With the onset of the summer season, I am increasingly drawn toget out into nature, relax with friends or family. And a picnic is just the thing! What can you take on a picnic to ensure that your vacation brings maximum pleasure and minimum discomfort? It is very important not to forget anything necessary, as this can only ruin the entire vacation. After all, it often happens that when going on a picnic, you take a lot of little things, but completely forget something necessary. Therefore, it is important to think in advance what to take on a picnic, make a list of the most necessary things, and only then start packing your luggage.
We Pack Luggage
First, you need to determine:where, for how long, what you will be going on a picnic in, and how many people there will be. If you are going on a weekend getaway by car, you will definitely need things like a tent, warm clothes, and sleeping bags. Of course, you can also take small pillows, but this is not the most necessary thing, so if there is not enough space in the trunk, it is better to leave them at home. A blanket or a plaid on which you can comfortably settle down will not be superfluous. It would not hurt to take an oilcloth with you, especially if it rained the day before. By laying it under the blanket, you will eliminate the possibility of the blanket getting wet from moisture from the ground. And if you have folding chairs, then be sure to take them with you. In addition, you should pay due attention to the choice of dishes. It is better not to take breakable dishes - the ideal option would be plastic disposable dishes, which can be simply burned after use. Knives and cutting boards are a must-have, because without them you won’t be able to make even a simple salad. If you want to share a bottle of wine outdoors, it’s important not to forget to take a corkscrew. You may also need a bottle opener if your picnic menu includes any canned goods. Instead of regular towels, take paper towels or even napkins. And you should definitely take a couple of garbage bags with you to collect all the garbage that can’t be burned in a fire. If you’re going on vacation to places where it’s hard to find branches for a fire, you should take an axe and firewood with you, or prepare the firewood at home and then just put it on the fire. Don’t forget to take matches! Otherwise, you’ll have to forget about such an important part of any outdoor vacation as a fire. If you’re going to places where there’s plenty of branches, take some firewood anyway, because it might suddenly start raining, and you can’t make a fire from damp branches. And branches are not the best solution if you plan to grill kebabs, since branches will not produce normal coals. What else can you take on a picnic? Well, first of all, if you are going with a noisy, cheerful company, then it would not hurt to take a badminton or volleyball with you. A guitar would not be superfluous either, if one of you knows how to play it. After all, songs under the night sky by a hot fire in the company of friends are so romantic. Such evenings remain in the memory for a long time and warm the soul in the cold season. If there is a pond or river nearby in the place where you are going, then you can take fishing rods and a pot with you. Freshly cooked fish soup on a fire is very tasty! You can never cook such fish soup at home. It would also not be superfluous to take a small battery-powered tape recorder and music CDs with you. Among other things, you should take things like a first aid kit, suntan lotion, and mosquito repellent with you on a picnic. The first aid kit should contain:
- Means for food poisoning;
- Means for headache;
- Means for temperature and colds;
- Zelenka;
- Iodine;
- Alcohol;
- Bandages;
- Harness;
- Vata;
- Hydrogen peroxide;
- Adhesive plaster;
- Medicines that you or someone from your company accepts.
Also, don't forget to take care of drinking water.There should be enough of it, because you will need not only to drink, but also, perhaps, to cook fish soup, wash your hands, vegetables and fruits. And if you plan to make shashlik, then take a barbecue, grill grate or skewers with you.
What to eat in nature?
Making a list of what you need to take onпикник, не забудьте о том, что святым духом питаться вы не сможете. Нужно что-то кушать. Поэтому очень важно еще составить список того, что взять на пикник из еды. Для начала важно рассчитать, сколько человек будет на отдыхе, потом высчитать сумму, на которую будут куплены те или иные продукты и разделить ее на всех участников отдыха. Важно учитывать не только свои вкусовые пристрастия, но и предпочтения остальных участников пикника. Если вы собираетесь на пикник на несколько дней, то ни в коем случае не берите скоропортящиеся продукты. Их можно взять только в том случае, если у вас есть такая полезная вещь, как походный мини-холодильник или вы планируете употребить их в ближайшие полтора-два часа по прибытии на место отдыха. Идеальными продуктами для пикника являются фрукты, овощи, консервы, копченая колбаса, плавленый сыр, копченая или жареная курятина, запечённое мясо. Эти продукты вне холодильника хранятся довольно долго. Кроме того, при составлении списка того, что взять на природу из еды, не забудьте включить в него соки, минеральную воду и лимонады, особенно если погода стоит жаркая. Планируя готовку шашлыков, заранее определитесь с выбором мяса. Хорошо, если вы умеете мариновать мясо сами, а если же нет, то найти полуфабрикат шашлыков в магазине не трудно. Кроме того, мясо можно заменить сосисками, поскольку жареные на костре сосиски не многим хуже полноценного шашлыка. Что еще можно взять на пикник из еды? Конечно же, бутерброды! Их можно приготовить еще дома, но лучше сделать так: нарезать дома хлеб и все необходимое для бутербродов и разложить в отдельные упаковки. Подойдет и простая пищевая пленка. А на природе из подготовленных продуктов можно будет быстро сделать бутерброды. В этом случае и продукты дольше сохранятся, и бутерброды будут смотреться свежее и аппетитнее. А вот салаты заранее делать не следует. Нужно просто вымыть продукты для салатов, да прихватить с собой майонез. Овощи на салат можно будет быстро нарезать на природе. А можно и просто обмакивать в салатной заправке нарезанные овощи. Если берете с собой копченую курятину или запеченное мясо, то не помешает прихватить с собой кетчуп или горчицу, поскольку мясные продукты с такого рода заправкой в холодном виде значительно вкуснее. Также можно взять с собой лакомства – конфеты и печенье. Особенно это актуально, если с вами будут дети, всем известные лакомки. Чайная заварка, кофе и сахар также не будут лишними. Можно взять с собой сырой вымытый картофель, который впоследствии можно запечь в костре. Причем обязательно не забудьте взять соль! Ведь печеную картошку есть без соли – не совсем вкусно. Да и приготовление ряда других блюд для пикника требует соли. Ну и, конечно же, можно взять с собой любые консервы, поскольку они очень долго не портятся. Вот, собственно говоря, и все из того, что можно взять на природу из еды. Отметим еще, что продукты лучше всего будет складывать не в пакеты, а в объемную корзину – так и продукты не помнутся, и вытаскивать их будет гораздо проще. Да и смотрится корзина для пикника более живописно. Кроме того, укладывая продукты в корзину, сложите на дно замороженные продукты, а поверх них – все остальные. А теперь разберемся, во что следует одеваться для пикника.
Clothes for picnic
If you are going on a picnic outdoorsarea, it is important to take hats with you that will protect you from the scorching sun - caps, straw hats, panamas. Well, everything is clear with this. But what clothes should you take on a picnic, and what should they be like? Well, first of all, the clothes should be very comfortable, cover your legs and arms. It is important to take warm clothes or a jacket with you - suddenly it gets cold or starts raining. And after sunset it is often very cool. The ideal clothing option for a picnic is a tracksuit, or loose jeans and a loose blouse, for example, a turtleneck. Among other things, it would not hurt to take raincoats with you. And if you do not have any, then umbrellas can also come in handy.
Other trivia
So, we have told you about everything you need to know.for outdoor recreation. Now let's talk about the little things that are not essential for a picnic. As we mentioned earlier in this article, you can take a battery-powered tape recorder with you. Thanks to it, you can organize a small disco. It would not hurt to take a video camera or a photo camera with you, so that the memory of your vacation remains not only in your head. Just do not forget to charge the batteries the day before, otherwise it may happen that in the midst of your vacation they will run out of power, and you will deprive yourself of a number of pleasant moments. Where can you go for a picnic? Well, choosing a place to relax is not very difficult. You can go for a picnic to a park, a forest, a river or a pond, or to the mountains. It all depends on how long you are going to go on vacation for. If for a few hours, then a park is a good solution. And if you are going to relax for a few days, then a river embankment or a forest can be a good option. It is especially pleasant to relax in a pine forest, since the smell of pine needles is very pleasant and beneficial for the body. It is also important to find a picnic area with trees to hide from the sun and a clear area where you can make a fire without the risk of a fire. It is also important to examine the area you have chosen for a picnic for anthills. You must admit, it is not very pleasant when you comfortably settle down on a blanket, lay out food, and ants start biting you, as a result of which you will have to put away all the food again and look for another place. When the picnic is coming to an end, do not forget to burn all the garbage that burns, and collect the rest in garbage bags and take it with you. Also, do not forget to carefully extinguish the fire so as not to become the instigators of a fire. You should be especially careful about this if your vacation is in the forest. Well, that’s basically all you need to know and remember before you start packing for a picnic. The main thing is not to forget that a picnic is, first of all, a vacation that should give only joy and fun. We recommend reading: