DO NOT: Any manipulation of the abdominal muscles.In some schools of yoga, for some unknown reason, it is permitted for pregnant women to perform exercises such as vacuum (or uddiyana-bandha), a wave of stomach (or nauli) in early and sometimes later periods. Honestly! I myself read how one yogin boasted that she performed Nauli until she gave birth (how?!) The truth is that these practices in the early stages can provoke at least the tone of the uterus, as a maximum - miscarriage, and late - premature birth. And if someone is lucky to avoid such consequences, this does not mean that it is possible.Photo: Getty Images POSSIBLE: Kegel Exercise.In yoga, it is called the root lock, or mula bandha (squeezing and pulling the muscles of the perineum). Firstly, this is a good preparation of the muscles for childbirth, and secondly, it will help to recover faster after, and thirdly, the exercise is safe, except in cases of uterine tone. Then it is worth waiting for calm periods to perform it. If you combine moola bandha with breathing, then meditation will also work. For example, during inhalation or exhalation, perform a static root lock (squeeze the muscles and do not let go), at the end of each inhalation or exhalation, we hold the breath and dynamic mula bandha (squeeze the muscles, release, squeeze, release). DO NOT: exercise to the limit. This applies not only to pregnant women, but especially to them. You should not immerse yourself in exercises with your head, five times a week, in order to have time to prepare the body before childbirth. Especially if you have not done anything before. You can: listen to your body. Taking this or that position, listen to the sensations. If it's hard, get out of the asana before the instructor says. Do not do exercises that are known to be difficult, or only accept lightweight exercises that the instructor should communicate about. Your body is engaged in such a serious matter that it is very important to help it, not interfere.Photo: iStock / Gettyimages.Common crawl en DON'T: strain the abs, stomach. Surely in this issue there will be those who object with personal successful experience. But here is the same story as with the manipulation of the abdominal muscles. You can really regret that you listened to others, experienced. Fortunately, I have not seen madness like asanas lying on my stomach in practice, but I cannot warn you that this should not be done in any case. legs (after all, in fact, it is). This means avoiding any pressure on the walls of the abdomen in half-bent positions, always spread your legs or knees wide in resting positions. By the way, one of the best resting positions for pregnant women is pavanamuktasana - a position lying on your back with bent legs on the sides of the abdomen; helps to relax the back, which is experiencing a particularly heavy load during this period. Speaking of the back ... DO NOT: perform twisting asanas, positions with deep bends in the lower back. All these positions lead to subluxation of the vertebrae, which in turn will remind you of yourself with back pain or chronic diseases of various organs. Plus, this is a completely unnecessary and dangerous load on the lower back. It is POSSIBLE: simple asanas with a flat back, in which the pelvis and shoulders are in the same plane. Simple positions are enough for them to perform the function we need - pumped blood and lymph, removing stagnation in the body. And this is exactly what a healthy body needs, which is working to create a new perfect body.Photo: Getty Images DO NOT: Inverted asanas.It is believed that such positions will help get rid of the breech presentation of the baby. I don’t know how true it is, I haven’t come across it in practice. But I know for sure that a heavy female pelvis, and even together with a baby in the abdomen, raised above the shoulders, will definitely lead to serious problems in the thoracic spine. ... Starting position: lying on your back with bent legs and feet close to the buttocks. Twisting the tailbone under you (removing, as far as possible, the lumbar deflection), raise the pelvis, hands remain on the floor. There should be no tension and pain in the lower back. To complicate things, you can raise your feet on your toes. DO NOT: be zealous with stretching. The body of a pregnant woman releases a special hormone that promotes the development of elasticity of the ligaments, which is necessary for a successful birth. Therefore, there is a danger of damaging the ligaments, being glad that you are close to splits. POSSIBLE: moderation. Working on opening the hip joints definitely makes sense. But here smoothness, softness and moderation are important. Don't let anyone push you on your open knees in a butterfly position or on your back in a tilted position with your legs apart. These are all levers that can damage the ligaments. Work only with your own muscles. Here are, perhaps, all the general recommendations for. Knowing the basic important rules, you can work out at home with a video blogger or in a fitness room with a trainer. Just do not forget to inform him about your feelings, doubts and knowledge. Happy practice and easy delivery!

