamins to enhance immunity Perhaps, not a single thing in the world caresparents more than the health of their children. For children, the best products containing only the most useful substances are bought. However, unfortunately, in conditions of modern ecology and the newest technologies of the food industry, it is practically impossible to get all the necessary vitamins and trace elements from food products. That's where the vitamins come to the aid of their parents. Baby vitamins for immunity, to improve appetite and vision - the choice of vitamins is extremely wide. However, how to determine which children's vitamins are better? In order to make the right choice, parents, of course, need to consult a pediatrician. However, parents themselves should have an idea of ​​when and what vitamins are required for their baby. For this, the main vitamins are described below, and what they are needed for. Buying already ready pharmacological preparations, you can adequately perceive the information given in the annotation to them. In addition, briefly described some popular children's vitamin preparations. So, what are vitamins? The name came to us from Latin, from the word "life". Vitamins are organic compounds that do not participate in the energy or building processes of a living organism. However, they are extremely necessary for its full functioning. Vitamins take the most active part in metabolic processes, they are natural biological catalysts of very many processes in the body, they ensure the full functioning of the immune system. All known vitamins are divided into two groups. One of them includes water-soluble vitamins of group C, P and B, and the second ones are vitamins A, K, E and D - fat-soluble vitamins.

Water-soluble vitamins:

  • Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Upon admission to the body, it is converted into cocarboxylase. This vitamin is necessary for the body to fully absorb carbohydrates and fats, is responsible for the normal functioning of the immune and nervous system. During periods of increased stress on the children's body, the need for this vitamin increases five to six times. Thiamine is necessarily included in any children's vitamins for immunity.
  • Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is also very necessaryfor the child's body. It is very necessary for the normal operation of the visual organs and the restoration of cells and tissues. Any vitamins for children's eyes contain this vitamin. In the event that the children's body begins to experience its lack, the baby may lose the quality of vision, inflammatory process in the mouth begins, painful cracks appear in the corners of the mouth.
  • Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. This vitamin directly affects the protein metabolism, and also takes an active part not only in the synthesis, but also in the cleavage of amino acids. Without this vitamin, it is simply impossible to fully work the blood and nervous system.
  • Vitamin Sun or folic acid. This vitamin performs two major functions - it stimulates the process of hematopoiesis and, in conjunction with vitamin B12, is responsible for the division of the body cells.
  • Vitamin Sun or folic acid is actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, and together with vitamin B12 are involved in the process of cell division.
  • Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid takeparticipation in the respiration of tissues, serves as a biological catalyst for such processes as carbohydrate metabolism, secretory function of the stomach and pancreas, ensures the full functioning of the liver. When this vitamin is deficient in a child's body, parents can observe symptoms such as skin lesions like atopic dermatitis, causeless diarrhea and increased irritability. In addition, with a reduced content of nicotinic acid, the protective functions of the body are significantly reduced, and therefore any children's vitamins for the increase of immunity include nicotinic acid.
  • Vitamin B3 or pantothenic acid takes an active part in the processes of regeneration, as well as in protein and water metabolism.
  • Vitamin H or biotin is needed by the body forsplitting of fatty acids, evacuation of carbon dioxide from the cells of the body. If a child's body lacks this vitamin, it will have very rapid fatigue and a strong decrease in appetite. All children's vitamins for appetite contain biotin.
  • Vitamin B12 is very important - it has a direct effecton the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. Ciancobalamin enters the children's vitamins for growth, as it stimulates it well. Most often, the lack of this vitamin is due to helminthic invasions.
  • Vitamin C is a regulator of oxidation -recovery processes, is involved in the metabolism. The normal level of vitamin C content ensures the full functioning of the immune system, the normal functioning of the circulatory system - strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases the clotting of blood.

Fat-soluble vitamins:

  • Vitamin A promotes the harmonious development of the child's body - the growth of the skeleton, eyesight, hair and nails growth. Choosing children's vitamins for hair, parents should take this into account.
  • Vitamin D is necessary to ensure that the intestine is fully absorbed by phosphorus and calcium, helps strengthen bones and teeth. As a rule, all children's vitamins with calcium contain vitamin D.
  • Vitamin E, or tocopherol, has an antitoxicaction on lipid (intracellular) fats. In addition, it is vitamin E that has the property of increasing the body's ability to store all other fat-soluble vitamins.
  • Vitamins of the group K-K1 and K2. These vitamins are necessary for blood clotting, preserving the functional and structural properties of all cells of the body.

In addition to vitamins, the children's body is vitalminerals, micro and macro elements are needed. They, often, also impossible to fully obtain from food. Buying vitamin - mineral complexes for children, be sure to pay attention to what minerals are included in this drug.

  • Potassium. It is necessary as a regulator of water balance in the body. Potassium has an extremely high osmotic potential and, penetrating through the cell membrane, it delivers water to the cell. Thus, potassium prevents dehydration of the body.
  • Calcium. It is of paramount importance among all minerals in the child's body. Calcium has the property of absorbing energy and keeping it inside the bone structures until the time when there is a need for it. After that, free calcium atoms release energy and, if necessary, either leave in the body, or, together with urine, remove it.
  • Magnesium. This element corresponds to an adequate course of all energy exchanges in all vital organs - the brain and spinal cord, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. As a rule, the best children's vitamins in its composition contain both calcium and magnesium. With the joint penetration through the cell membrane, electrical impulses are generated.
  • Zinc is of great importance for the correct expression of genomes during the assembly of DNA. A sufficient amount of zinc at times reduces the chances of a child developing malignant neoplasms.
  • Selenium. It is also necessary for full cell division and normal operation of almost all the systems of the baby's body.

So, as is already clear from the above,that the child grew up healthy, without vitamin - mineral complexes practically to not manage. How not to make a mistake in choosing the best children's vitamins? To do this, you need to know a few absolutely simple rules, which will be discussed below.

The best children's vitamins

baby vitamins reviews The most important rule to rememberall moms and dads - for children, only children's vitamins are allowed! They differ significantly in composition from adult vitamins - the daily requirement of the child's organism in vitamins is satisfied by 70-100%. In addition, the content of vitamins in a single tablet in children's vitamins is balanced precisely in the proportions that are necessary for the child's body. Moreover, all children's vitamins are also divided into separate groups, intended for a certain age category of children. And this is quite understandable - the needs of the organism of a one-year-old kid and adolescent are completely different. And children's vitamins up to 3 years will not be able to provide all the necessary teen. Important is the form of the release of children's vitamins. If older children eat a pill is not difficult, then kids of three to four years on the persuasions and explanations of the benefits do not react much. Well, the smallest children are best given baby vitamins in syrup. It is for babies at the age of about two years that a very practical form of vitamin release is developed-various syrups of powder that can be diluted in milk, or even simply added to food. However, the mothers of these youngsters should not forget about the most important, but at the same time the simplest truth - the greatest benefit for young children is the mother's milk. That is why the nursing mother should never forget about the need for adequate nutrition and the reception of multivitamins for women breastfeeding. Such a measure will allow your child to get absolutely all vitamins necessary for his normal development, which will be adapted by the mother's organism in strict accordance with his needs. For children older than two years, the choice of the form of release of vitamin - mineral complexes is extremely rich. It can be chewing marmalade, in the form of various figures. And can be lozenges, dragees or ordinary chewable tablets. As a rule, children with great pleasure take such vitamins, so parents should be extremely careful, and in a timely manner to remove the packaging with vitamins in a place inaccessible to the baby. Since the age of four, all vitamin and mineral complexes are prescribed not only with preventive, but also therapeutic purpose. If the body lacks iron and the doctor diagnoses iron deficiency anemia, as a rule, vitamins are prescribed with an increased number of glands. And in the event that a child for one reason or another suffers from intolerance to dairy products, it is useful to take vitamins with an increased amount of calcium. If the crumb refers to the categories of often sick children, in children's vitamins for immunity should be an increased amount of vitamin C. In addition to the form of release, all the vitamin preparations are also significantly different in composition. Vitamins of the so-called first generation include only one - the only component. For example, since childhood all known vitamins A, D, ascorbic acid. Such vitamins, as a rule, are prescribed with a therapeutic - prophylactic or therapeutic purpose. For example, if the vitamins are for children's eyes, the doctor will prescribe vitamin A, and if the child has a symptom of rickets, then vitamin D. Vitamins of the second generation in their composition have more than one component, and several - both vitamins and micro and macroelements and minerals. Such multivitamin complexes very favorably differ from their "colleagues" of the previous generation. They include several vitamins and minerals that interact very effectively and bring maximum benefit to the body. For example, vitamin D is most useful in combination with magnesium. In the composition of vitamins of the third generation, in addition to micro and macro elements and vitamins, extracts of plant components such as dog rose, spirulina and others are present. Due to this the spectrum of action of such vitamins is much wider. However, be careful when choosing such vitamins - plant components in some cases can cause an allergic reaction. It is impossible to say unequivocally which children's vitamins are better. When choosing children's vitamins, it is very important to focus on the individual characteristics of the child's organism in each individual case. Those vitamin preparations that will bring the maximum benefit to one baby, can seriously harm others. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of an allergic reaction to any of the components that make up the drug. If you know about the inclination of the child's organism to allergic reactions to citrus fruits, refuse to buy vitamins with their addition, no matter how good they are. In order for the child to get vitamin C, use those vitamins, in which vitamin C is derived from currants or rosehips - they almost never cause allergic reactions. If the doctor does not prescribe vitamins for medical purposes, they should be given to the child in the winter-spring period, when the issue of vitamin deficiency is most acute. In addition, vitamins will help if the baby passes a period of adaptation (for example, in the kindergarten), during seasonal flu epidemics, with psychological overloads, increased physical and mental stress. During rehabilitation after severe illness, taking antibiotics, surgery, if the baby's nutrition is irregular or inadequate, if the child is not eating well or is quickly tired. The most optimal time for taking vitamin preparations is morning hours, preferably immediately after breakfast. This is due to the fact that the vitamins, after taking, somehow tonify the baby's body, so it's not advisable to give them in the evening. In spite of the fact that many people consider vitamin preparations as something absolutely safe, and many adults do not see anything terrible in giving the child an extra pill, in no case should the dose indicated in the annotation be exceeded unless another was indicated by the attending physician.

Baby vitamins. Reviews

baby vitamins up to 3 years Choosing children's vitamins, reviews of other parentsshould not be decisive. It is much more important to carefully study the annotation to the drug and consult a pediatrician. Below is briefly told about the most popular baby vitamins. Vitamins alphabet kindergarten are designed for kiddies preparing and already visiting kindergarten. Vitamins and trace elements, included in their composition, optimally prepare the immune and nervous system of babies, preventing possible complications associated with the change of habitual way of life. Another great advantage of this complex is the fact that they consist only of hypoallergenic components, which almost completely reduces the risk of allergic reactions. They do not include any artificial color or flavor flavor. The form of release of vitamins Alphabet kindergarten - chewing tablets with a pleasant fruit taste. At what each tablet represents nothing like a separate, completely independent vitamin - mineral complex, calculated on a positive effect on the children's body:

  • "Iron +". This tablet contains iron, which is vital for the child not to develop iron deficiency anemia, as well as vitamin B1, which is necessary for energy processes in the child's body.
  • "Antioxidants." In this tablet, vitamins A, E and C and selenium are combined. They significantly strengthen the immunity of the child's body. In addition, this tablet contains iodine, which is simply vital for the full development of the child's mental development.
  • "Calcium-D3". As the name implies, this tablet contains calcium and vitamin D3, which are necessary for the child's growth and strengthening of the teeth.

Baby vitamins multitabs are also very common and loved by many thousands of children and their parents. There are several types of children's vitamins multitabs:

  • Multi - tabs baby. These are children's vitamins up to three years, produced in the form of chewable tablets. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, ideally suited to the needs of the body of a child under the age of 3 years.
  • Multitabs of calcium. These children's vitamins from 1 year to 7 years are an optimally balanced complex of vitamins and minerals that ensure the proper formation of the musculoskeletal and dental systems.
  • Multitabs teenager. This vitamin complex is designed for children of adolescence and helps them to develop harmoniously during puberty. In addition, it helps children cope with increased mental stress in school.

Vitrum vitamins also offerparents have a wide choice of vitamins for children from one year to 14 years. All vitamin-mineral complexes are absolutely hypoallergenic and do not contain artificial dyes. The next most popular are the children's vitamins of the jungle. They, as well as children's vitamins vitrum, have complexes for children of different ages, but the most popular is a children's complex designed for toddlers from birth to a year. It is available in the form of drops and includes such vitamins as:

  • Vitamin A. He participates in the process of adapting the vision of a newborn baby and in the formation of color perception. In addition, it is simply necessary for the regeneration of tissues and the normal development of the immune system.
  • Vitamin C. This vitamin plays a leading role in all oxidation-reduction processes occurring in the child's body. In addition, he is responsible for the permeability of blood vessels and the body's resistance to infections.
  • Vitamin D3. It ensures the correct exchange of phosphorus and calcium and prevents the possible development of rickets.

Also you can not ignore and do not talk aboutchildren's vitamins to the centers. If you are looking for children's vitamins for hair, nails and prevention of rickets, you should pay attention to this vitamin-mineral complex. It contains the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A provides good eyesight and healthy skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamins of the group AND ensure the normal course of most chemical processes in the body.
  • Vitamin C ensures the functioning of the immune system and the body's ability to resist infections.
  • Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.
  • Iron. It is responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Magnesium. He is responsible for the normal development and functioning of bone and muscle systems.

We have described only a few vitamin complexes,but their choice is extremely large. But do not buy vitamins completely unknown companies, because in this case you risk getting in a beautiful package at best, dyed calcium, which will not be of use, but will not cause harm. Well, in the worst case - the strongest allergic reactions.

Gifts of nature

vitamins alphabet kindergarten In some cases, for certain reasons, givethe child does not get vitamin preparations. What to do in this case? Reconcile with the inevitable and wait for beriberi? In this situation, parents should think about the use of folk remedies. Of course, it's impossible to optimally balance the percentage of vitamins yourself, but it's quite possible to give the child the optimal amount. So, the parents decided to use folk remedies. First of all, they need to pay attention to such a fruit as a dogrose. Its useful properties were known to our ancestors. Broth of dogrose was used as a tonic, firming remedy. In addition, a strong broth rosehip treated all wounds, since it has the strongest bactericidal action. In our time, a lot of biochemical studies of the composition of dogrose. Rosehip contains optimally balanced vitamins and microelements, such as:

  • Vitamins of group A.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Potassium.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Silicon.

Broth of wild rose is used both in medical andfor preventive purposes. The broth stimulates the full functioning of the immune system, significantly increases the body's resistance. In addition, the dog rose remarkably restores reduced performance, which makes it indispensable in the period of increased mental and physical stress on the body. Broth of dogrose beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, kidneys, liver, bladder and pancreas. All these beneficial properties of dogrose are recognized as official medicine - hips extract is a part of many medicines. It is possible to harvest the fruit of the dog rose independently, but it is quite difficult, and in the conditions of the city it is inconvenient. Therefore, parents can use already prepared rose hips, which can be purchased in almost any pharmacy. Such fruits are dried with observance of all technological requirements, therefore they saved the maximum possible amount of vitamins and microelements. You can cook as a decoction of the dogrose, and its infusion. By their value, they are absolutely equivalent, so you can choose the most convenient way for you to prepare. For the preparation of this dog rose you will need:

  • 100 grams of dried hips.
  • 0, 5 liters of steep boiling water.
  • two tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Put a liter of water on the fire. At this time, using a knife, carefully grind the hips and put them in a container in which you will insist on the dog rose. After the water boils, pour the hips of dog rose and close the container tightly. Wrap the dishes in a terry towel and leave to stand for 6 to 8 hours. After this, carefully strain the broth with gauze or any other clean thin tissue, then warm it up to a temperature of 40 degrees, before adding two tablespoons of sugar to the infusion. In no case do not allow boiling of the infusion, as it will lose some of its useful properties. Take the infusion is necessary according to the following scheme: in the morning the child should drink about 10 grams of infusion, and in the evening about 30 grams. The course of taking wild boils should be at least two weeks. Broth of dogrose prepares a little differently. To prepare a rosehip broth, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of dried rose hips.
  • 100 grams of dried leaves of dog rose, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Pour the water into an enamel pot and puther on gas. While the water boils, also carefully grind the hips and its leaves. After the water boils, pour in it the crushed fruits and leaves of the dogrose. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid. The broth should simmer for about 30 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat, strain and add citric acid and sugar. Stir thoroughly. After this, repeat the procedure: wrap the broth with a towel and leave until completely cooled. Take the broth is necessary for the same scheme as the infusion. Such infusions and infusions children drink, as a rule, with pleasure, as they have a pleasant taste. Broth and infusion of dog rose is especially useful in the cold season, as a preventive and curative remedy for cold and viral diseases. However, dog rose has some contraindications, for example, it is not recommended for children who have kidney problems. Therefore, regarding the reception of dog rose, it is also worthwhile to consult your physician-pediatrician. Whatever vitamin - mineral complexes you have chosen for your children, remember that in order for a baby to grow up healthy and all-round developed personality, some vitamins are not enough. In addition to vitamins, regular medical supervision, a healthy lifestyle, daily routine and adequate nutrition are mandatory. All this - a guarantee that your baby will please you with new and new successes. We advise you to read:

