How correctly to wear a bandage?

how to wear a bandageHow to wear a bandage?Photo: GettyImagesSay, pregnancy is not a disease. However, we will not deny that bearing a child and giving birth is a serious test for a woman's body. A comforting phrase, they say, "our grandmothers and great-grandmothers gave birth in the field and were healthy" long ago lost relevance. This is the argument of irresponsible and lazy people who are accustomed to let things slide. A modern woman who cares about the health of her child and her own, listens to the recommendations of specialists and uses those achievements of modern medicine that are created in order to facilitate the life of the future mother. device, a pregnant woman should inform the doctor of a woman's consultation where she undergoes prenatal supervision. Ideally, the gynecologist should show the patient how to wear a bandage. If a tight supporting belt is often shown in a single pregnancy, then it is simply necessary for multiple pregnancies. If you carry a baby under the heart, the reason for wearing a bandage can be, for example, polyhydramnios, the presence of postoperative scars on the pelvic organs, improper presentation of the fetus, varicose veins or some other reasons. The correctly selected support device will save you from inevitable pregnancy back pain, or greatly alleviate them. In addition, a good bandage will reduce the risk of streaches (stretch marks) on the abdomen. Do not forget that the size of the prenatal bandage can be adjusted as the abdomen of the pregnant woman increases. Therefore, before using this medical device, be sure to ask how correctly to wear a bandage. It is not necessary to ask friends or mom how to wear a bandage. First, each case is unique, each pregnancy is unique. Secondly, even people who love you can, unwittingly, give you the wrong advice. By the way, you can wear an elastic wide belt fastened at the waist, and after the delivery! To make the right choice, carefully study the range of bandages in stores for pregnant women. Supporting devices are available in the form of panties or belts. You can choose for yourself what will be convenient for you. Do not forget that it is especially important to use a bandage in case you produced a baby by cesarean section! In this case, it is also very important to know how to properly wear a bandage. Attention: do not "prescribe" wearing a bandage yourself! There are a number of contraindications for using this device.

