apple cider vinegar from celluliteHow many girls can boast of being beautiful?figure, smooth skin and a complete absence of cellulite? Unfortunately, only a few are so lucky, and most, having good shapes and a fit body, suffer from this disadvantage. But do not get upset and depressed because of the orange peel on your thighs. This problem is easy to solve, and at home. And apple cider vinegar, well known in cooking, will help in the fight against cellulite.

How to make apple cider vinegar from home?

You understand, of course, that it is better to usehomemade natural apple cider vinegar against cellulite, not store-bought. After all, the quality of store-bought acetic acid can differ greatly from that prepared at home. And making such vinegar is not at all difficult. You will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe juicy apples (better even ripe from their garden);
  • 50-150 g of sugar;
  • Hot water, but not boiling water (about 70 ° C);
  • Enameled pan or other convenient container.

Preparation:Wash overripe apples well and cut into small pieces. If you have store-bought apples, you need to give them time to overripe. Place the slices in a saucepan and mash them well to release juice. Add 50-150 g of sugar to the resulting mass (the sweeter the apples, the less sugar you will need) and pour hot water over everything so that the water is 3-4 cm above the level of the apples. Put the saucepan in a dark, warm place - do not leave it in the sun under any circumstances. The starter must be stirred at least 2 times a day so that the top layer does not dry out. After 2 weeks, strain the vinegar through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Pour the resulting liquid into several jars and leave to ferment. It is important not to pour vinegar into the jars to the top, as it will rise during the fermentation process. Step back 5-7 cm from the edge of the dish. Leave the containers for another two weeks in a warm, dark place, and your vinegar is ready to use! Tip: For long-term storage, it is best to treat the neck of the jars with paraffin to prevent contact of the vinegar with vinegar against cellulite

How to use apple cider vinegar from cellulite?

There are several options, such asиспользовать яблочный уксус от целлюлита. Можно делать всевозможные массажи, обертывания, натирания уксусным лосьоном, а можно даже применять его для общего оздоровления внутрь в разбавленном виде. От целлюлита это не поможет, но организм в порядок вы точно приведете. Рассмотрим самые распространенные методы борьбы с надоевшей апельсиновой коркой с помощью уксуса.

Massage with apple cider vinegar

Massage is a great way to even outskin surface, and in combination with apple cider vinegar it becomes much more effective. Vinegar cleanses the skin and helps the process of fat breakdown, and also draws out toxins from the body. Massage helps to break up lumps of fatty tissue and make the skin smoother. For the procedure, mix 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of oil. You can use special massage oils, but if you don’t have any at hand, regular olive or sunflower oil will do. Apply the mixture evenly to problem areas and massage using a special massage glove or vacuum can. For the first time, it is enough to massage for 5 minutes. When you get used to the procedure, you can extend the time to 10-20 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, then you should use apple cider vinegar for cellulite massage every other day. After you finish the massage, be sure to take a warm relaxing shower and apply a good moisturizing lotion or milk to your body. You can also use a warming anti-cellulite cream.

Wrapping apple cider vinegar

An equally common method of dealing withcellulite – homemade wraps with apple cider vinegar. This procedure requires a little more skill and experience, but is still very simple and accessible to each of you. In addition to vinegar, you will need water, cling film and warm underwear (you can use a blanket or a rug). Dilute apple cider vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Rub the resulting mixture gently into problem areas for about 5 minutes. Then wrap yourself in several layers of cling film and put on warm underwear for one hour. You can take the chance and lie under a thick blanket, relax, read a book or take a nap. After an hour, remove the film and rinse under a warm shower. It is better to lubricate the body with a moisturizing lotion or cream. To achieve good results, repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Honey lotion with apple vinegar from cellulite

If for some reason you cannot dowraps or you think this is not enough, you can resort to the help of honey. Not only apple cider vinegar is good for cellulite! Honey is widely used in cosmetology to combat this disadvantage. If you mix 2 tablespoons of natural melted honey, 1-2 tablespoons of boiled water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar, you will get a wonderful body lotion that will help in the war with orange peel. The main thing is to thoroughly mix all the ingredients to get a homogeneous mass. This lotion must be rubbed into the body every day. If you have enough time, you can do a light massage with your hands or a special massage roller, and then wrap yourself in cling film for 30-40 minutes. After that, all that remains is to wash the mixture off the body with warm water and dry yourself vinegar wrapping

Anti-cellulite dough made from apple cider vinegar

This simple way to fight cellulite is notwill not only help you get rid of the hated bumps, but will also relieve swelling by drawing out excess fluid through the pores of the skin. To prepare the dough, mix vinegar and honey in equal parts depending on the required amount of dough. Add regular flour to the resulting mixture to get a mass similar to dough slightly thicker than for pancakes. Coat problem areas with the mask and leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then rinse with cool water. Now you know several simple ways to get rid of cellulite, which will be a great alternative to salon procedures and professional massage. After all, not every woman can afford to spend a fairly large amount of money on specialized body care, and apple cider vinegar is an inexpensive and effective remedy for getting smooth and even skin. But remember that the main enemy of cellulite is a balanced diet. Combine a diet with such procedures, and the orange peel will leave you forever! We recommend reading:

