Causes of obesityCauses of obesityThose proposals are contained inreport on the problems of combating obesity, commissioned by the British government. Currently, the clinical signs of obesity are recorded for every fifth child and every fourth adult in the UK. The growth of the number of diseases associated with obesity is already threatening the crisis of the national health care system of Great Britain. Experts predict that by 2050 obesity epidemic may cover up to 60% of the population strany.V 40-page document submitted yesterday to the to the British Parliament, contains proposals for strengthening the promotion of healthy lifestyles, the arrangement of additional routes for cyclists in residential areas, increase the number of physical education classes, and the introduction of compulsory lessons in healthy eating shkolah.Ideyu material incentives for slimming citizens British experts have borrowed from the practice of some private com Women who organize among employees a weight loss competition with cash prizes. Some similar health insurance in the United States recently resorted to similar measures to encourage slimming clients.

