In the world of technology

You will not have time to look back, and already summer holidays.Three wonderful months, which the child can play around with, or can be spent with real benefit. Invite your child to go to the summer three-month IT Kids courses, and your child will certainly be delighted! Indeed, nowadays there is nowhere without a computer, and even first-graders actively use gadgets, are interested in the different possibilities that work at a computer gives. Imagine how he will trump the acquired knowledge at school! And there really will be something to brag about.Photo:School of programmers “We not only teach programming, but also introduce students to the specialty, show that a programmer is a promising and interesting profession. We try to make sure that the children are, first of all, interested in programming, while we give real knowledge and skills, we succeed thanks to 90% of practical lessons, ”- say IT-specialists of the School of Programmers. The teachers of the school are highly qualified specialists, practicing programmers , system administrators, graphic designers, web-programmers. Therefore, nothing will be forgotten after the courses - all theoretical knowledge will be brought to automatism in practice. Classes are held in comfortable classrooms, the computer software is the latest, the equipment is modern. What knowledge will boys and girls gain after the IT Kids courses?

  • Website creation
  • Basics of computer graphics
  • Work in the popular Photoshop graphics editor
  • Development of computer games
  • Exclusive block for robotics. And not only!

For those who will find the IT Kids summer courseteeth, the School of Programmers gives you the opportunity to continue training in September in their main areas! During the lessons, students will gain knowledge and practical skills sufficient for self-development of their own game, software, mobile application, creating an online store, landing pages, learn how to create interior design, game characters in three-dimensional graphics, master computer repair and adjustment, and much -Much more! This is not to mention the fact that such courses will be very useful when passing the school exam and exam in computer science. With this knowledge, graduates will be able to easily enter a specialized university or even get a job as system administrators, programmers, graphic designers, web programmers, web designers! Upon completion of the training courses, students will receive not only practical knowledge and skills, but also authoritative certificates, testimonies and diplomas of the established sample! Then sign up for an interview / test today! Where: (School of programmers), Krasnodar, st. Factory, 10, tel .: 8 (861) 215-39-99, 8 (988) 487-26-95. Social network page:

