allergy to alcoholEveryone knows that alcohol consumption is dangerous forhealth. Unfortunately, not all products that reach store shelves meet the established standards and requirements. The lion's share of alcoholic beverages are low-quality counterfeits that contain so many different poisons and additives that it is hard to even imagine. Perhaps your body will withstand such an attack, and you will not be poisoned. But next time you may develop an allergy to alcohol. And this is no joke!

How is an allergy to alcoholic beverages manifested?

It's unlikely that you'll feel sick after just ten.shots of vodka or cognac. Usually the body reacts to alcohol immediately (heart, liver, kidney, stomach problems begin). If nausea, vomiting, dizziness and pain occur the next morning after you have drunk four bottles of wine the night before, then this is a banal hangover. Try not to exceed your limit next time, then everything will be fine. So, if you are allergic to alcohol, the following symptoms will appear after drinking a glass:

  • redness on the face, limbs or completely on the entire body;
  • nausea, pain in the stomach (similar to exacerbation of gastritis);
  • red spots on the skin (as with diathesis), itching, flaking, cracks;
  • extremely fast and strong intoxication even with a small amount of drunk;
  • swelling of the skin of the face, accompanied by bruises under the eyes;
  • coryza;
  • Strong headache;
  • exacerbation of asthma;
  • significant pressure and temperature jumps;
  • tachycardia;
  • in the worst cases - a violation of breathing, suffocation.

In such cases, you should immediately call a teamambulance to take the patient to the clinic and give him an IV. After cleansing the body, the patient remains under the supervision of doctors for several days to avoid relapse. In the future, the allergy sufferer will have to avoid almost all alcoholic beverages. Sometimes it is quite difficult to understand that a person is allergic to alcohol. Chills, pale skin, runny nose, watery eyes, drop in blood pressure, sore throat, dry cough, including at night - such symptoms are usually attributed to poor health, a cold. If after the celebration there is a fever, nausea, flatulence, abdominal pain, loose stools, then most of us will think that we have been poisoned by stale meat, salad, etc. Unfortunately, many of the fair sex, faced with the above symptoms, believe that they are not significant and not dangerous. In addition, external manifestations often pass quickly. As you already understood, an allergy to alcohol can manifest itself exactly like a regular one. Only after a full examination and testing to identify the allergen will you be able to figure out what really makes you feel so bad. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but immediately contact a narcologist and immunologist. If you do nothing, then next time everything may end sadly, even fatally. In fact, many people die because of an allergy to alcohol.allergy to alcohol tips

Alcohol and allergies: everything you did not know about before

What's most interesting is that alcohol (that is,Ethyl alcohol) is not a direct cause of allergies. Of course, it is toxic, it causes damage to organs, the central nervous system. Having drunk, for example, a bottle of vodka, a person can easily get poisoned. But next time, if you drink an order of magnitude less, you will not feel bad. If you are allergic to alcohol, the attacks will be repeated every time you take a glass of drink. Causes of allergies to alcoholic beverages As researchers have established, an allergy to alcohol can appear in two cases. The first is when various impurities become allergens or haptens. For example, these can be dyes that are added to cheap low-alcohol drinks, flavorings, emulsifiers, taste stabilizers, etc. To avoid relapse, you should buy high-quality alcoholic beverages. Please note that the alcohol molecule is so small that our immune system simply does not react to it. But after it combines with proteins, a hapten appears. Its distinctive feature is that it does not cause a reaction immediately, but can become an allergen the next time. And all because our body immediately begins to produce antibodies to foreign elements. So, you already understood that an allergy to alcohol manifests itself on the second or third time. Therefore, avoid drinks that have too many chemical additives. Usually, this problem appears in people who abuse alcohol for a long time and are dependent on them. Remember once and for all: punch, rum, liqueur, wine, cognac - all this is under the strictest lock. The same applies to beer. If earlier it was made only from barley malt, now it is almost impossible to find a natural drink. In extreme cases, always read the composition. And if there are unknown components listed there, the names of which are even difficult to read and remember, do not buy such products. The situation is much more complicated with alcoholic drinks that do not have a color. It would seem, what can you add there? Indeed, there is no point in spoiling good expensive vodka, it is already in great demand. Unfortunately, this does not apply to very cheap goods or counterfeit goods. Sometimes alcoholic beverages are not even purified from fusel oils. The result is acute food poisoning. In the second case, the alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages negatively affects the functioning of our organs, due to which the protective mechanism of the immune system is reduced. Various allergens begin to get inside. Sometimes the body itself produces them. Here, the type of alcohol you drink does not play a special role. The reaction will be the same for both cheap and expensive products. Why did you develop an allergy? You just drank one glass of wine, and red spots have already appeared on your face, which are very itchy. Why is this unfair? Why can a person suddenly develop an allergy to alcohol? In fact, the problem lies either in the genes (which you simply did not know about) or in the low quality of the drink.

  • Heredity

If one of your parents can't stand italcohol, you could have inherited it. In this case, even taking medications that contain alcohol is not recommended. A very small dose of tincture or cough syrup can cause anaphylactic shock. Do you doubt that you feel bad from alcohol? To make sure of the presence or absence of an allergy, it is recommended to donate blood. This is the only way you can identify the allergen without harming your own health. But experimenting with drinks, hoping that you will not feel bad, is highly discouraged!

  • Acquired allergy

As mentioned above, allergies appearafter drinking alcohol that contains harmful chemicals. This disease can develop gradually and without obvious external manifestations. However, serious changes will occur inside you, and your organs will begin to be affected. Therefore, it is so important to undergo regular examinations, even if you feel great. If at the initial stages the allergy can manifest itself in the form of a mild rash and redness of certain areas of the body, which quickly passes, then later the symptoms will begin to intensify. The more a woman drinks, the worse she gets. Quincke's edema and bronchospastic syndrome, anaphylactic shock - such manifestations are life-threatening. Fortunately, this happens quite rarely. But if suddenly the body reacts exactly like this, the person may not even be saved. What to do if an allergy appears So, you have finally found out that you have an intolerance to alcoholic beverages. First of all, you should completely exclude all alcohol from your diet for a while. If the allergy is not congenital, but acquired, you can gradually introduce alcohol into your life, but in very small doses. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the quality of the products. Do not buy wine, vodka, cognac, etc., if you doubt their naturalness. Always ask to see certificates, which should indicate all the data regarding production and delivery. The next thing you should do is see a doctor. Undergo a full examination. Check your kidneys, liver, heart, stomach. Sometimes low-quality alcohol causes cancer, cirrhosis and other dangerous and incurable diseases. It is better to play it safe and pay an extra thousand for the examination than to spend all the money on treatment later. How to get rid of an allergy to alcohol An allergy to alcohol is well treated with antihistamines. However, they cannot be used while drinking alcohol or immediately after a stormy feast, otherwise it will only get worse. By the way, if you are taking medications (especially antibiotics), you cannot drink alcohol even in small doses. Try to find out whether you feel bad from the amount you drank, the type of drink or from any alcohol. Your treatment will depend on this. For example, if you are allergic to strong alcohol (vodka, absinthe, cognac), then choose lighter drinks. In this case, wine and beer will do. You can make cocktails with juice. If the allergy occurs only occasionally, and it does not matter what you drank - vodka or a low-alcohol drink, then you have stomach problems. In this case, doctors prescribe enzymes to their patients. By the way, what you eat with it plays an important role. Choose fatty foods. And never, under any circumstances, drink on an empty stomach.

What if the person is ill?

Do not self-medicate under any this may have serious consequences. Do not buy advertised drugs without first consulting your doctor. Try not to take mixtures and tablets that help get rid of a hangover. There are frequent cases when, after using such products, people's lips, nose, tongue, and hands swell. You should call an ambulance immediately. Until the doctors arrive, provide first aid: unbutton the shirt, clear the mouth of mucus, stick out the tongue. When performing such operations, do not forget to wrap your fingers in a towel first so that the patient does not bite them off during an attack. If there is no pulse, you do not hear a beat in the chest, do mouth-to-mouth respiration and direct cardiac massage. If the person starts gagging, lift him up so that he does not choke. If he has chills, cover the patient and do not move away from him! And do not let him fall asleep under any circumstances!allergy to alcohol measures

Precautions for the use of alcoholic beverages

First of all, always stick to your norm.To relax and celebrate, you don’t have to get drunk to the point of losing your pulse. A glass of wine will help you get into the right mood, lift your spirits. And you won’t have to suffer from a headache and hangover the next day. Secondly, never mix drinks, even in ascending order. You shouldn’t do the so-called “Yorsh”, when you wash down vodka with beer. Of course, wine, cognac and champagne all contain alcohol. But the production and processing methods are different. When they react with each other, they can cause allergies or poisoning. By the way, when making cocktails at home, always follow the norm and mix only proven drinks. Thirdly, don’t skimp. Buy only high-quality alcohol. Think for yourself how much manufacturers spend on harvesting (or buying raw materials), on the production itself and paying for the work. Plus, they need to receive revenue from sales. Therefore, do not buy wine, vodka and other alcoholic drinks that are below average in price. Expensive does not always mean quality, remember this. Therefore, read the composition carefully. And if there is starch, pectin, a flavor identical to natural, refuse to buy. Otherwise, the next day you will have to go to the hospital to get rid of the rash on your body. If you follow the above rules, allergies will never bother you. Also, do not experiment with drinks prepared by yourself. What are the dangers of homemade alcoholic drinks, surrogates and household chemicals

  • Wine

As stated above, allergies are usuallyacquired after drinking low-quality alcoholic beverages. Particularly dangerous are those products that contain a huge number of various synthetic additives - flavors, preservatives, dyes. Many naively believe that home-made wine will be healthy or safe. And this is a pretty serious mistake. Not everyone knows, but before it hits store shelves, this drink goes through several stages of purification. It is unlikely that you have devices in your apartment that remove fusel oils. In addition, the grapes you bought at the market may contain chemicals and pesticides. Who knows what farmers fertilized and treated their gardens with. After fermentation, such "additives" will become even more poisonous. Therefore, you should not even be surprised if after a glass of divine nectar you get a rash, irritation, nausea and stomach pain.

  • Medical facilities

Liquids that are not considered less dangerousintended for internal use. Alcohol, antiseptics, solvents - drinking such drinks (even in diluted form) can lead to death. If you do not have enough money for good alcohol, do not risk what is at hand.

  • Moonshine

Moonshine is a dangerous thing. И дело не только в том, что у вас может возникнуть на него аллергия. Суррогатное спиртное, которое делается в подпольных цехах или в домашних условиях, может вызывать серьезное отравление. Ежегодно сотни тысяч людей в разных странах умирают от поддельного алкоголя. В таком напитке содержатся сивушные масла, которые чуть ли не разъедают желудок. Достаточно одной рюмки, чтобы стало плохо. Очистить самодельный спирт от примесей без специальных приспособлений невозможно. Поэтому не рискуйте, не занимайтесь домашним производством, даже если считаете себя мастером в этом деле. Не стоит покупать самогон со вторых рук. Иногда в изъятом суррогате обнаруживают такие опасные для организма вещества, как ацетон, формальдегид, диэтилфтолат, этиловый и метиловый спирты, которые являются ядами. Чаще всего все вышеперечисленное добавляют для придания необходимого цвета, запаха и крепости.

  • Household chemicals

Cologne, lotion, detergents, tinctures forexternal use - people manage to drink even this. Of course, this is an extreme degree of alcoholism, when a person does not care where the alcohol is contained. But if you drink this by accident (having confused the medicinal mixture with a bottle of some chemicals), urgently go to the hospital. They will flush your stomach there. If there is no way to call an ambulance, try to empty your bowels yourself. Then dilute the soda with water or buy alkaline mineral water in the store, and drink as much liquid as possible. In addition, there are poisonous "drinks" - liquids that do not contain ethyl alcohol, which in any case cause poisoning. These can be windshield wipers, solvents, dyes. The main volume of them is non-potable alcohols - methyl, ethylene glycol and others. Just half a glass of such a liquid can become a lethal dose.

  • Medications

In some tinctures and medicinal mixturesalcohol is also present. In such cases, you should strictly follow the dosage. Read the annotation first. If you show any signs of allergy, stop taking this drug. Has your condition worsened? Then you should be prescribed another drug. Things are worse when the fair sex decides to self-medicate. Immunologists believe that the main allergens are polysaccharides and proteins. There are few of the latter in alcohol, but there are enough complex carbohydrates (pectin, starch, sugar substitutes). To prepare medicinal tinctures at home, housewives usually use low-quality alcohol and a large number of additives of various origins. Consumption of such liquids is much more dangerous for allergy sufferers. Therefore, if your health is important to you, do not risk it.

