what paint is better to dye hairIt's good to be a little girl!A smart dress and a fluffy bow are enough to feel beautiful. But the older we get, the more we need to be attractive. And it's not that we looked better as children. It's just that over the years, our demands on ourselves grow. And if a woman, God forbid, falls in love unrequitedly - it's all over! She will gnaw at herself from the inside for her imperfections until mutual love appears on the horizon. Do you think that now the girl will calm down and finally smile at her reflection in the mirror? No way! Now she will preen herself with redoubled force. It's just that her desire to become better will be less destructive. And it's simply impossible to stop this eternal mechanism called "I want to be beautiful", believe me. It's easier to adapt to its rhythm and get, if not pleasure, then some benefit. For example, find out what is more convenient to pluck eyebrows. Or what paint is better to dye your hair. By the way, about dyeing hair. This issue is so disturbing to women's minds that it can be safely submitted to parliament for consideration. Because women themselves have a hard time solving this problem. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to look at those around you. How many girls walk down the street with burnt hair? And how many unevenly dyed strands are there around? It seems that almost the entire female half of the population was dyed by a student intern. Girls, dear, do not go to this student! Take pity on your hairstyles. It is better to find out for yourself what dye is best to dye your hair. And we will try to give a couple of tips on how not to remain completely bald and finally bring your head in order. First, let's determine what kind of hair dyes there are.what color is better to dye your hair

What color is better to dye your hair

So, let's reveal a terrible secret:Hair dyes are distinguished not by the color of the packaging, and not by the name. Everything is much more complicated, and the definition goes back to long-forgotten chemistry lessons. And there is no need to shrug your shoulders dismissively. After all, it is the chemical industry that gives us the magical ability to dye our hair in different colors and turn from a blonde into a brunette in one evening. And it was chemists who improved the dyes so that a woman with any hair type could use the effect of transformation. In total, there are three types of dyes today. Which one is better is up to you to decide.

  • Tinting agents
  • Semi-resistant dyes
  • Persistent dyes
  • Tinting (toning, tonic) hair products

    These dyes are intended for those whotreats your locks with care. They do not contain hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, so they carefully dye the strands. More precisely, they “envelop” each hair with color, without penetrating deep inside. However, these dyes have a significant drawback: they wash off after the seventh or eighth hair wash. Therefore, a woman has to repeat the procedure as the dye washes off. What category of women is this dyeing method suitable for? Tinting products are simply created for girls with dry and brittle hair. And also for those who have not yet decided on a color. Do you know such unpredictable young ladies who want to be fair-haired today, and red-haired tomorrow? If so, then give your friend a tint balm. Which color to choose? It doesn’t matter. Sooner or later, a changeable mood will ask for exactly the kind of hair that is depicted on the product packaging. But seriously, toning products are suitable for enhancing and evening out the natural hair color (if a woman has gray hair) or refreshing dyed locks. But if you want to become a platinum blonde, then tint balms and foams will not help you. You will have to resort to more radical coloring methods.

    Semi-stable hair colors

    Temporary or so-called semi-permanentdyes color hair quite gently, although they contain a little hydrogen peroxide. The result lasts for about two months, since the dye penetrates the hair, and does not “envelop” it, as in the case of tint products. Among the disadvantages, one can note some limitations of semi-permanent dyes. The fact is that they change the hair color by only one tone (lighter or darker), so they are unlikely to help with radical changes. On the other hand, if you are satisfied with your image and you just want to refresh the color, but do not want to spoil your hair with aggressive dye, then the semi-permanent option is just for you. Hairdressers recommend temporary dye to people who have dry, dyed or curly hair. In addition, if you constantly dye your hair with the same dye, the pigment eats into the hair and you only need to shade the roots as they grow out.what paint to dye hair

    Persistent hair colors

    Let's move on to the most aggressive and durable paintsfor hair. Such dyes contain from 6.9% to 12% hydrogen peroxide, so there is no need to talk about gentle coloring. Moreover, the higher the percentage of hydrogen peroxide the dye contains, the more damage the hair receives. At the same time, the shade is lighter. Do you want to be a platinum blonde? Choose the maximum content of hydrogen peroxide in the dye. It is worth noting here that if you have dry and damaged hair, then you should not burn it with hydrogen peroxide, even if becoming a blonde is your lifelong dream. As a result, in addition to the long-awaited platinum strands, you will get burnt skin and a lot of fallen hair. Do you need it? Now many readers, having seen the last paragraph, will be indignant: so what dye is better to dye your hair? They talked about the types of dyes, but did not draw any conclusions. Well, here is your conclusion. A professional hairdresser will select the best dye for you. You should not experiment with your hair. A visit to the hairdresser will take you much less time than treating damaged hair due to improper coloring. Believe me. We recommend reading:

