Why does the baby breathe through the mouth

A man must breathe through his nose. So air masses are cleaned of microorganisms, dust, dirt, and warm. If a child has nasal breathing difficulty, he does not get enough oxygen. As a result, the body experiences constant oxygen deprivation, due to which immunity is reduced. Children often begin to suffer from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, and many of them have adenoids.baby breathes by mouthIf the child is breathing through the mouth, parents needgo to the doctorPhoto: Getty The habit of breathing is not the nose, and the mouth leads to frequent runny nose and untreated inflammatory diseases in the nasal cavity. Constant breathing through the mouth leads to deformation of the face and nasal structures:

  • malocclusion;
  • narrowing of the nasal passages;
  • head tilted forward;
  • difficulty closing lips;
  • expansion of the nose;
  • the appearance of a double chin;
  • narrowing of the dentition.

Such children can be seen immediately. They walk with their mouth half-open, their head slightly bent, they have narrow shoulders, parched lips and pale skin. Over time, this leads to impaired posture and stoop. But that is not all. Pathological formation of the dentition leads to problems with proper articulation and the occurrence of nasal congestion. Therefore, this violation is much more serious than it seems at first glance.

What if the baby breathes through his mouth

The sooner parents start to sound the alarm, thefaster baby learn to breathe properly. Therefore, a visit to the doctor can not be postponed. It is said that after removal of the adenoids, the baby will breathe properly. But it is not. Adenoids are removed, and the habit of breathing through the mouth remains. It takes time and patience, as the child must be taught to re-breathe through the nose. With the child you need to constantly engage in special breathing exercises. Good results are obtained using the trainer or vestibular plate. These designs are made of elastic silicone. They are placed in the mouth and closed lips. The child should wear the plate twice a day for 30 minutes and at night. At first, the plate and trainer may fall out of the mouth during sleep. But with regular use, nasal breathing is restored in about 3 months. You can use these tools at any time - they do not prevent children from playing, reading and doing homework. If you notice that your child breathes through the mouth more often than his nose, do not disregard this problem. Find out why he is doing this and consult your doctor to restore normal breathing through your nose. Especially because when a child learns to breathe through his nose, his facial features will improve and his posture will return to normal. It is also helpful to know:

