Sergey Vyacheslavovich Belikov answered topical questions about children's vision.Sergey Vyacheslavovich Belikov wishes all students good grades, good health and excellent vision! What can I do to keep my child's eyes from getting tired during the lessons?
It is important to exercise in good lighting.The light should not be too dim or, on the contrary, too bright. Correct seating at the table is also important. When studying at school, the child should use the time allotted during breaks, including to give the eyes a rest, and not play, for example, on a phone or tablet, since a person experiences visual stress at close range. What should the lighting be: natural or artificial?
Natural light is for a personphysiologically necessary and most favorable. However, the uniformity of the illumination of the room plays an important role. Avoid sharp differences in illumination. If possible, the workplace should be at the window. If there is no such possibility for some reason, the working light should be bright, cover the whole table, do not create contrasting shadows, do not give glare or direct rays to the eyes. To do this, it is recommended to use table lamps with opaque or matte lampshades, as well as bright ceiling lamps, which are much higher than the level of vision. The light source should be on the left if the child is right handed, and on the right, if left-handed. Distance from the eyes to the book / notebook - 35-40 cm. If the child already wears glasses, how far from the board should he sit?
It all depends on how high the sharpnessvision in a child with glasses. Children who have visual acuity against the backdrop of a spectacular correction is incomplete, should sit closer (1-2 sets). Are there any restrictions on playing sports for children who wear glasses?
Recommendations on this issue are very extensive anddepend on the type of disease and its degree, if any. In their work, ophthalmologists are guided by methodical recommendations on contraindications to sports for people with eye diseases "Admission to physical training and sports in diseases of the eye". How to reduce the burden on the eyes in the school period? Are there any exercises for the eyes?
In the modern world of technological progress, there is oneonly limiting the use of gadgets and computers "not on the case" can bring significant benefits. However, do not forget to do at least 3-5 minute breaks every 40-60 minutes of classes (reading / writing). The source of light should be on the left if the child is right handed, and on the right, if left-handed. The distance from the eyes to the book / notebook is 35-40 cm.
You can get recommendations of highly qualified doctors in the Tambov branch of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after. Academician SN Fedorov, having called by phone 8 (4752) 75-61-57
You can select contact lenses or glasses for your child at the Tambov branch of the Scientific and Technical Complex "Microsurgery of the Eye" named after Academician S. N. Fedorov by calling 8 (4752) 75-61-57
Simple and useful exercises that will help relieve eye strain
You can go through the diagnostic examination inTambov branch of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named after. Academician S. N. Fedorov, by calling 8 (4752) 75-61-57What should I pay attention to the parents of first-graders (from the point of view of caring for the child's vision) when the child is just beginning to go to school?
It is necessary to visit a specialist on timeno complaints) at least once a year. If the eyes of the child's parents are diagnosed with such eye diseases as myopia (nearsightedness), hypermetropia (farsightedness) and astigmatism, it is recommended that the ophthalmologist visit every six months and pay special attention to the child's state of sight, paying attention to his complaints. Can you use drops if the baby's eyes quickly get tired or blush?
Rapid visual fatigue and rednesseye, associated with visual stress, often indicates the presence of the disease. In no case do you need to self-medicate! At such complaints it is necessary to pass at once diagnostic inspection at the ophthalmologist. The doctor will provide the correct recommendations in each case. Procrastination can lead to reduced vision. Is it advisable to use gadgets? How much time can be spent for them and what breaks to do?
Unquestionably, an uncontrolled pastime forgadgets are contraindicated. However, a child can perform, for example, a homework on a tablet or a computer, if required by the school program. Important are the same breaks every 40-60 minutes of classes. Can I give time to visual gymnastics, ventilate the room. Can children use contact lenses?
If you follow the recommendations on the mode of wearing,care of lenses and rules of personal hygiene, to use contact lenses to children is safe enough. And this type of lens, like orthokeratology, is even indicated for use in children 6 years of age in order to inhibit the progression of myopia. An important role is played by the psychological attitude of the child and parents to contact correction. If you decided to wear contact lenses, you should first contact an ophthalmologist or an optometrist. What are the first symptoms that say that a child's vision is reduced and there is an occasion to turn to an ophthalmologist?
Signs indicating a reduction in severityor the presence of a disease, are most often the inability of the child to read the inscriptions visible to parents with normal visual acuity, as well as squinting when viewing text or objects located at a certain distance (often seen by teachers). The child came closer, for example, to the TV, which had not happened before. School performance may decline if the child does not see and confuses the letters written on the board. Problems are also at close range - the child does not see the cage in the notebook, complains about the "blurry" image near; the reddening of the eyes and increased visual fatigue during reading / writing, which may increase by evening, after school hours, are noted. With deep decompensation, these symptoms and complaints can occur even after a brief visual load. What can you wish children on the eve of September 1?
On behalf of the Tambov branch of the MNTK "Microsurgeryeyes "them. academician S. N. Fedorov and on my own behalf, I wish all students good grades, good health and excellent vision! You can go through a diagnostic examination, get the recommendations of highly qualified doctors, pick up contact lenses or glasses for your child in the Tambov branch of the MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" . Academician SN Fedorov, by calling 8 (4752) 75-61-57, or on the clinic's website. The e-mail of the clinic: [email protected]
Address of the branch: Tambov, Rasskazovskoe shosse, 1