It seems like just yesterday you were shoppingfor newborns and with bated breath bought a dowry for their baby. But time flies unnoticed, and today you are already concerned about such a serious issue as the adaptation of the child in the kindergarten. For more than a dozen years, there have been heated debates about whether a child needs a kindergarten. One side believes that the baby's stay in the kindergarten and his separation from the mother have an extremely negative impact on his psyche. Their opponents argue that the so-called "home" children subsequently have serious problems with adaptation in a children's group. It is quite difficult to say unequivocally which of them is right. Both points of view have the right to exist. The decision should be made only by the parents, carefully weighing all the pros and cons. And in some cases (for example, the mother is forced to go to work), the answer to the question is obvious, since there is simply no other way out. If the kindergarten is to be, parents should take care in advance to ensure that the adaptation period in the kindergarten goes as smoothly and painlessly as possible. After all, it will depend on this whether going to kindergarten will be a joy for the child, or will turn into daily torture and endurance "for strength" of both the child's and parent's nervous system. Dragging a resisting and screaming child to the kindergarten every day is a very dubious pleasure. In order to avoid such a situation, and the adaptation period in the kindergarten goes without complications and unpleasant moments, it is necessary to start preparing for the kindergarten at least six months before the expected start date of attendance. If such preparation is neglected, the consequences can be the most unfavorable, up to childhood neuroses. Unfortunately, many parents believe that preparation for kindergarten consists only in buying the necessary clothes and change of shoes, as well as passing a medical examination at the clinic. Of course, all this simply must be done, but this is the very last stage in the process of preparation for kindergarten. The preparation itself includes several components:
- Information preparation.
- Psychological preparation.
- Physiological preparation.
To achieve the best results, preparation must begin in advance, otherwise it will itself be a heavy psycho-emotional burden on the fragile psyche of the child.
Adaptation of the child to the kindergarten - information preparation
First of all, parents should do it in advancechoose the right kindergarten. Long gone are the days when all preschool educational institutions worked on the same principle and proudly bore the title of "nursery - kindergarten". Nowadays, it is very difficult to find two similar kindergartens, which is why it is so important to choose the kindergarten that would most fully satisfy the needs of your child and meet your requirements. Below is a classification of kindergartens and a brief description of each type.
- Kindergarten General developing type. This type of kindergarten places special emphasis on the comprehensive, harmonious development of children, both physical and intellectual. The main motto of such kindergartens is little by little.
- Kindergarten of supervision and rehabilitation. The main priorities of this kind of kindergartens are directed to carrying out various strengthening and improving procedures. Your baby can be offered daily use of oxygen cocktails or systematic courses of health or therapeutic massage, hardening. But do not expect any kind of in-depth training in such a kindergarten, which will contribute to the intellectual development of the baby; most likely the matter will be limited only to the standard program.
- Kindergarten compensating type. As a rule, each such garden operates on one specific profile. Pupils of such gardens are children who have any deviations from normal development: both physical and mental. For example, such kindergartens are designed for children with speech therapy problems, with a delay in general mental development, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, suffering from impaired functioning of the auditory or visual apparatus, just often and long-term ill children.
Medical workers work in such gardens.and highly specialized teachers who have experience working with this particular group of children. Constant in-depth work is carried out with children, aimed at improving their health and development. As a rule, in compensatory kindergartens, a special diet and daily routine is selected for children that is suitable for them. In addition, most often in such kindergartens, both children and parents are treated by psychologists who help them adapt to society. In order for a child to get into such a kindergarten, it is necessary to have a corresponding referral from doctors of the relevant profile.
- Kindergarten is the center of the child's development. Such kindergartens set themselves the task of revealing as much as possible all the child's available abilities. Pools, computer classes and art studios are almost mandatory attributes of such kindergartens.
- Kindergarten combined type. This type of kindergartens is the most widespread. Such gardens include various groups: compensatory, recreational, developing.
Parents should choose a kindergarten based ontheir own needs of the child and their financial capabilities, since the fee for attending a kindergarten also varies greatly, since not all kindergartens are municipal. Before sending your child to a kindergarten, find out what type of kindergarten it is:
- Municipal gardens. They are in the register of the local department of education management and are subsidized at the expense of the state budget. In such gardens, payment is the smallest, as the parents pay only a portion of the amount necessary to keep the baby. The rest is paid by the state. As a rule, in such gardens all expenses for the purchase of toys, teaching aids and other things fall on the shoulders of parents, in a "voluntary - compulsory" form.
- Departmental kindergartens. This type of garden is in the register of a particular enterprise. The improvement of such a garden and the amount of payment for his visit directly depends on how much the enterprise allocates for these purposes. Most often, only a child of an employee of an enterprise can get into such a kindergarten.
- Commercial kindergartens.These kindergartens always have a huge number of advantages: more delicious and balanced food, an individual approach to each child, their own highly qualified medical workers, teachers, very good living conditions, a powerful educational base, a small number of children in a group. The only disadvantage that the kindergarten has is the high cost of the child's stay.
- Family kindergarten. This garden is a kind of private gardens. The main difference is that the number of children in the group is very small, and there are children at home. Recently, this form of preschool education for children has become very popular. The big plus is that almost completely eliminates the difficult adaptation in kindergarten.
Once you have made your choicekindergarten, you need to visit it and talk to the head of the kindergarten and the teachers in the proposed group of your child. Pay attention to the general atmosphere of the kindergarten, living conditions: the presence of kindergarten security, the condition of the playgrounds for walks, the general appearance of the adjacent territory. In the premises, pay attention to the condition of the corridors, playrooms, bedrooms. Try to discreetly observe the teachers' relationship with the children. Be sure to find out about all the nuances of the children's stay in this particular kindergarten. Try not to miss the slightest detail:
- List of documents required for enrollmentchild in this pre-school educational institution. In the future, this measure will help you avoid surprises and the need to receive a particular certificate in a hurry.
- Schedule. Knowing it, you can teach your child in advance, which will help to make the adaptation of the child in kindergarten much easier.
- Program of adaptation to kindergarten. In some kindergartens, they simply do not pay any attention to such questions, referring to it from the point of view: "It will weep and cease." In other gardens, entire adaptation programs have been developed that allow the child to get used to the kindergarten as quickly as possible. This issue should also be discussed with the manager of the kindergarten in advance, in order to avoid the occurrence of various misunderstandings.
All of the above informational preparation is extremely useful, and you will see this for yourself later.
Psychological training
So, the kindergarten is chosen, it is completely satisfiedродителей. Они принимают решение: «готовимся к садику». Следующим этапом должна стать психологическая подготовка вашего малыша. Её необходимо проводить крайне осторожно и поэтапно, чтобы не получить противоположного эффекта и ярого отрицания со стороны малыша. Даже в том случае, если ваш ребёнок крайне любознательный, живой и общительный малыш, пренебрегать психологической подготовкой всё же не стоит. Ведь в абсолютно новой и незнакомой обстановке даже взрослый человек будет ощущать некий психологический дискомфорт, а уж малыш и подавно может замкнуться в себе, что приведёт тяжелой адаптации в детском саду. Как правило, если вы заранее начинаете готовить ребёнка к необходимости посещать детский сад, адаптация проходит гораздо легче. Однако не стоит просто ставить ребёнка перед фактом. Для начала его необходимо слегка заинтересовать, а после дать более ясное представление о том, что же такое детский сад. Для начала выберите такой маршрут для прогулок с ребёнком, который будет пролегать мимо детского садика. Время для прогулки необходимо выбрать именно то, когда садовские дети будут на прогулке. Как правило, любой малыш проявляет интерес к большому количеству детишек, играющих на игровой площадке. Если же вдруг ваше чадо проигнорировало сей факт, сами аккуратно обратите его внимание. Вы можете рассказать ребёнку о том, что детский садик – это замечательное место, где детки играют, рисуют, поют. Однако мам и пап туда не пускают, чтобы они не мешали деткам. Мамы и папы утром приводят ребёнка, а вечером забирают его. После этого рассказа понаблюдайте за реакцией ребёнка. Если малыш проявляет повышенный интерес и просит, чтобы вы его тоже отвели в детский сад, объясните ему, что пока в садик нельзя, сначала необходимо немного подрасти. Подобные прогулки необходимо совершать как минимум раз в месяц. Если же ребёнок интереса не проявил, не стоит рассказывать ему, что он также вскоре пойдёт в детсад, иначе ребёнок начнёт категорически отвергать всё, что связанно с детским садом. Подобные прогулки вам необходимо совершать немного чаще, кроме того, постарайтесь рассказать малышу что-нибудь крайне интересное, связанное с детским садом. После того, как малыш получит примерное представление о том, что же такое детский сад, можно приступать ко второму пункту психологической подготовки. Договоритесь с заведующей о возможности посетить садик вместе с малышом. Как правило, родителям удаётся получить такое разрешение довольно легко. Ваш малыш может понаблюдать за тем, как играют другие дети и даже присоединиться к нм. Примерно 95 % деток с охотой играют вместе со всеми. Очень многие детские сады имеют так называемые «группы выходного дня», предназначенные именно для адаптации ребенка в детском саду. Как правило, родители имеют возможность привести ребёнка в детский сад на несколько часов, в субботу и воскресенье. В это время опытные педагоги знакомят малышей с новой, «садовской» жизнью, учат существовать в коллективе. Чаще всего, для того, чтобы попасть в подобную группу, достаточно лишь справки от педиатра о состоянии здоровья малыша и письменное заявление родителей. Необходимую информацию можно получить у сотрудников детского сада. Главная задача этой программы для адаптации к детскому саду – наиболее быстрое привыкание малыша к детскому коллективу, распорядку дня и дисциплине. Это довольно хороший способ психологической подготовки, которой не стоит пренебрегать. Кроме того, родители также могут сделать адаптацию ребенка к садику более лёгкой, используя ролевые игры. Поиграйте вместе с ребёнком, отправив в детский садик любимую игрушку. Вы можете обыграть практически любую ситуацию, ознакомить малыша с правилами поведения в садике, с режимом дня, дать необходимые навыки общения со сверстниками. Кроме того, подобные игры смогут оказать неоценимую услугу и в то время, когда малыш начнёт посещать садик. Понаблюдав за ходом игры, можно узнать очень многое о моральном состоянии малыша и окружающем его психологическом микроклимате. Возможно, о некоторых проблемах малыш предпочтёт умолчать, но наблюдательные родители в процессе игры всегда смогут заметить, что их малыша что-то тревожит, и выяснить, что именно.
Physiological preparation for kindergarten
Physiological factors are no less importantPreparing your child for kindergarten. The first thing you should pay attention to is teaching your child the necessary self-care skills, such as:
- The ability to self-eat - use a fork and spoon, drink not from a bottle, but from a cup. It is also necessary to teach the child not to indulge in food.
- Controlling your physiological needs, informing adults about your desire to go to the toilet. Teach your child to use the toilet.
- Also the child should be able to wash his hands and face, he must know why soap and a towel is needed.
- It is very desirable that the baby himself knows how to dressand undress. In extreme cases, with the help of an adult. Of course, we are not talking about button fastening or lightning with a three-year-old crumb, but he must be able to pull his panties on his own.
- It is necessary to teach the child to ensure that heI knew exactly where his things were supposed to be. This skill is useful to you, so that later you do not have to waste time searching for things the baby, which he will put in other people's lockers.
Well, that's actually all the skills thata three-year-old child should have. He will learn everything else as he grows up. However, it would not be a bad idea for parents to check with the teachers of the chosen kindergarten if they have any special requirements. This should also be done by those parents whose children go to a nursery. As a rule, much fewer requirements are imposed on children under two years old. The next thing to pay attention to when conducting physiological preparation is strengthening the child's immune system. Unfortunately, the adaptation period of children in kindergartens is often complicated by various diseases, which causes additional difficulties. Not only is the disease itself an extremely unpleasant thing, but you also have to leave the child at home. And after the illness, the child is forced to adapt in a new circle. All this creates an additional burden on the child's psychoemotional system. In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the child's immunity in advance. Of course, you should not give the child strong immunostimulants just like that, for prevention. Their use is possible only after the appointment of a doctor - immunologist. However, you must ensure that the child has received all the necessary preventive vaccinations, ensure that the baby does not have various types of anemia and vitamin deficiency. Some pediatricians recommend about a month before the child starts attending kindergarten, start giving the baby the pharmacological drug "Glycine", which is positioned by doctors as a means to facilitate the child's adaptation period in kindergarten. Also, children who are often and long-term sick are recommended to undergo a course of treatment with the drug "Viferon", which gently and safely supports the child's immunity. However, in any case, it is necessary to first consult with your pediatrician, who knows the developmental characteristics of your child and will be able to individually assess the child's needs for the use of drugs. And the last, but not least, aspect of physiological preparation is the daily routine. Many parents simply forget about this. But in fact, it is very important to accustom the baby to a certain daily routine. You need to find out the exact daily routine in the kindergarten in advance, and then start accustoming your baby to it. Remember that it is unacceptable to transfer the baby to a new regime too abruptly, as this creates a significant burden on both the psyche and the body of the baby. Every day, shift the time of sleep or meals by no more than 10 minutes. As a rule, you will need from one to three months to fully switch to the desired regime, but your efforts will be fully rewarded.
We go to the kindergarten
So, the period of preparation for kindergarten is behind us.and finally, with your heart skipping a beat with excitement, you enter the group for the first time. What can you expect? Very often, the baby runs headlong to the children, even forgetting to say goodbye to his mother. And the mother leaves with a light heart, happy that the baby immediately got used to the kindergarten and she will not have to face all the "delights" of the adaptation period in the kindergarten. However, after a few days, or maybe even the next day, the child begins to cry desperately, clinging to his mother. And this is a completely normal phenomenon, since on the first day the baby simply did not fully understand the changes that kindergarten life brings. Of course, this is extremely upsetting for parents who begin to doubt whether they did the right thing by deciding to send their baby to kindergarten. In fact, you should not worry so much, since the child's adaptation time to the kindergarten in most cases lasts from two weeks to a month. As a rule, almost all children face this. Below are listed the changes that occur with the baby and, in fact, cause the existing problems of getting used to the kindergarten:
- Emotional shock. As a rule, in the first days of visiting the kindergarten negative emotions take a leading position. Often the baby cries a lot: just whimpering, or he has a paroxysmal crying, crying "for the company" with other children. Sometimes, looking at the morning at the teacher, trying to calm the order of 15 bitterly and crying crumbs, she wants to sympathize with her. But only a few weeks pass of the adaptation period of the kindergartens in the kindergarten, as the picture changes radically and in the mornings teachers have the pleasure to contemplate the lovely contented children's faces.
- Difficult social contacts. As a rule, at the first time after the beginning of a visit to a kindergarten, even the most lively and outgoing children can become very closed and unsociable. Do not worry about this, it will take a very short time, the kid will get used to and become a former sociable child, willingly contacting both peers and educators.
- Reduction of natural cognitive activity. Baby for a while can stop being interested in the outside world. This is also quite normal reaction - the baby prefers to take an observant position. As soon as he is convinced that there is nothing to fear, his curiosity will quickly return to him.
- Moreover, very many babies are the first days in the gardenthey may lose their already existing self-service skills: the ability to use a spoon, self-dress and so on. However, very soon the skills will not only return in full, but will be replenished with new skills.
- Problems with speech. Very many kids experience certain speech difficulties. Children can begin to distort, or shorten words, but if the kid is experiencing a particularly difficult adaptation in the kindergarten, he may for some time stop speaking at all. Parents can not scold a child and this is to coerce him. As soon as the adaptation is over, speech will be restored to its full extent.
- In addition, very many parents faceviolation of normal motor activity in the child. Some babies can sit for hours in one place. And the others, on the contrary, can not sit still for a minute - it all depends on the temperament of each baby. As the development in the children's team, the situation is necessarily stabilized.
- Sleep disturbance. As a rule, during the first weeks a toddler may have difficulty falling asleep either during the day or at night. In addition, restless sleep, the appearance of nightmares. This phenomenon is also temporary and will soon disappear without a trace.
- Decreased appetite. Very many children in the first days of visiting the kindergarten eat very poorly. There are two possible explanations for this: unaccustomed to the baby food and a stressful situation, which in itself suppresses the appetite. To exclude the first reason, it is necessary to introduce in the diet of the baby a similar food in preparation for a kindergarten: soups, cereals, etc.
- Some children in the adaptation period begin to get sick a little more often than usual. The only thing that parents can do is to try to strengthen the immunity, as already mentioned above.
- Child psychologists give general advice onprogram of social adaptation to the kindergarten. Their observance will help reduce the chances that the adaptation period may drag on for an indefinite, long term.
Firstly, it is advisable to do it for the first few daysjoint stay of mother and child in a group. At first, the child can be near you all the time, but after some time, interest in the surroundings will prevail and the baby will begin to move away from you in order to play. The first visit to the kindergarten should last about an hour, the next day the time can be increased to two or three hours. After a few days, you need to leave the baby alone in the group. This is where the main mistake that many parents make lies. They leave at the moment when the baby is distracted. For a child, such a sudden disappearance can become a severe psychological trauma if the baby decides that the mother abandoned him. It would be much more correct to inform the child that you are leaving. But be sure to promise the baby that you will pick him up immediately after playing, eating or walking. And, of course, try to pick up the child at the promised time. This will allow the child to feel a certain stability, which is so necessary for mental balance. Of course, the child may start crying and not let you go. Here, a teacher will come to your aid, who will do everything possible to distract the baby's attention and calm him down. Many children continue to cry when their mother leaves, even after a week or a month. However, this does not always mean that the adaptation is not going well or that it has dragged on. In most cases, the baby stops crying immediately after the parents leave, and spends the rest of the time playing, and does not even remember the parents. Despite the fact that the adaptation process always scares parents, it happens very quickly. After a very short time, your baby will get used to the new role of a kindergartener and will feel like a full-fledged member of the children's team. The task of parents is to make it as easy as possible for their child to adapt to the kindergarten. We hope that this information will help you at such a crucial stage of your baby's growing up. We recommend reading: