meat in wine sauce A real chef believes that a dish should befinished: a plate of a certain size, cutlery, salt, pepper, greens - the serving on the table should be perfect. And often forgotten are simple, but very important details, without which the dish will be just food, and not a culinary masterpiece. Sauces for meat - now we will talk about them, because many people just serve chicken or beef, and completely forget about the sauce, although it can make up a large percentage of success. Each meat has its own pronounced taste, which must be emphasized and made more expressive. A correctly selected recipe will help tough or overdried meat become softer, an undersalted dish acquire a piquant taste, smooth out strong bitterness, sweetness and other flaws of food.different recipes of sauces for meat

What is sauce and what does it eat?

Sauce is a liquid substance thatserved with the main course or side dish, significantly improving and emphasizing their taste. Often this additive is prepared on the basis of cream, butter or milk, therefore it has a higher calorie content. Sauces can differ in consistency, in the composition of spices, in the main and additional components, there are red, white and even colored gravies. The basis for such an addition to the dish can be meat broth, cream, milk, sour cream and even raw eggs. It can be served separately in special bowls so that guests can choose the one they like, you can bake or stew the dish in the sauce, you can even stuff it with the sauce - it all depends on the thickness of the product. Spicy, sweet, spicy and piquant - all recipes are good, the main thing is to decorate and serve them correctly. Most often, such additives complement fish and meat dishes, salads, cereal side dishes, desserts. But since meat consumption is widespread in almost all regions of Russia, it is worth talking about sauces for it. Sauces for meat can be prepared from simple products that are always in the refrigerator. This option is suitable for an everyday dish. We will leave more complex sauces for the festive table to knock all the guests off their feet with their skill.chicken meat in sweet sauce

Sauce for chicken meat

In terms of consumption, chicken is the most popular food among Russians.first place. It is fried, baked, stewed, cooked with it for pilaf and shashlik. Chicken meat is particularly tender, but it is easy to dry it out and make it not very tasty; a good sauce recipe can fix its reputation. A classic recipe that every housewife should know is a milk-based sauce. It does not take much time, effort or ingredients to prepare. To prepare the sauce base, you need to take 1 liter of milk and 120 g of flour. Flour must be sautéed in a frying pan until it acquires a golden hue, and then mixed with 1 tablespoon of butter. Milk must first be heated, and then gradually added to the butter-flour base. A prerequisite is thorough mixing of all components to protect yourself from lumps that can ruin everything. Then you should boil the mixture in a saucepan for 7 minutes. At the end, add crushed garlic, salt and fresh herbs, preferably dill. Cranberry sauce For a holiday, it is worth choosing a brighter, fresher and more unusual option, for example, cranberry sauce. The combination of sweet and sour berries very accurately complements the taste of chicken meat, making it even more tender and unusual. For cooking, you will need fresh or frozen cranberries in the amount of 500 g. They are washed and checked for integrity and freshness. From a citrus fruit, preferably an orange, you need to peel and grate it. Finely chop the red onion and fry it for 5 minutes in olive oil. Cranberries, zest and 3 tablespoons of honey are added to the onion. The mixture is cooked over low heat for 20 minutes. Before serving, the sauce must be cooled in the refrigerator for about an hour. The cranberry sauce recipe is perfect for baked, boiled or grilled chicken. Cranberry gravy for chicken is a real find. It is not only a low-calorie sauce, but also filled with vitamins and nutrients. Cranberries are rich in acids, which have an excellent effect on the metabolic processes of the human body. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, cranberries are simply a record holder, it is perfectly absorbed, helps the body fight infections, improves the strength of the vascular wall, keeps the skin young, fresh and beautiful. When using cranberry sauce, the digestive system improves, slags and toxins are removed. Sauces for meat can be prepared not only on the basis of cranberries, but also lingonberries, pomegranate or currants. Everything will depend on taste preferences.tomato sauce

Sauce for beef dishes

Beef is a healthy meat with a delicious tasteотлично подчеркивает специальный соус. Чаще всего соус подается не отдельно, а именно в нем готовится мяско, тогда оно становится очень нежным. Традиционные рецепты соусов для говядины готовят на основе горчицы, сметаны или сливок с добавлением чесночка, ягодные и грибные соусы тоже будут актуальны. Традиционный соус к мясу можно приготовить на основе горчицы, она может быть острой или мягкой, это уже кому как нравится. Горчица легко может подчеркнуть вкус говядины и сделать ее невероятно мягкой. Чтобы замариновать 700 г говядины, необходимо взять по 3 ст. ложки майонеза, горчицы, оливкового масла. Из овощей понадобится лук и морковка. Сахар, соль, перец также не будут здесь лишними. Мясо перед приготовлением необходимо промыть и нарезать небольшими кусками, которые предварительно отбивают. Кусочки обмазываются горчицей и перекладываются слоями с лучком. Для образования сока необходимо поставить пресс на всю мясную заготовку, мариновать 2 часа. Перед обжаркой с мяса убирается весь лук, при этом горчица остается. Маринованный лучок обжаривается вместе с тертой морковью. Обжаренное мясо, овощи складываются в неглубокую кастрюлю, заливаются водой или бульончиком, тушатся до полного приготовления. В конце готовки добавляется сливочное масло, чтобы сделать его более густой консистенции. Такое блюдо лучше всего подавать с салатом из свежих овощей, маринованным в уксусе красным луком. Украсить можно свежей зеленью, петрушка как раз для этого идеально подойдет. В качестве гарнира можно использовать картофельное пюре или просто отварные клубни, длиннозерный рис в отварном виде, тыквенное или любое другое овощное пюре. Приготовление говядины в ягодном соусе Лучшим дополнением к мясу будут служить свежие ароматные ягоды: клюква, вишня, брусника. Они придают блюду пикантность, легкую кислинку и приятную сладкую нотку. Например, рецепт с вишней по достоинству оценят все гости на праздничном столе. Для маринования 1 кг говядины понадобится 600 г вишни без косточек, 2 луковицы красных сортов, стакан красного вина и 1 ложка меда, 70 г масла сливочного, соль, корица и перец молотые. Готовка начинается с нарезки мяса на полоски, которые обжариваются в масле на сковородке до появления золотистой корочки. Форму для запекания необходимо смазать маслом и выложить на дно кольца лука. Мясо укладывают на лук, посыпают специями и закрывают слоем вишневых ягод. Вино, мед и оставшееся после жарки мяса масло перемешивают, заливают полученной смесью говядину на противне, сверху укладывается сливочное масло кусочками. Все запекается в духовке при температуре 180 градусов в течение часа. Рис прекрасно дополнит данный рецепт, а украшением станут свежие ягоды вишни и веточки мяты. lemon-mustard sauce

Fine sauce for pork

Pork goes well with almost everythingcomponents, be it sour sauce, sweet or creamy. The recipe for a classic sauce includes the use of broth, milk, flour and butter. Milk marinade is very easy to prepare. For 800 g of pork, you will need 300 ml of milk, 3 tablespoons of flour and vegetable oil, 2 onions, salt and pepper. Any housewife has these products in her refrigerator, so the recipe will always be easy to reproduce. The pork must first be covered with a marinade of soy sauce and spices. While the meat is marinating, you can prepare a sauce with milk. Chopped onions are sautéed in vegetable oil, flour is added to it, everything is fried until golden brown. Milk should be poured into the resulting mixture very slowly, constantly monitoring the process and stirring. The mass is brought to a boil, the sauce is ready. The pork must be beaten well and fried in oil, poured with the prepared sauce and cooked for another 15 minutes. The meat can be placed in a pot and baked under the sauce in the oven, this method is even more preferable, as the meat will become incredibly tender and aromatic. Sauce with oranges A very unusual and exotic combination is sunny oranges with tender pork. Such a dish will look great on the festive table, its recipe will be appreciated by everyone, there will be no disappointments. To prepare 1 kg of pork, you will need to take 2 garlic cloves, 3 glasses of orange juice, 4 whole oranges, 2 teaspoons of honey and mustard, salt and pepper according to the standard. The meat is pre-washed and cut into small pieces, all of them are carefully beaten, spread with salt and pepper and fried in a frying pan. Garlic is added to the pork, everything is fried together for another 7 minutes. The sauce for the meat is prepared from a mixture of freshly squeezed juice, honey and mustard. The pork is poured with it and stewed for about 30 minutes. The meat will absorb some of the sauce, so it will smell deliciously of oranges and have a delicate citrus flavor. To make it even more piquant, after 30 minutes, add peeled and cut into small pieces of oranges to the pan. The meat is stewed for another 10 minutes, and the aromatic dish is ready to serve. While the meat is stewing, you can prepare a rice or vegetable side dish for serving. As a decoration, you can use a fresh orange, cut into circles or slices, fresh herbs and tomato sauce, ketchup.

Universal sauces

If the festive table is set richly andvaried, then often there are several meat dishes at once. If you make a separate sauce for each type of meat, it will be time-consuming. For this case, universal gravies are suitable, which will ideally go with baked chicken, pork steak and French meat. A combination of mustard and honey is perfect for hot meat dishes. And it is prepared very quickly, the hostess will have time not only for table setting, but also for hair and makeup. In 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour are fried. 100 ml of white wine should be added to the mixture and brought to a boil. All ingredients must be beaten so that there are no lumps. 150 ml of chicken broth, a spoonful of honey and 2 tbsp. spoons of mustard, salt, pepper, mix and add to the wine-flour mixture. Then everything must be boiled, garnished with herbs and served hot. This spicy sauce will suit all types of meat without exception. You can use different types of mustard to prepare it, which will control its spiciness.

Original kiwi sauce

A moderately spicy and sour sauce with kiwi will bea wonderful addition to meat, will decorate any, even the simplest dish, will give it a fruity aroma and excellent taste. Peel 5 kiwi fruits, chop 3 of them. Fry 2 finely chopped onions in olive oil, mix with kiwi, half a teaspoon of honey, juice from 1 lemon, salt and pepper. Grind all the ingredients using a blender. You can pour the resulting mixture over the meat or put it in bowls. Decorate the dish with kiwi and lemon slices. If you want a hotter sauce, you can add more pepper. For a side dish for such a dish, it is better to cook deep-fried potatoes. Of course, it will be high in calories, but sometimes you should definitely allow yourself such a deliciousness. A variety of sauces are an excellent option for giving an unforgettable and interesting taste to a meat dish. Every housewife, even one who does not know how to cook, having brought all the above recipes to life, will surprise all guests and relatives with her culinary skills. And the secret will be only in the correctly selected sauce, which will ennoble any dish and make it complete.

