Animal skin is constantly in processrenewal. In this case, dead epidermal scales peel off, forming characteristic white flakes on the fur. This is a completely normal physiological process, if it is not accompanied by itching and anxiety of the pet. By numerous traces of wool on the floor of the apartment, you can always understand that the pet is going through the process of interseasonal molting. It is during this period that the upper layer of the skin is renewed more intensively. If your animal is healthy, then you will not see dandruff during this period. Since cats are very clean and spend a lot of time licking themselves thoroughly, white scales in small quantities are quickly removed from the fur. But it also happens that the cat's dandruff suddenly becomes very noticeable and even a thorough daily toilet does not help to get rid of it. This phenomenon indicates that the epidermal cells are renewed with obvious pathology, that is, too quickly. Often, along with white flakes, the animal experiences severe hair loss and bald spots, redness is visible on the skin, it thickens in places, and signs of dermatitis appear. If you find a large amount of dandruff in your cat, you, as a caring owner, should be seriously concerned about its health. After all, the unusual behavior of skin cells signals the presence of some kind of malfunction in the animal's body. Is it serious or not? Only a veterinarian can say this after an examination and tests. In some cases, correct diagnostics take a long time, because it can be very difficult to determine the true causes.
Why do cats have dandruff?
An attentive hostess who spends a lot of timebeloved cat, will always be able to notice the changes happening to it. If your pet's fur suddenly lost its characteristic shine, and the animal itself shows visible signs of anxiety, often licks and scratches itself, then it is worth taking a close look to see if there is an excess of white scales and other epidermal anomalies on its fur. There are many factors that provoke the occurrence of dandruff in representatives of the feline family. The main ones include the following:
- a poorly balanced diet, in which a lot of carbohydrates
- beriberi (mainly deficiency of vitamins A and B)
- allergic reactions from the liver to prepared feeds
- allergic skin reactions to zoo-cosmetics
- the appearance of insects parasitizing the skin and coat of the animal
- skin diseases (dermatophylosis, dermatitis, folliculitis and so on)
- bacterial infections of the skin
- disorders of the immune and endocrine systems
- disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
- recent stress
- dry air in the room (in this case, cracks appear on the pads of the paws)
- Helminthiasis.
You shouldn't delay your visit to the clinic, becauseyou can always determine exactly from what period the pet's skin signals for help. For example, dandruff in a cat with a light color can be detected far from immediately, because often the owners neglect the procedure of its daily combing. And only on the coal-black fur of the pet you can see an excess of white scales at an early stage of the development of the pathological process. Therefore, the sooner you contact a specialist, the sooner the correct diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. If you value the health of your cat, then you will not take the appearance of dandruff lightly. In animals, this cosmetic problem is often only the "tip of the iceberg" and in fact, everything is much more serious. A formidable disease may be hidden behind banal peeling of the skin, the successful treatment of which for your cat can only be guaranteed by a specialist.
Treatment of dandruff in cats
If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to do it right awayобратиться в ветеринарную клинику, то кое-что вы способны предпринять еще до визита туда. Для начала измените привычный рацион питания любимца. Это касается в первую очередь тех котов и кошек, которые питаются исключительно готовым специальным кормом. Вполне возможно, перхоть у вашего любимца вызвана перебоями в работе печени, ведь консерванты и химические добавки, которые в избытке находятся в рекламируемой кошачьей еде, способны негативно влиять на органы и системы животных. Поэтому внимательно изучите состав покупаемого корма, а лучше всего замените его на более дорогой и качественный аналог, изготовленный из натуральных компонентов, включающих зерновые культуры, лекарственные растения, витамины и минералы. К этой готовой еде вам необходимо будет добавить лишь мясо и овощи. Так вы обеспечите своему коту правильный и сбалансированный рацион. Борьба с перхотью окажется эффективной, если в организме вашего питомца всегда будет достаточное количество жирных аминокислот, отвечающих за здоровый вид кожи и шерсти животных. Приобрести их можно в специализированных ветеринарных аптеках, а дозировка указана на этикетке препарата. Не лишним окажется и прием витамина А, поскольку он помогает в борьбе с воспалительными процессами кожного покрова и поэтому эффективен против перхоти. Правильную дозировку для вашего питомца должен подобрать ветеринар. Если вы видите, что кот страдает от зуда, необходимо устранить это неприятное ощущение, чтобы избежать в дальнейшем расчесов и ранок. Попробуйте перед мытьем втирать в кожу питомца репейное или оливковое масло, предварительно добавив в него витамины А и Е (на жировой основе). Если такой метод не улучшит состояние кота, то без визита к ветеринару не обойтись, поскольку назначить нужное средство может только специалист-практик. Специалисты рекомендуют обязательно смывать омертвевшие чешуйки. Для этого вам нужно приобрести кошачий шампунь, который уменьшит количество белых хлопьев на шерсти животного и на короткое время снимет зуд. По мнению ветеринаров, наиболее эффективно борется с этой проблемой средство, в состав которого входит салициловая кислота и цинк. Эти вещества заживляют микроскопические повреждения эпидермиса. Использовать шампунь нужно правильно и регулярно. Как только вы увидели, что перхоти стало много, нанесите его на кожу и шерсть животного и оставьте минут на десять для воздействия. Спустя указанное время смойте шампунь, тщательно удалив его остатки. Но помните, что использовать такое моющее средство рекомендуется не чаще одного раза в неделю, в противном случае вы только ухудшите ситуацию. Поскольку перхоть на шерсти вашего любимца может стать результатом микроинфекций (бактерий, псевдомонов, стафилоккоков), то хорошим средством для борьбы с ними является обычный столовый уксус. Им следует, не разбавляя, поливать шерсть животного в течение одной минуты. Правда, уксус имеет неприятный резкий запах, который точно не понравится коту. В этом случае поищите в ветеринарных аптеках шампунь, в состав которого он входит. Попробуйте также еще одно безопасное и испытанное средство для борьбы с кожными проблемами, которое обычно рекомендуют все младенцам, — отвар череды. Для этого залейте две-три столовые ложки травы литром воды, доведите до кипения и дайте настояться в течение пары часов. После купания ополосните шерсть кота этим отваром. Если водные процедуры не входят в ваши планы, можете просто обработать шерсть губкой, смоченной в череде. Если вы перепробовали весь арсенал борьбы с перхотью у вашей кошки, а ее состояние не улучшилось или положительная динамика выражена слабо, то без визита к ветеринару точно не обойтись. Вероятно, белые хлопья на шерсти появились по более серьезным причинам, связанным с инфекциями, паразитами и так далее. Ниже речь пойдет о тех заболеваниях котов, которые может диагностировать и лечить только специалист.
Why is dandruff so serious?
Often, excessive white flakes appearseborrhea is hidden on the cat's fur. In this case, the amount of sebum changes and keratinization of the epidermis begins. This disease occurs due to metabolic disorders, hormonal dysfunctions in the animal, as well as problems with the liver and other digestive organs. The causes of seborrhea can be diagnosed by taking the necessary tests and having the doctor evaluate their results. Depending on the severity of the disease, the veterinarian will give recommendations on a balanced diet, advise the necessary additives to the feed, prescribe shampoos against seborrhea or prescribe therapy with hormonal drugs. Specialists are also familiar with such a dangerous disease as "wandering dandruff" or cheyletiellosis. It is caused by a special type of parasite with a similar name that lives on the surface of the epidermis. The disease is very contagious and is easily transmitted from one animal to another. Humans can also be infected. The main symptoms in cats are moderate to severe itching and a large amount of dandruff on the fur along the entire back. As the disease progresses, it leads to the appearance of combing spots with hair loss, redness and the formation of papules. To diagnose cheyletiellosis, you need to take scrapings from the skin surface in those places that the cat cannot lick. Often, the results of the first tests are uninformative, so they are taken again. Treatment of the disease consists of therapy with local and systemic antiparasitic drugs. A veterinarian will help you choose the right ones. He will also recommend a disinfectant for treating the room where the cat lives. But this must be done carefully, since the animal can be poisoned. If your pet has dandruff, carefully examine its fur, because lice, lice and fleas can live in it. No less dangerous are bacterial, viral, fungal infections that cause various diseases in representatives of the feline family and are accompanied by one of the main symptoms - the appearance of a large number of white scales on the skin. All of them pose a direct threat to the health and well-being of your pet, and therefore require timely and effective treatment.
Prevention of dandruff in cats
Make sure that the air in the room where the dog lives isyour pet has a normal percentage of humidity. After all, its dryness is discomfort not only for human skin, but also for animals. Therefore, be sure to buy a humidifier and always use it if necessary. Make sure that your furry pet always has free access to fresh drinking water, otherwise, its body may develop a moisture deficiency. Does your cat like to sit in the sun for a long time? Ultraviolet radiation can also cause dandruff, damaging and drying the upper layer of the epidermis. Observe the animal, and if white scales appear mainly in the summer, when it is very hot and sunny, temporarily limit the period of the cat's stay under the scorching ultraviolet radiation and let it out on the balcony early in the morning or closer to the evening. Since experts call improper care of the animal's coat and frequent water procedures with the use of aggressive shampoos one of the reasons for the appearance of dandruff in cats, then it is quite within your power to correct these points. Do not bathe your pets in too hot water and do not use cheap pet cosmetics of unknown origin. Remember that such hygienic procedures as bathing should not be carried out more than once a month. But you need to comb your cat's fur every day and this is not only an obligatory part of good care for the animal. This way you will always be able to notice the first signs of unwanted changes associated with its skin. If you are sure that dandruff appeared in the cat as a result of severe stress or nervous shock associated with a change in the usual living conditions, try to compensate for this with additional attention and affection. Make sure that your pet always has a comfortable place to rest. Do not allow other family members to offend it, do not leave the cat alone for a long time. Prevention of dandruff in cats due to infection with viruses, infections and parasites includes measures to prevent contact of domestic pets with yard fellows. If this is not possible, then try to regularly carry out sanitary treatment of your pets with special means. Monitor the general condition of your cat, try to provide them with comfortable living conditions and contact specialists in time if you want your pet to always please you with a luxurious appearance, shiny fur and a cheerful mood. We recommend reading: