Photo:Getty ImagesAll children have different characters, temperaments, heredity, and the environment in which they grow up is different, so they can start talking at different times. In addition, there is an observation that boys lag behind girls in this matter by 4-5 months. However, there are average indicators. At 7-10 months, a child should at least babble, that is, say "da-da-da", "ba", "ma", "lya", "dya" and so on. At one year, children pronounce about ten words on average. This takes into account not only full-fledged words, but also such as, for example, "mya", which means a cat. By the way, many parents reject "baby" words like "beep". You shouldn't do this. In order for a child to want to talk, not be afraid of difficult-to-pronounce words, they should be as easy as possible, accessible to the articulatory apparatus. Let him start with them, so he will like talking. Well, gradually move away from "children's" words and start calling everything as it should be. At two years old, a child should speak at least 50 words and be able to build simple sentences from them, such as "mama, gi", "baba, na", "give me a drink". And this is the lower limit of the norm. As a rule, by the age of two, children speak better. In addition, they have already formed a large passive vocabulary. At 2.5 years, children already speak at least 200 words. At this age, adjectives are added to nouns, verbs and pronouns. The child should know all relatives, pronounce names, know his name, imitate animals, try to ask simple questions. The speech of a three-year-old child should already be understandable to a stranger. Sentences are complex, there are many new words. Once again, we remind you that all children are individual. If one reads poetry a year, and the second says only a couple of words, this is not a reason to write down the taciturn child as lagging. But if at 2.5 years old he still cannot pronounce more than 20 words, it is necessary to visit a doctor. Remember that the earlier problems are identified, the easier they are to fix.
Photo: Getty Images Don't forget that a child will not talk for a long time, he should be dealt with. What contributes to a better development of the child, and what hinders his speech?
- Children who read a lot start talking earlier. Moreover, the child should start reading books long before the year. But watching TV, on the contrary, slows down the development of speech.
- Communicate more with the child. Many parents believe that the baby does not understand anything, so it makes no sense to talk to him. It's a delusion. First, listening to parents, the child accumulates passive vocabulary. And secondly, looking at the faces of adults, when they talk to him, the crumb imitates facial expressions and articulations, and this is very important for the development of the speech apparatus.
- Hyperactive children can start talking later. In such children, emotions beat over the edge, and they simply do not have time to express everything in words. Too quiet children can also suffer from delayed speech development. Tikhon is happy with everything, and there is no need to call someone or ask for something.
- Late begin to speak and those kids who parents understand without words. If the mother guesses all the desires of the child, he simply does not need to strain and talk about them.
- Do not even meet all the requirements of the child on his cry. For example, he will scream, looking at the toy, and it is immediately carried. Why then say "give" or somehow call the object itself?
- Slightly behind peers in talkativenesschildren with shortened. If this lag becomes strong, the bridle should be trimmed. This is done by dental surgeons. By the way, if a speech therapist sends you to him, the procedure in the state clinic will be free.
There are many factors that influence speech delay.Among them are late transition to solid food, frequent illnesses, underdeveloped fine motor skills, and many other reasons. The main thing is to work with the child, not to let things slide, and if necessary, be sure to consult a speech therapist.