overtaking violation In Russia, the expression "woman behind the wheel" has long beenis considered a folk proverb. Some men are simply silent and do not take the auto-lady seriously, and some blur out in a malicious grin and can not refrain from taunts and ridicule. And in order not to give them a reason and adequately respond to the sometimes unreasonable claims of drivers of the stronger sex, every woman needs to know all the subtleties and nuances of behavior on the road. Today we will talk about such an important moment as the rules of overtaking. It's not for nothing that the overtaking was given to the largest section in the rules of the road, and precisely because of this maneuver the most terrible accidents happen.

If you are ahead of you

Let's say you are in a hurry for an important meeting (ata date with a loved one, an interview for work, a visit to my mother), and ahead of me barely moves the old "seven", packed down to failure by summer residents. Of course, it's better to overtake it, and you, including the left turn signal, go to the next lane. It seems to be simple, but there are some nuances:

  • Make sure that the lane on which you are going to leave is quite free, and you will not interfere with the vehicles moving to the meeting with your maneuver.
  • Carefully look in the rear-view mirror - did the overtaking of the driver following you. If you have started, then better pass it forward.
  • Next, you need to make sure that after completing the overtaking you can return to your lane without interfering with the car that is overtaken.
  • And finally, if everything is okay - turn on the leftturn signal and overtake, just before you return to the correct series, make sure that the distance between you and the vehicle overtaken is not less than the size of the car body.

There are still some rules that are worthtake into account when overtaking. For example, on the rise uphill from overtaking it is better to be, also do not start this maneuver on the turn and at the pedestrian crossing. If the car that you decide to overtake shies away from straight-line traffic or begins to brake - to take risks, too, should not be. In the case of overtaking a group of cars, you should certainly wait for the situation when there will be an opportunity to overtake all at once, and not one at a time. This is much safer than overtaking each car separately. In this case, do not greatly overestimate the speed, that is, your speed should not exceed the speed of overtaken vehicles by more than 20 km per hour.

If you are overtaken

Agree, there will always be a person whowill go faster than you. Therefore, consider such situations. If you overtake and counter cars in front of you is not visible, do not need to press on the brake. Calmly move at the same pace as before. If there is a car on the oncoming lane, we act based on the situation. Many professional drivers advise to cuddle to the sidelines and slow down. Of course, this is correct, but only when the overtaking machine has outstripped you at least half a body. If the driver has just started the maneuver, you do not need to brake, just press to the right, not reducing speed. This is necessary to ensure that the car leaving you has the opportunity to return to its range, in case he changes his mind to go to overtaking. Otherwise, you will start to brake at the same time, which does not like the drivers of the oncoming cars. In the event that you overtake the wagon you need to remember about aerodynamics, because in the middle of the overtaking maneuver you can be brought to the side of the wagon, attracting to it. Therefore, you need to firmly hold the steering wheel and get ready to taxi.

If ahead ahead

The most dangerous situations on the roads arise ifpassing is on the oncoming lane. In this case, the error of the inept driver or violation of overtaking rules can lead to a serious accident. Noticing that there is overtaking ahead, prepare in advance for emergency braking. Even in the case when the distance to the oncoming vehicles seems to you safe. Seeing that the car in front does not have time to rebuild - press the brake and slide smoothly to the side. Do not forget to turn on the right turn signal. So you let the driver of the overtaken car understand that you are moving to the right, and he will try to drive in the middle. It is worth noting that such a maneuver does not always work. Therefore, in each case, you need to act on the basis of the current situation. To minimize such cases, try to reduce the speed on the track in those places where the survey is limited, that is, on the ascent and before a sharp turn. overtaking rules

Overtaking prohibited

We will continue to study the rules of the road. The sign "overtaking is forbidden" is probably known to all auto-ladies. So, according to the rules, overtaking is not possible in several cases:

  • When driving on a secondary road, where there are adjustable and unregulated intersections.
  • When approaching a pedestrian crossing, especially if people are seen on it.
  • In the area of ​​a hundred meters from the railway crossing, as well as at the crossing.
  • On bridges, overpasses and under them, in tunnels.
  • At the end of the climb, on steep turns, and on other sites with poor visibility.

Also rules for overtaking include the following facts:

  • Overtaking is prohibited when a car moving in front, rides around an obstacle or also goes overtaking.
  • Going to overtaking is also not worth it, if the car in front, going on your lane, gave a turn signal to the left.

Consider some of the prohibitions in more detail

The overtaking rules say that overtaking on a bridge or underit, and also in the tunnel these rules are strictly prohibited. It is worth bearing in mind - some small bridges are built in such a way that they are difficult to notice from afar. And with all this, if the bridge is located within a settlement, its borders are not marked. This is the difficulty. Therefore, be very careful in this situation, because your ignorance of the existence of such a bridge does not protect you from liability and from a fine for violating the rules. Overtaking on the rise and with poor visibility. To identify a steep rise or dangerous turn, there are special signs that indicate its approach. It is worth noting that overtaking is prohibited at the end of any climb, not only sharp, but also on any site with poor visibility. Self-determination of a site with poor visibility is not an easy task, so if by some criteria you still decided that visibility is limited, it is better to be reinsured, otherwise violation of the rules of overtaking will be inevitable, as well as a conversation with a formidable DPS officer.

Some tips in the end

  • You do not need to perceive overtaking as a personal insult, even if you were overtaken by the ancient tarah-making "Zaporozhets". You can always catch up with him and overtake him a little later.
  • The expression of politeness is a slight decrease in speed when overtaking. But raising it is a great stupidity.
  • When driving on a road with several cars, you do not have to go overtaking immediately after your friends. First, study the situation and make sure that your maneuver is safe.
  • If you went to overtake a wagon or anotherheavy car, blink his headlights, thereby warning of his intention. Male drivers, especially truckers, respect courtesy on the roads.
  • When you are going to overtake, switch to a weaker gear. This will save the power reserve for maneuvering. For example, we went to the fourth, switch to the third.

No matter how male the men are, the women at the wheel withEvery year it becomes more and more. And despite all the ridicule, it is the auto-lady who is always more careful and attentive on the roads (not counting of course experienced professionals with many years of experience). Do not be afraid of difficulties, remember the rules and signs, gain experience, and in a year or two you will necessarily become an experienced motorist. Attentiveness, courage and self-confidence are the main qualities that make you feel confident even in the most difficult situations on the roads!

