Arrangement of furniture in the kitchen
In line This is a universal layout, and for narrowrooms - almost the only possible option. It is important that the length of the work surfaces is not less than three meters, otherwise it will be inconvenient. It is better to put the equipment in this order: refrigerator, sink, stove.
In the form of the letter "Г" Suitable for square rooms. In an apartment with an open plan, an L-shaped kitchen will help to zone the space.
In two rows Suitable for elongated, but not toonarrow rooms. On one side, place the sink and dishwasher, on the other - the hob and oven. The distance between these units should be at least 1.2 m.
In the form of the letter «П» This layoutwill suit both an XXL room and a small room (the main thing is that it is not too narrow). In the first case, you will get a work surface of maximum length. In the second, you will be able to use literally every centimeter of space wisely.
«Island» Freestanding BlockUsually combined with a linear or U-shaped (the first option is typical for modern interiors, the second - for rustic ones). The "island" helps to avoid the hustle and bustle at the work surfaces. It is ideal if you like to cook with a large company. This layout is not suitable for a small kitchen, but it is suitable for open spaces - the "island" will help to separate the cooking area and the adjacent dining area.