Perhaps there is nothing in the world that excites meparents care more than the health of their children. The best products containing only the most useful substances are bought for children. However, unfortunately, in the conditions of modern ecology and the latest technologies of the food industry, it is almost impossible to get all the necessary vitamins and microelements from food. This is where vitamins come to the aid of parents. Children's vitamins for immunity, to improve appetite and vision - the choice of vitamins is extremely wide. However, how to determine which children's vitamins are better? In order to make the right choice, parents, of course, need to consult a pediatrician. However, the parents themselves should have an idea of when and what vitamins their baby needs. For this, the main vitamins are described below, and what they are needed for. When buying ready-made pharmacological drugs, you will be able to adequately perceive the information given in the annotation to them. In addition, some popular children's vitamin preparations are briefly described. So, what are vitamins? The name comes to us from Latin, from the word "life". Vitamins are organic compounds that do not participate in the energy or construction processes of a living organism. However, they are extremely necessary for its full functioning. Vitamins take the most active part in metabolic processes, are natural biological catalysts for many processes in the body, and ensure the full functioning of the immune system. All vitamins known to science are divided into two groups. One of them includes water-soluble vitamins of group C, P and B, and the second includes vitamins A, K, E and D - fat-soluble vitamins.
Water-soluble vitamins:
- Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Upon admission to the body, it is converted into cocarboxylase. This vitamin is necessary for the body to fully absorb carbohydrates and fats, is responsible for the normal functioning of the immune and nervous system. During periods of increased stress on the children's body, the need for this vitamin increases five to six times. Thiamine is necessarily included in any children's vitamins for immunity.
- Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is also very necessaryfor the child's body. It is very necessary for the normal operation of the visual organs and the restoration of cells and tissues. Any vitamins for children's eyes contain this vitamin. In the event that the children's body begins to experience its lack, the baby may lose the quality of vision, inflammatory process in the mouth begins, painful cracks appear in the corners of the mouth.
- Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. This vitamin directly affects the protein metabolism, and also takes an active part not only in the synthesis, but also in the cleavage of amino acids. Without this vitamin, it is simply impossible to fully work the blood and nervous system.
- Vitamin Sun or folic acid. This vitamin performs two major functions - it stimulates the process of hematopoiesis and, in conjunction with vitamin B12, is responsible for the division of the body cells.
- Vitamin Sun or folic acid is actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, and together with vitamin B12 are involved in the process of cell division.
- Vitamin PP or nicotinic acid takeparticipation in the respiration of tissues, serves as a biological catalyst for such processes as carbohydrate metabolism, secretory function of the stomach and pancreas, ensures the full functioning of the liver. When this vitamin is deficient in a child's body, parents can observe symptoms such as skin lesions like atopic dermatitis, causeless diarrhea and increased irritability. In addition, with a reduced content of nicotinic acid, the protective functions of the body are significantly reduced, and therefore any children's vitamins for the increase of immunity include nicotinic acid.
- Vitamin B3 or pantothenic acid takes an active part in the processes of regeneration, as well as in protein and water metabolism.
- Vitamin H or biotin is needed by the body forsplitting of fatty acids, evacuation of carbon dioxide from the cells of the body. If a child's body lacks this vitamin, it will have very rapid fatigue and a strong decrease in appetite. All children's vitamins for appetite contain biotin.
- Vitamin B12 is very important - it has a direct effecton the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. Ciancobalamin enters the children's vitamins for growth, as it stimulates it well. Most often, the lack of this vitamin is due to helminthic invasions.
- Vitamin C is a regulator of oxidation -recovery processes, is involved in the metabolism. The normal level of vitamin C content ensures the full functioning of the immune system, the normal functioning of the circulatory system - strengthens the walls of blood vessels and increases the clotting of blood.
Fat-soluble vitamins:
- Vitamin A promotes the harmonious development of the child's body - the growth of the skeleton, eyesight, hair and nails growth. Choosing children's vitamins for hair, parents should take this into account.
- Vitamin D is necessary to ensure that the intestine is fully absorbed by phosphorus and calcium, helps strengthen bones and teeth. As a rule, all children's vitamins with calcium contain vitamin D.
- Vitamin E, or tocopherol, has an antitoxicaction on lipid (intracellular) fats. In addition, it is vitamin E that has the property of increasing the body's ability to store all other fat-soluble vitamins.
- Vitamins of the group K-K1 and K2. These vitamins are necessary for blood clotting, preserving the functional and structural properties of all cells of the body.
In addition to vitamins, a child’s body needsminerals, micro and macroelements are necessary. Often, it is also impossible to obtain them in full from food products. When buying vitamin and mineral complexes for children, be sure to pay attention to what minerals are included in this preparation.
- Potassium. It is necessary as a regulator of water balance in the body. Potassium has an extremely high osmotic potential and, penetrating through the cell membrane, it delivers water to the cell. Thus, potassium prevents dehydration of the body.
- Calcium. It is of paramount importance among all minerals in the child's body. Calcium has the property of absorbing energy and keeping it inside the bone structures until the time when there is a need for it. After that, free calcium atoms release energy and, if necessary, either leave in the body, or, together with urine, remove it.
- Magnesium. This element corresponds to an adequate course of all energy exchanges in all vital organs - the brain and spinal cord, heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. As a rule, the best children's vitamins in its composition contain both calcium and magnesium. With the joint penetration through the cell membrane, electrical impulses are generated.
- Zinc is of great importance for the correct expression of genomes during the assembly of DNA. A sufficient amount of zinc at times reduces the chances of a child developing malignant neoplasms.
- Selenium. It is also necessary for full cell division and normal operation of almost all the systems of the baby's body.
So, as is already clear from the above, in order to,In order for a child to grow up healthy, it is practically impossible to do without vitamin and mineral complexes. How can you avoid making a mistake in choosing the best children's vitamins? To do this, you need to know a few absolutely simple rules, which will be discussed below.
The best children's vitamins
The most important rule that is necessaryпомнить всем мамам и папам – для детей допустимо употребление исключительно детских витаминов! Они значительно отличаются по составу от взрослых витаминов – суточная потребность детского организма в витаминах удовлетворяется на 70 – 100%. Кроме того, содержание витаминов в одной таблетке в детских витаминах сбалансировано именно в тех пропорциях, которые необходимы для детского организма. Более того, все детские витамины также поделены на отдельные группы, предназначенные для определённой возрастной категории детей. И это вполне объяснимо – потребности организма годовалого малыша и подростка абсолютно разные. И детские витамины до 3 лет не смогут обеспечить всем необходимым подростка. Немаловажное значение имеет и форма выпуск детских витаминов. Если детям постарше съесть таблетку не сложно, то малыши трёх – четырёх лет на уговоры и объяснения о пользе не сильно реагируют. Ну а самым маленьким детям лучше всего давать детские витамины в сиропе. Именно для малышей в возрасте примерно до двух лет разработана очень практичная в применении форма выпуска витаминов – различные сиропы порошки, которые можно разводить в молоке, или даже просто добавлять в пищу. Однако мамам таких карапузов не следует забывать о самой главной, но в то же самое время самой простой истине – наибольшую пользу маленьким деткам приносит именно материнское молоко. Именно поэтому кормящая мама ни в коем случае не должна забывать о необходимости полноценного питания и приёмы поливитаминов для женщин, кормящих грудью. Такая мера позволит вашему ребёнку получить абсолютно все необходимые ему для нормального развития витамины, которые уже будут адаптированы материнским организмом в строгом соответствии с его потребностями. Для деток старше двух лет выбор формы выпуска витаминно – минеральных комплексов крайне богат. Это может быть жевательный мармелад, в виде разнообразных фигурок. А могут быть пастилки, драже или обыкновенные жевательные таблетки. Как правило, детки с большим удовольствием принимают такие витамины, поэтому родители должны быть предельно внимательными, и своевременно убирать упаковку с витаминами в недоступное для малыша место. Начиная с четырёхлетнего возраста все витаминно – минеральные комплексы назначаются не только с профилактической, но и лечебной целью. Если в организме ребёнка присутствует недостаточное количество железа и врач ставит диагноз железодефицитной анемии, как правило, назначаются витамины с повышенным количеством желез. А в том случае, если ребенок по той или иной причине страдает от непереносимости молочных продуктов, ему полезен приём витаминов с повышенным количеством кальция. Если же кроха относится категории часто болеющих деток, в детских витаминах для иммунитета должно быть повышенное количество витамина С. Кроме формы выпуска все витаминные препараты значительно отличаются также по своему составу. Витамины так называемого первого поколения включают в себя всего лишь один – единственный компонент. Например, ещё с детства всем известные витамины А, D, аскорбиновая кислота. Такие витамины, как правило, назначаются с лечебно – профилактической или лечебной целью. Например, в том случае, если витамины для глаз детские, врач назначит витамин А, а если у ребёнка имеются симптому рахита – то витамин Д. Витамины второго поколения в своём составе имеют уже не один компонент, а несколько – как витаминов, так и микро и макроэлементов и минералов. Подобные поливитаминные комплексы весьма выгодно отличаются от своих «собратьев» предыдущего поколения. В их состав входит уже несколько витаминов и минералов, которые весьма эффективно взаимодействуют и приносят максимальную пользу организму. Например, витамин Д наиболее полезен именно в сочетании с магнием. В составе витаминов третьего поколения, помимо микро и макроэлементов и витаминов, присутствуют экстракты растительных компонентов, таких как шиповник, спирулина и прочие. Благодаря этому спектр действия подобных витаминов намного шире. Однако будьте внимательны при выборе подобных витаминов – растительные компоненты в некоторых случаях могут вызывать аллергическую реакцию. Нельзя сказать однозначно, какие детские витамины лучше. При выборе детских витаминов очень важно ориентироваться на индивидуальные особенности детского организма в каждом отдельном случае. Те витаминные препараты, которые принесут максимальную пользу одному малышу, могут другому серьёзно навредить. Особо пристальное внимание следует обращать на возможность проявления аллергической реакции на какой – либо из компонентов, входящих в состав препарата. Если вы знаете о склонности детского организма к аллергическим реакциям на цитрусовые, откажитесь от покупки витаминов с их добавлением, какими бы они хорошими не были. Для того, чтобы ребёнок получил витамин С, используйте те витамины, в которых витамин С получен из смородины или шиповника – они практически никогда не вызывают аллергических реакций. Если врач не назначает витамины для лечебных целей, их следует давать ребёнку в зимне-весенний период, когда вопрос авитаминоза стоит наиболее остро. Кроме того, витамины помогут в том случае, если малыш проходит период адаптации (например, в садике), во время сезонных эпидемия гриппа, при психологических перегрузках, повышенных физических и умственных нагрузках. В период реабилитации после тяжёлых болезней, приёме антибиотиков, оперативном вмешательстве, в том случае, если питание ребёнка нерегулярно или неполноценное, в том случае, если ребёнок плохо ест или быстро утомляется. Наиболее оптимальное время для приёма витаминных препаратов – это утренние часы, желательно сразу после завтрака. Это объясняется тем фактом, что витамины, после принятия, какое – то время тонизируют организм ребёнка, поэтому давать их в вечернее время нецелесообразно. Несмотря на то, что витаминные препараты многие считают чем – то абсолютно безопасным, и многие взрослые не видят ничего страшного в том, чтобы дать ребёнку лишнюю таблетку, ни в коем случае нельзя превышать указанную в аннотации дозу, если иная не была указанна лечащим врачом.
Baby vitamins. Reviews
Choosing Children's Vitamins, Reviews of Othersparents should not become decisive. It is much more important to carefully study the annotation to the drug and consult a pediatrician. Below is a brief description of the most popular children's vitamins. Vitamins Alphabet Kindergarten are intended for children preparing for and already attending kindergarten. Vitamins and microelements included in their composition optimally prepare the immune and nervous system of children, preventing possible complications associated with a change in their usual way of life. Another big plus of this complex is the fact that they contain only hypoallergenic components, which almost completely reduces the risk of allergic reactions. They do not contain a single artificial coloring or flavoring agent. The release form of vitamins Alphabet Kindergarten is chewable tablets with a pleasant fruit taste. Moreover, each tablet is nothing more than a separate, completely independent vitamin and mineral complex, designed to have a positive effect on the child's body:
- "Iron +". This tablet contains iron, which is vital for the child not to develop iron deficiency anemia, as well as vitamin B1, which is necessary for energy processes in the child's body.
- "Antioxidants." In this tablet, vitamins A, E and C and selenium are combined. They significantly strengthen the immunity of the child's body. In addition, this tablet contains iodine, which is simply vital for the full development of the child's mental development.
- "Calcium-D3". As the name implies, this tablet contains calcium and vitamin D3, which are necessary for the child's growth and strengthening of the teeth.
Children's vitamins Multitabs are also very common and loved by many thousands of children and their parents. There are several types of children's vitamins Multitabs:
- Multi - tabs baby. These are children's vitamins up to three years, produced in the form of chewable tablets. The complex includes 11 vitamins and 7 minerals, ideally suited to the needs of the body of a child under the age of 3 years.
- Multitabs calcium.These are children's vitamins from 1 year to 7 years old, they are an optimally balanced complex of vitamins and minerals that ensure the correct formation of the skeletal, muscular and dental systems.
- Multitabs teenager. This vitamin complex is designed for children of adolescence and helps them to develop harmoniously during puberty. In addition, it helps children cope with increased mental stress in school.
Children's vitamins Vitrum also offerParents have a wide choice of vitamins for children from one year to 14 years. All vitamin-mineral complexes are absolutely hypoallergenic and do not contain artificial colors. The next most popular are children's vitamins Jungle. They also, like children's vitamins Vitrum, have complexes for children of different ages, but the most popular is the children's complex, designed for babies from birth to one year. It is produced in the form of drops and includes vitamins such as:
- Vitamin A. He participates in the process of adapting the vision of a newborn baby and in the formation of color perception. In addition, it is simply necessary for the regeneration of tissues and the normal development of the immune system.
- Vitamin C. This vitamin plays a leading role in all oxidation-reduction processes occurring in the child's body. In addition, he is responsible for the permeability of blood vessels and the body's resistance to infections.
- Vitamin D3. It ensures the correct exchange of phosphorus and calcium and prevents the possible development of rickets.
Also, one cannot ignore and not tellabout children's vitamins centrum. If you are looking for children's vitamins for hair, nails and rickets prevention, you should pay attention to this vitamin and mineral complex. It contains the following vitamins:
- Vitamin A provides good eyesight and healthy skin and mucous membranes.
- Vitamins of the group AND ensure the normal course of most chemical processes in the body.
- Vitamin C ensures the functioning of the immune system and the body's ability to resist infections.
- Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.
- Iron. It is responsible for the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia.
- Magnesium. He is responsible for the normal development and functioning of bone and muscle systems.
Only some of the vitamins are described above.complexes, but their choice is extremely large. But you should not buy vitamins from completely unknown companies, since in this case you risk getting in a beautiful package, at best, colored calcium, which will not bring any benefit, but will not cause any harm either. Well, and in the worst case - severe allergic reactions.
Gifts of nature
In some cases, for certain reasons, givethe child does not get vitamin supplements. What to do in this case? Accept the inevitable and wait for vitamin deficiency? In such a situation, parents should think about using folk remedies. Of course, you will not be able to optimally balance the percentage of vitamins on your own, but it is quite possible to give your child the optimal amount. So, the parents decided to use folk remedies. First of all, they need to pay attention to such a fruit as rose hips. Its beneficial properties were known to our ancestors. Rose hip decoction was used as a tonic, strengthening agent. In addition, all wounds were treated with a strong rose hip decoction, as it has a strong bactericidal effect. In our time, many biochemical studies of the composition of rose hips have been conducted. Rose hips contain optimally balanced vitamins and microelements, such as:
- Vitamins of group A.
- Vitamins of group B.
- Vitamin C.
- Potassium.
- Calcium.
- Phosphorus.
- Manganese.
- Magnesium.
- Silicon.
Rosehip decoction is used both in medicinal andand for preventive purposes. The decoction stimulates the full functioning of the immune system, significantly increases the body's resistance. In addition, rose hips remarkably restore reduced performance, which makes it indispensable during periods of increased mental and physical stress on the body. Rose hip decoction has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, kidneys, liver, bladder and pancreas. All these beneficial properties of rose hips are recognized by official medicine - rose hip extract is part of many drugs. It is possible to harvest rose hips yourself, but it is quite difficult, and inconvenient in urban conditions. Therefore, parents can use ready-made rose hips, which can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Such fruits are dried in compliance with all technological requirements, therefore they retain the maximum possible amount of vitamins and microelements. You can prepare both a rose hip decoction and its infusion. In terms of value, they are absolutely equivalent, so you can choose the most convenient method of preparation for you. To prepare rosehip infusion you will need:
Place half a liter of water on the fire.At this time, using a knife, carefully chop the rose hips and place them in a container in which you will infuse the rose hips. After the water boils, pour in the rose hips and close the container tightly. Wrap the dishes in a terry towel and leave to infuse for 6 - 8 hours. After this, carefully strain the broth using gauze or any other clean thin fabric, then heat it over low heat to a temperature of 40 degrees, having first added two tablespoons of sugar to the infusion. In no case should you allow the infusion to boil, as it will lose some of its beneficial properties. The infusion must be taken according to the following scheme: in the morning, the child should drink about 10 grams of infusion, and in the evening about 30 grams. The course of taking rose hip infusion should be at least two weeks. Rose hip infusion is prepared a little differently. To prepare a rose hip infusion, you will need the following components:
Pour water into an enamel pan andput it on the gas. While the water is boiling, also thoroughly chop the rose hips and its leaves. After the water boils, pour in the chopped rose hips and leaves. After that, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a lid. The decoction should simmer for about 30 minutes. Then remove the decoction from the heat, strain and add citric acid and sugar. Mix thoroughly. After that, repeat the procedure: wrap the decoction in a towel and leave until completely cool. The decoction must be taken according to the same scheme as the infusion. Children usually drink such decoctions and infusions with pleasure, as they have a pleasant taste. Rosehip decoction and infusion are especially useful in the cold season, as a preventive and therapeutic agent for colds and viral diseases. However, rose hips have some contraindications, for example, it is not recommended for children who have kidney problems. Therefore, regarding the intake of rose hips, it is also worth consulting with your attending physician - pediatrician. Whatever vitamin and mineral complexes you choose for your children, remember that in order for the baby to grow up healthy and comprehensively developed, vitamins alone are not enough. In addition to vitamins, regular medical supervision, a healthy lifestyle, daily routine and proper nutrition are required. All this is a guarantee that your baby will delight you with more and more new successes. We recommend reading: