The topic of weight loss is relevant today.if not for all, then for most women. Moreover, the results of the fight against excess weight vary greatly for some. What secrets do some know, and others do not take into account?
Why do we get better?
High pace of life, frequent meals "on"I'm running", abuse of fast food, sandwiches, chips and other unhealthy food, sedentary work, low level of physical activity, low consumption of pure water, bad habits - all these actions contribute to the accumulation of various harmful substances in the body. They provoke disruptions in the digestive system and disrupt our metabolism. Only by cleansing the body of this harmful ballast can you achieve effective .
What is effective effective weight loss?
Thus, the three pillars on which an effective plan for getting rid of excess weight is built become obvious: proper nutrition, sports and cleansing the body.
With what to begin?
As mentioned above, first of allwe remove harmful toxins from the body, then we make sure that they do not enter the body again with food. Of course, such a division is conditional - both sports, and proper nutrition, and body cleansing can be connected to weight loss immediately, at the very moment when you decide that it is time to change your life for the better. The main thing is not to exclude any of the factors from this scheme.
How to cleanse the body of toxins?
Substances that can bind and removethe body all the "harmful things" are called sorbents. Of the total number of sorbents presented today, one can single out - this is a natural enterosorbent of triple action. The drug not only binds and removes various toxic substances from the body (cholesterol, urea, bilirubin), but also restores microflora and adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The natural components of the drug will effectively cleanse the body and prepare it for weight loss. It is better to take "Carbopect" for the purpose of cleansing the body in a course: 4 capsules 3 times a day for two weeks. Then a two-week break is required, after which, if necessary, the course can be repeated.
What is proper nutrition?
To shed light on this issue in detaila whole series of separate articles will probably be needed. Now we will say the main thing: this is NOT fasting, this is NOT excluding any group of substances from the diet (both fats and carbohydrates are necessary for the body to function normally and must be included in the diet). You should refuse excessively fatty, spicy food, fast food, sandwiches and other "harmful things". It is better to reduce portions, and, on the contrary, increase the frequency of meals. Fractional nutrition is a reliable assistant in saying goodbye to extra pounds.
Sports: what and how much?
Here it is better to rely on your owndesires. An hour of salsa classes can give much better results than three hours of weight training in the gym, if you like salsa and don't like "iron". Exercise for your own pleasure and be sure to give yourself a rest. Daily heavy loads without adequate recovery will do more harm than good.
The whole secret is in the complex!
As you can see, only a comprehensive approach to the solutionweight loss issue can give a reliable result. By using the entire necessary arsenal of tools and actions, you will not only say goodbye to uninvited guests in the form of extra kilos, but also prevent their return.