Among the studio graduates:Sergey Lazarev, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Vlad Topalov, Yulia Malinovskaya, soloists of the Tatu group Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina and many others. The founder of the children's studio "Fidgets" Elena Pindjoyan became the second mother for many of her pupils. Over the 25 years of the existence of the popular ensemble, she formulated her 20 mom rules.

  • There are no non-talented children. All children without exception are gifted with something. But in some, pronounced abilities are manifested early, while others do not reveal themselves at all. In time to identify in a small man the makings of a musician, artist, athlete or aircraft designer and help them develop - the task of parents.
  • The parent of a young artist is a profession. And quite troublesome. There is not a single star in the world, whether in sports, music, theatrical stage, painting or shipbuilding, beyond which his mother or father would not stand.
  • It is important to create the necessary creative environment from the very birth of your child. It is she who will later be able to cultivate in him a craving for any kind of creativity.
  • The main talent of the artist is his working capacity. And it can be shown at any age - in 3, and in 33.
  • "I could not, but you can." Do not realize your personal ambitions at the expense of the child.
  • 6. Captivate your child: talk about famous personalities who have achieved great success in life. Invest in the education and development of the child from year to year, from month to month until his coming of age. If you have chosen a school and teachers for your child, trust them. A parent who believes that he knows best what the child should teach the team is a problem for the child and for the teacher. It is a mistake to strive to become an artist in the future. I always correct my students that it's important to get a profession. An artist is not a profession, but a result. What if the child is lazy? To capture the attention of the child and at least temporarily separate him from electronic games, motivate him. Set for him small goals, to which you go together: draw a picture, take part in a contest and stuff. Competition, competition, any event where you need to prove your professional solvency, can go to the child both for good and for harm. And the task of the parent is to prepare him for the test so that it does not break the fragile child's psyche. Do not overdo it. Do not pass the child by classes! He should have plenty of time to relax.

