Blogger Erin Spencer deservedly earned the title"Parent-professional". While her husband works at work, she alone brings up six children. I still manage to write columns with tips for young mothers. However, Erin admits, in the battle for the title of "perfect mother" and she is defeated. "Say hello to a new generation of ungrateful egoists! Says Erin. "A couple of years ago, I realized that I was the same kind of girl." It was on Christmas Eve, when Erin was making a holiday budget, breaking her head, where to save an extra dollar for gifts to children. "The spirit of Christmas was hovering in the air, in the accounts, deciding which organ to sell to me to earn gifts, - says the mother of many children. - And suddenly the oldest child comes to me and says: "Mom, I need new shoes," and this despite the fact that the last couple we bought him five months ago. "Erin calmly and calmly explained to her son that the parents were not in a position to constantly buy his expensive brand shoes.Photo:Getty Images “His reaction made me wonder, where did I screw up as a parent? Erin writes. “The son sighed dramatically and went into the mode of a typical ungrateful egoist.” “Are you trying to ruin my life, Mom ?! - the boy was indignant. - Do you want everyone to laugh at me ?! I hate my life! I'm not going to wear stupid Velcro sneakers! ”“ What makes you think that they will buy you Velcro sneakers? Are you 2 years old, or maybe 82? " - the teen's mom was indignant. Obviously, Erin argues, children nowadays believe that the shoes sold in supermarkets like Wal-Mart are extremely poor quality and poor design. "This scene made me rethink my behavior as a parent," says the blogger. - I look around and see the boys in tight jeans, sipping lattes, which even the doors in front of you will not hold, and even more so will not offer to carry heavy bags. Let what I say next will officially transfer me to the rank of old pepper shakers, but young people these days are absolutely ill-mannered! " After the scene put on by Erin's son, she decided to change her family's lifestyle. Here are her rules, which, as the blogger is sure, will help young parents raise a worthy person. Stop giving your children choices and asking for help. YOU wore it for nine months, YOU pay, which means YOU set the rules and tell them what to do. If you want to give your child a choice, let him choose: either he will do as you say, or he will not be good. Stop driving yourself into debt trying to buy your child something better from the latest collection. Get the kids to work on what they want. A little work hasn't hurt anyone yet. 4. Teach them the manners: say please, thank you, open and hold doors for others. If you are raising your son, go on a date with him and ask him to pay for lunch using the money he earned on the advice in the third paragraph. No matter what anyone says, such male behavior will never go out of fashion.Photo: Getty Images5. Together, visit the shelter for the homeless or even volunteer there. Let the child understand what the phrase "badly to live" actually means .6. When buying gifts for Christmas, follow the four rules. Give something that: 1) they want; 2) they need; 3) they will wear; 4) they will read. It is even better to instill in children the true meaning of Christmas. Teach them to give, help to understand that it is much more fun than getting. I never could understand why it was Jesus' birthday, but we get presents? 8. Visit the child with crippled soldiers, veterans. Show what true dedication is. 9. Teach them to understand the difference between quality and quantity. Teach them to spread their love and charity to others. Teach your children to love each other, let them experience the consequences of their choice, and they will grow up to be good people.

