Despite the apparent abundance of clothing in general and children'sclothes - in particular, choosing clothes for a baby seems to be far from the easiest task. Moreover, the problem is not so much in the lack of color solutions or clothes made of certain types of fabric, but in the fact that most parents simply do not imagine what materials it should be made of, what are the requirements, both physiological and psychological, for its style and color. Let's figure out what clothes for a baby will be the best. It is clear that choosing clothes is not the same as choosing diapers - but as a rule, this is exactly the approach that many people take. Quite rightly, when arguing at the counter that things for a child are bought practically "for one time", no attention should be paid to quality at all. The result is a crying child - because, for example, the clothes are either too tight or too hot in them. But that would be half the trouble. The fact is that the clothes a child wears during the first years of his life affect his health and even his character. For example, it is well known that children are a real hormonal cauldron that is constantly bubbling around the clock. The metabolic system of children works several times faster than that of adults. Is it any wonder that those people who were wrapped in woolen blankets and undershirts as children suffer from skin diseases and all sorts of allergies several times more often than those whose parents were not afraid of their child catching a cold. Thus, if you really need to choose diapers for newborns for one time, without paying too much attention to the quality of the same hooks and a cheerful pattern on the fabric, then it is better to examine children's clothes more carefully.
Pay attention to the fabric of clothing
For example, it is unacceptable in any children's, the presence of more than 30 percent synthetic fabrics. Non-breathable synthetics greatly interfere with the breathing of the child's skin - and about 40 percent of the body's secretions in children of almost preschool age come through the skin. Of course, you can experiment with materials, but will such an experiment be fair if the only indicator that we can focus on for the time being is?
Choosing "free" clothes
Next, don't choose too tightly.close-fitting clothing - and it's not that the child is growing "by leaps and bounds," but that tight clothing makes movement difficult - and this not only affects the formation of the skeleton, but also significantly slows down the development of the child's psyche, since movement develops the brain in the same way as a large number of bright and unusual objects around.
Color of clothes
When we talk about the brightness of the environment, we don’t meanonly toys. The color of clothes, whether it is diapers for newborns or the first shirt in the child's life, plays a significant role in the development of the psyche. It has been proven that the brighter the children's clothes, the more abilities the little person shows already in the junior grades of school. So, to summarize, we can say that you can choose diapers, the first clothes, focusing on the predominance of natural fabrics or the complete absence of synthetics, the brightness of the colors and a slightly larger size than is required for the child now. We recommend reading: