There is probably not a single lady driver left whoбы не была знакома с таким понятием, как авто подставы на дорогах. И вполне понятно мнение большинства девушек, что можно избежать участи стать одной из жертв автомошенников. Главное — знать ПДД, не «лихачить» на дорогах города, придерживаясь правила «тише едешь – дальше будешь». Бесспорно, знание правил и осторожность еще никому не помешали, но не все так гладко, как нам бы того хотелось. И, выбирая для себя очередную жертву автоподставы, «романтики» большой дороги проявляют недюжинное знание психологии. А сами автоподставы похожи на грамотно срежиссированный спектакль, глядя на который сам Станиславский воскликнул бы: «Верю!». Самое смешное, что стать жертвой подставы вы можете, не отходя от кассы, вернее, не выезжая с автостоянки. Не верите? Ну что же, рассмотрим в подробностях все действия этого авантюрного спектакля под названием «автоподстава».
The first action: emery
Любая девушка, хоть раз побывавшая на стоянках large supermarkets, knows firsthand about their almost communal "comfort". Cars are parked very close to each other, and you have to maneuver between them with almost jeweler's precision and caution. This is exactly what the scammers take advantage of. While you are relaxing with the help of shopping therapy, your car is subjected to the most severe torture. More precisely, the rear wing is treated with coarse sandpaper. As if you touched someone else's car tangentially. After you, unsuspecting (what should you suspect, if your conscience is clear), leave the parking lot, a foreign car catches up with you and forces you to slow down in every possible way, pressing you to the side of the road. The further action is calculated on your confusion and the effect of surprise. Several brave guys, broad shoulders, begin to tell you and prove that, leaving the parking lot, you touched their car. But these guys are not evil and are ready to resolve everything peacefully. And they even offer to call the insurance agent so that he can calculate the damage. And there they explain that the case is not insured, because, in fact, you fled the scene of the "accident". Then they offer to pay you and name the amount of damage. As they say, "by eye". We think there is no need to continue the story about the further development of events. Let's consider how you should have acted initially. If you are persistently pushed to the side of the road, do not stop! If you still have no other way out, stop in the middle of the highway, lock all the doors and windows. Take a mobile phone and dial the police number, name the place where you are and shout that you have been attacked. It is desirable that the dashing guys clearly hear that you called the police, usually this is enough for the show to be curtailed and you to be left alone.
Action two: soap opera
The most amazing thing, no matter how strange it may seem to you,the title of this scenario of a road rage incident came to mind, and both soap opera and opera will take part in it. If we rely on Chekhov, the gun on the wall will “go off” in the last act. And this performance will begin early in the morning on a crowded street of your city. During your next maneuver, a luxury car will pull up alongside you, passing almost closely, and a piece of soap will be thrown at your car from the rear window. The sound will be like a collision. You will be asked to pull over to the side of the road, and if you listen to the arguments of reason and stop in the middle of the highway, the “traffic police” will join the action. True, they will drive up in an ordinary car, but they will exert psychological influence with the help of a flashing light. The further development of the performance will quite pull for an Oscar. Threats, fake IDs and psychological pressure. Your main task is to remain calm. Let the scammers play out whatever they have in their script. Your behavior pattern remains the same. Call the police and scream at the top of your lungs that you are being attacked and name the street you are on. It is safe to say that the scammers will not want to meet real law enforcement officers, who will not be convinced by fake flashing lights.
Action three: shocking
And this method of auto-fraud was inventedreal creatives. Although this will hardly be a consolation for you. Imagine a gray, ordinary day. In the moving stream, you are overtaken by a car with a Cheshire cat at the wheel, or rather, a man in a Cheshire cat costume. He scratches his head with a garden rake and waves a soft paw at you. In your surprise, you do not have time to notice that the car in front of you has decided to slow down. And you crash into it with all the sincerity that a surprised girl is capable of. Your guilt is obvious, and nothing can be done about it. In this case, it is impossible to understand or prove that you have become a victim of a car scam. Who knows what people are used to leaving the house in the morning. And you have no excuses. But you can console yourself with the fact that the scammers showed imagination and raised your spirits for a few seconds before the impact. And for the future, keep in mind that even such a surprise should not distract you if you are driving.
Review Critics
There is a chance of becoming a victim of a road rage incidenteach of us. The main thing is to get your bearings in time and not give in to panic and threats from scammers. As additional insurance, you can buy a car recorder to have a video of the scammers' performance and your complete innocence in what happened as evidence. And it is even better to seek help from the knights of the road - the traffic police officers. After all, it is their responsibility to defeat all the dragons that you may encounter on the highways of large and small cities.