If toxemia in pregnancy accompanies the first trimester

When faced with the first signs of toxicosis,you need to immediately reconsider your culinary preferences. Food aversion and lack of appetite lead to metabolic disorders, which negatively affects the development of a tiny organism.What is with toxicosis in pregnant womenWhat is with toxicosis in pregnant women: we improve our health through proper nutrition. Photo: Getty Attention is drawn to the following moments:

  • From the diet exclude amplifiers of nausea, which often become dairy products. In order not to disturb the balance of calcium in the body, broccoli, string beans, nuts are introduced into the diet.
  • To relieve the unpleasant sensations, drink sour juices, still mineral water, weakly brewed green tea. The liquid is consumed in moderation.
  • Refuse from the simultaneous use of liquid and dense food.
  • The food is organized fractional every 2-3 hours, using one meal at a time.
  • In acute toxicosis, they switch to a dry diet, consuming liquid 30 minutes before or one and a half hours after a meal.
  • A light breakfast is organized without getting out of bed. To do this from the evening, cook homemade croutons or cookies, stopping the attack of morning sickness.
  • With frequent vomiting, salting is not neglected to restore the balance of chlorine and sodium in the body.

With severe toxicosis, the main dishes are preparedby means of otvarivaniya, use it in a grated kind and only warm. Meat is made from rabbit meat, veal - baked, boiled or cooked.

What to eat when pregnant with toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy

In case of late toxicosis or gestosis, salt intake is limited, as it provokes fluid retention in the body. Nutrition is planned taking into account a number of recommendations:

  • the main rule is moderation in food, which will eliminate excessive weight gain.
  • with pronounced swelling and kidney problems, magnesium salts rich in magnesium salts are introduced into the diet - cheeses of low-fat varieties, cereals, dried fruits, nuts, veal liver.
  • provide the body with enough protein. It is present in boiled fish, cottage cheese, boiled low-fat meat. At 1 kg of the body should receive at least 1.5 grams of protein.
  • because of the change in the acid-base balance towards the decrease, it is necessary to introduce "alkaline" vegetables and berries into the diet. You can cook pumpkin porridge on milk with honey.

It is important to know that honey during pregnancy can beboth useful and harmful, so a day it is eaten in an amount not more than a couple of teaspoons. Considering the above recommendations, you can exclude acute manifestations of toxicosis, providing an easy and pleasant course of pregnancy.

