causes of brown discharge In most cases, a woman whoyourself brown discharge, immediately begins to worry about your health and wonder why go brown discharge from the vagina? Let's figure out where they come from and in what cases it's really worth worrying about. Vaginal discharge begins to be allocated somewhere from the period of puberty and accompanies a woman throughout her life. In different periods of the cycle, they will vary. For example, in a period that precedes ovulation, the vaginal secretion will be several times greater than the postovulatory period. As a rule, the selections are either transparent or have a cloudy white color. However, in some cases they become brown. And it does not matter, dark or light brown. Brown color gives blood, which is present in secret, and the difference in color depends only on the amount of blood. Conditionally all the allocations can be divided into those that depend on the monthly cycle, and those that do not depend on it. brown discharge during menstruation

Monthly cycle and its impact

Often the cause of brown discharge becomesaging of the endometrium - the inner mucous membrane of the uterus body. For some reason (due to various changes in the body), menstruation is delayed, the cells of the uterine mucosa have time to grow old and leave the body in the form of brown secretions. So, the menstruation itself is just around the corner. In some cases, if there is a strong change in the hormonal background (for example, when you start taking hormonal contraceptives), such discharges can completely replace menstruation. If they are allocated several cycles in a row, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist, tk. or this contraceptive does not suit you, or the body started an inflammatory process. If instead of menstruation, a vaginal secretion with a small amount of blood in a woman aged 40-45 years is allocated, this may indicate the onset of menopause. Brown discharge in place of menstruation in women of childbearing age who did not start taking hormonal contraceptives indicates the presence of certain diseases (ovarian cyst, adenomyosis, endometritis, endometriosis, STD). Often, brown discharge can be several days after the end of menstruation. This is absolutely normal: thus the uterus completes the process of purification. As a rule, they last no more than 3 days. If you notice that the discharge goes on for a longer time, you should consult a doctor. this may indicate the presence of diseases (uterine myoma, adenomyosis, endometriosis). In some cases, discharge in the middle of the cycle can occur during ovulation (on days 12-14). And with them can come and pain in the ovaries. Allocations started 4-7 days later? This may be the beginning of pregnancy: when attaching a fertilized egg to the uterine mucosa, a little blood can stand out. Normally, there are discharges in the middle (and in any other phase of the cycle) within 3 months from the beginning of using hormonal contraceptives (hormonal patch, hormonal ring, birth control pills), since. for this time is getting used. Another reason for the appearance of brown discharge may be a banal failure of the monthly cycle. It can arise from stress, excessive physical exertion. brown discharge during pregnancy

Causes not dependent on the menstrual cycle

  • At the beginning of sexual activity, after the violation of the integrity of the hymen and subsequent several sexual acts.
  • Because of minor damage to the vaginal mucosaafter a violent sexual intercourse. If the discharge occurs after each sexual intercourse, this may indicate ectopy, erosion, dysplasia or cervical cancer, as well as a tumor of the vagina.
  • Another reason for the appearance of light brownsecretions can be a banal neglect of personal hygiene. The lack of hygienic water procedures can lead to a change in the acid-base composition of the vagina and to the appearance of unpleasant odors and brown precipitates. To eliminate the secretions, you just need to pay more attention to water procedures, and all the symptoms will pass by themselves.
  • The culprits for the appearance of brownbecome sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Additional symptoms for this reason may be pain during urination, itching, burning, and dryness in the vagina. If you find these symptoms, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.
  • The cause of dark brown discharge with an unpleasant odor and the presence of acute pain can become an ectopic pregnancy. The given diagnosis is put after survey of the gynecologist, sometimes by results of US.
  • Abundant discharge with an admixture of blood is signaledus about the development of diseases requiring urgent treatment. Most often, inflammation of the cervix or uterine cavity (endometriosis or endometritis), but there may be adenomyosis (genital endometriosis), erosion, cervical cancer, ovarian cyst, and vaginal tumor.
  • Because often brown secretions signal about the presence of various diseases that require urgent treatment, it is better not to guess why there are discharges, but turn to a qualified specialist. Especially if the discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, pain during sex, during urination, or simply with pain in the lower abdomen, dryness in the vagina, burning, itching, rash or fever. At pregnancy Sometimes and in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy in those days when they usually had menstruation, for 2-3 months there appear slight brown discharge that does not harm the health of the future mother or the child. However, it is not always possible to determine whether these or those discharges are safe, especially during the waiting period of the child. The cause of the appearance of brown secretions can be a gynecological examination of a pregnant woman. During pregnancy, the vaginal mucosa becomes quite vulnerable, and when taking smears or inserting a mirror, tiny mucosal lesions can occur, which will cause small brown secretions. With a frozen pregnancy, the endometrium and fetal membranes are rejected, and brown discharge begins. In some cases, miscarriage may occur (threat of miscarriage). If you immediately contact a specialist, then there are great chances of saving your pregnancy. In the second trimester of pregnancy, excretions can mean placental abruption, which can provoke copious bleeding and become a threat to the life of a woman. Before birth, the exit of the mucous plug is often accompanied by brown secretions. But do not worry, it's within the norm. causes of brown discharge during menopause And if you have menopause? With the onset of menopause, hormonal changes occur in the body, and as it was written above, with hormonal changes, brown discharge can be considered normal and not dangerous. However, if you have more than a year from the time of menopause and from the end of the last menstruation, the excretions may indicate some diseases or disorders. In the period of menopause, sex hormones cease to develop and this leads to thinning of the vaginal mucosa, which leads to bloody discharge during microdamages of the vagina. The reason may be sexual intercourse, masturbation, active sports. Inflammatory processes can develop in the genital tract at any age. Therefore, even during the menopause, you are not immune from STDs (if you are sexually active), thrush, which can cause inflammation of the cervix or vagina, the symptoms of which will be discharge. Especially if they are accompanied by an unpleasant odor, a sensation of dryness, itching, discomfort. Polyps of the cervix and polyps of the uterus - excessive local proliferation of the mucosa, which is easily damaged, which causes bloody discharge. Myoma of the uterus is a benign tumor that appeared in myometrium (the muscular layer of the uterus) with the help of sex hormones. It develops, as a rule, before the onset of menopause. Because during the menopause, the level of sex hormones is quite low, then the fibroids after menopause significantly decrease in size. In the period of menopause myoma becomes the cause of bleeding when taking plant estrogens (for herbal medicine) or hormone therapy. Also, the causes of brown secretions can be cervical cancer, uterine cancer and vaginal cancer. Cancer, like all diseases, is easier to treat in the early stages. If you have any doubts about your health, you should go to the doctor. To identify various diseases and timely treatment, you must visit the gynecologist once a year and take a cytology test once a year (cytological examination). Be healthy!

