Do you remember how you went to kindergarten? I remember. And me, for a minute, 36 years. I sobbed in the locker room, as I never cried before, I think. She stood in the middle of the room and roared, unable to move. Around some unfamiliar people, some children ... The teacher looked at me with a habitually tired look: "One more ..." Then I got used to, of course, where to go. But here's the question - maybe the parents are able to help the kid cope with this terrible stress (yes, yeah, whatever, the stress is really spooky)? Woman's Day made a small set of rules how to make life easier for a child who went to a kindergarten. How to adapt a child to a kindergartenPhoto: GettyImages

Not all at once

Kindergarten is a very special stage of lifechild. The kid gets into a new room, where unfamiliar adults and children, unknown food and unknown toys. Do not just demand from him a full set of independent actions. To dress, eat, sleep in the garden and talk about what happened during the day, your child will no doubt be, just give him a little time and act gradually. From excessive pressure and the newborn kindergartner will not get used to everything faster, but, on the contrary, may get sick and thereby prolong the adaptation process for at least a week.

Calm and only calmness

The most important marker of the environment andhappening in the world for any child - it's my mother. It is clear that for a parent who first gives his beloved to the kindergarten, this is also stress, but you should not cry in the locker room, saying goodbye to your son or daughter in the morning, it will be worse not only for you, but for the child. Psychologist Larisa Surkova advised : Telling the child that in the kindergarten will be good and healthy, tell me sincerely. If you will paint him the delights of being in the garden with a grimace of pain on his face, he will not believe you, of course. Children perfectly feel the falsity. Do not screw the circles under the windows of the kindergarten and do not terrorize the teacher with calls and SMS, be calm and show your child that this place and these people you completely trust. Then the child will feel comfortable there.How to adapt a child to a kindergarten

Sopli stay at home

During adaptation to the kindergarten, even children withstrong immunity can begin to hurt. In this situation, doctors rightly recommend staying at home at the first sign of a cold, even if it's just a runny nose or a cough without temperature. It's easy to get rid of such troubles in a few days, but when you go to a children's team, you can hook on so many things that you do not need to be treated one week. Mothers know: it's better to sit at home with a healthy child for a little while than to try to stop the fever that has already started. It should be remembered that when a child stays at home, regardless of whether he is sick or misses classes for another reason, do not leave him in the TV company and a tablet, and it's better to spend time together, doing something useful. The stereotype "fell ill - stayed home - I watch cartoons" is fixed amazingly easily and can later spoil the parents' nerves. But to remind about how in the garden fun and interesting, you can often. Positive image has never prevented anyone.

