This week the constellation Taurus enters into legal force. What are they - children born under this sign?

Delicate, springy, tremulous and slightly stubborn -it's all them, your little Taurus. Children born between April 21 and May 21. Their planet is Venus, and the element is Earth. We tell you that you need to know the mothers about the nature of this sign of the zodiac to grow a strong and self-sufficient person. Dreamers who stand firmly on their feet Everyone knows that small Taurus are "earthly" babies, that is, born under the element of the Earth. But have you ever wondered what that means? "Realists who pragmatically look at the world and do not know how to dream," some will say and will not be right. Representatives of this element are not without a rich imagination and the ability to fly in the clouds! But along with this, the Taurus have an excellent quality, which other signs can envy - the ability to stand firmly on their feet. Little Taurus always and in everything try to find support and suffer very much if they do not find it. It is important for parents of such children to maintain strong and stable relationships so that the child is happy.Children born under the sign of the calfA photo: Getty ImagesThe head of Taurus is not for nothing decorating horns - it does not take obstinacy to it. All the time we need a weasel. As we have already said, for small Taurus the family is extremely important. They adore their mother and father and constantly demand attention. For them the expression of love is not a beautiful word, but a physical contact. Embrace, caress stroking, kissing - that's what the kid needs from his mother. Therefore, do not be surprised that in the first year of life the crumb will often cry and ask for pens. Genuine aesthetes Meet the clothes - this is exactly about Taurus! For them, the appearance of the person with whom he deals is very important. Therefore, do not be surprised that your three-year-old karapuz already in the nurseries will choose his girlfriends - neat and pretty girls, and among friends - authoritative strong-ass. Angels with horns Yes, the mothers of these kids should be ready for the fact that they will have to " pobodatsya »! Not for nothing that the head of Taurus is decorated with horns - it does not take stubbornness. Therefore, arguing is useless, it is better to choose the right strategy from the very beginning. For example, Taurus, who does not like to wear a hat, should never say: "When will you put on a hat?" A wise mother will bring three at once and ask: "What do you wear today - red, yellow or blue?" Generous pragmatists There is a stereotype, that Taurus really love money. And this is the truth. Since childhood, kids are starting to play with pleasure in the store, in the bank and other games related to finance. And growing up, the child-Taurus will intuitively seek to choose a prestigious profession, work and ... a promising companion of life! Pragmatism? Still what. But these people are not greedy at all and are able to give their last shirt to a friend.Children born under the sign of the calfA photo: Getty Images It is interesting for the villager to plant and water the plants, watching how the shoots from the ground break through. Driven gourmetsFlow from the fact that the child has been rolling the sausage for 15 minutes on a plate for 15 minutes? Nothing surprising, because Taurus - gourmets. They will only eat what makes them truly enjoyable. Even being very hungry, the child does not eat hated broccoli, no matter how useful, in the opinion of mom, she was not. How to trick a little fastidious? An unusual serving of dishes will help. Turn the cutlet into a funny face mouse, drawing a smile and eyes with ketchup and decorating the "mustache" of green onions. Nature's daughter. Do you want to take the Taurus child to the sea, saving money for a vacation abroad? Well, in vain! The baby will be much more interesting with the grandmother at the dacha: planting plants, watering and watching the first shoots break out from under the ground. And what a pleasure to study insects! Even better - go to the village, where there are so many pets that you can take care of. Taurus is very important to be in harmony with nature: waking up at dawn, running barefoot on the grass and washing with dew - all this brings them real joy.

