Do you feel like you are often affected?psychological pressure? If you are a calm and confident person, then you will probably want to answer that you almost never encounter this. But in vain! The methods of influence can be completely different, and often the "victim" does not even understand that they have just been pressured. But this has a huge impact on your life! If you do not want to fall into this trap anymore, read our article and use the knowledge for psychological self-defense.
Types of psychological pressure
Psychological pressure is the influence onother people, carried out with the aim of changing their psychological attitudes, opinions, judgments and decisions. It may seem that only strong and result-oriented people resort to it, but this is not so. A self-confident person will act directly and openly, and not look for workarounds, causing inconvenience to others. There are many types of psychological pressure that you have probably encountered in life:
A few words about manipulation
We decided to talk about manipulation separately,так как именно с этим видом психологического давления приходится сталкиваться чаще всего. Ее сущность сводится к стремлению изменить поведение, мировоззрение или восприятие другого человека при помощи скрытой, насильственной или обманной стратегии. Как правило, интересы манипулятора реализуются за счет жертвы, из-за чего манипулирование принято считать неэтичным. Взгляды психологов на это сильно различаются. Одни считают, что результат действия иногда оправдывает средства. Например, когда врач убеждает пациента начать принимать лекарства. Или мать, желая, чтобы ребенок надел шапку, спрашивает его: “Ты в какой шапке пойдешь — красной или синей?” — не давая при этом возможности выбора. Другие же справедливо полагают, что человеку нужно предоставить всю информацию, но уважать его свободу выбора и решение, даже если оно кажется нам неправильным. В любом случае, манипуляции, направленные (хоть и косвенно) на реализацию интересов «жертвы», встречаются крайне редко. Обычно это все-таки стремление получить личную выгоду за счет других. Манипуляция является скрытым видом психологического давления — человек не понимает ни истинных мотивов манипулятора, ни факта воздействия. Выигрыш в этом случае получается исключительно односторонним. Естественно, что манипулировать людьми непросто — для этого необходим определенный уровень знания психологии, умение чувствовать чужие слабые места, хладнокровность и расчетливость. Человек, решающийся на это, достаточно жесток и не беспокоится из-за того, что наносит жертве вред. Манипуляторы опираются на разные основания, благодаря которым им удается управлять человеческим сознанием. Потребности и желания с древних времен используются с целью оказать психологическое воздействие на человека. Взять к примеру известную русскую страсть к “халяве” — стремление получить максимальный выигрыш с минимальными затратами, благодаря которому обогатилось множество мошенников. Каждая из нас в жизни руководствуется определенными идеалами и ценностями, к которым относятся представления о добре и зле, о том, что правильно и нет и т.д. … Так вот, опираясь на них, другому человеку довольно легко нами манипулировать. Например, подача милостыни нищему — это вроде бы проявление доброты и сострадательности, хотя давным-давно известно, что большинство таких пожертвований идут в карман стоящих за этим мошенников. Интеллектом и логикой тоже можно манипулировать. К примеру, используя сложные и длинные схемы, с выкладкой многочисленных цифр и причинно-следственными связями. Этим нередко пользуются профессионалы сетевого маркетинга, агитирующие вас присоединиться к их делу: “Вложите всего три копейки, и получите огромную прибыль, которая получается из следующих источников…”. Как правило, в этой схеме закладывается несколько логических ошибок, благодаря которым вы видите тот результат, который выгоден манипулятору. Очень удобно манипулировать иррациональными идеями человека. К ним относятся оторванные от объективной реальности верования и убеждения, которые формируются в течение жизни у человека и которые очень сложно изменить извне. Их полным-полно в сознании каждой из нас, например:
- I must take responsibility for everything on myself;
- If you are asked for something, then you must help;
- I always have to sympathize and help other people;
- For any service you need to thank;
- Everyone around me must love me;
The manipulator only needs to “press” on one of thethese “sore spots”, and a person turns into a virtually reliable creature. Moreover, the power of these attitudes is enormous, and thanks to them, you can get almost any unpleasant and inconvenient actions from us. Well, the most fertile ground for manipulation is our feelings and emotions. When someone causes you emotional distress, it turns out to be very easy to use this for your own selfish purposes. Women manipulate men, men manipulate women, parents manipulate children, and vice versa. For example: “You love me and you won’t allow me to ride public transport.” And this can continue indefinitely, since feelings are an inexhaustible source of energy. It is worth noting that we are manipulated almost everywhere. There is plenty of psychological pressure at work, in politics, advertising, relationships, and just in everyday life. As a rule, if you see that a person is manipulative in one area of his life, he will do the same in others.
Methods of psychological impact
Psychological pressure can be embodied ina variety of techniques - here, as they say, everything depends on the imagination of the aggressor. However, the basic methods of mind manipulation should be known to every person in order to resist them. As is known, forewarned is forearmed, and this applies one hundred percent to everything related to psychological pressure. So, what do those who like to influence the minds of their fellow citizens most often use?
- Trance One of the most ancient ways of influencingthe human psyche. It immerses our consciousness in a special state in which the ability to analyze information and make conscious decisions is lost. Perception is focused on one thing, naturally, beneficial to the manipulator. A trance can be introduced in different ways - most often, monotonous stimuli are used, for example, monotonous speech, rapidly changing pictures, swinging a pendulum, etc. - In such a state, consciousness is especially vulnerable to pressure, so you can be verbally suggested something or provoked to unwanted actions.
- Using trigger words These are words thatwhich carry an emotional and semantic shade that is important for the "victim". They are often used by sellers who want to sell their goods: "Buy a more reliable TV, a more elegant fur coat, more fashionable shorts -". They reflect some assessment or quality that the "victim" wants to possess.
- Adjustment It is expressed in the fact that a personcopies certain components of your behavior: intonation, breathing rhythm, posture, manner of speaking, look, gait, etc. - It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but after the adjustment, the psychological impact begins directly. You are already on the same wavelength with the person, and it is much easier for him to “lead” you in the right direction.
- Referencing Authorities When You Need to Convincesomeone in something, it is often enough to refer to some expert in this field, and that's it - victory is in your pocket. By the way, this is a classic version of psychological pressure. Oddly enough, authorities can also be wrong, but this remains behind the scenes.
- Psychological “games” No, no, these are not the same onesfun exercises - rather, schemes for manipulating another person. There are a great many of them. For example, a child who behaves in an exemplary manner periodically does something out of the ordinary. Perhaps he is simply being naughty, but more often than not, the matter is different: the child wants to be praised for good behavior, which adults perceive as the norm. After misbehavior, the likelihood of receiving praise increases, since parents see the contrast. Another example: at work, the boss calls a subordinate and asks him to do a bunch of things by tomorrow. The subordinate's eyes pop out of his head, after which the boss says: “Okay, well. Do at least this.” And the subordinate happily runs off to carry out the assignment, although he would never have signed up for it initially.
- Exchange of thanks The pressure reception consists ofin the fact that a person first provides you with some minor favor, which you may not even have asked for, and then persistently hints that it would be nice to thank him for it.
- “Weak” Each of us is familiar with this since childhooda technique where you are offered a choice: either you do what is required of you, or you will turn out to be bad. Everyone who is not too lazy resorts to it: men, colleagues, bosses, friends and acquaintances, shop assistants. Paradoxically, it works!
- The image of the desired future is painted for you in colorsa picture of what will happen if you do what they want from you. Our soul is designed in such a way that it strives for a state of joy and psychological comfort, and we are ready to do anything to achieve them. At the same time, the possible inconveniences for us from such an action are simply not taken into account.
- Scary images If the above methodsdon't work, then you can demonstrate to the person how bad it will be if the action is not taken. For example, the boss says: "If you don't make a report, the company will be fined." Fear prevails, and you agree.
How to resist psychological pressure
Oddly enough, but resistIt is much easier to apply psychological pressure than to exert it. The first thing you need to realize is that you are being manipulated. You can see signs of the above-described methods of influence in your partner’s behavior. Persistent drawing your attention to some aspects of the problem and ignoring others should also alert you - as should generous promises that raise reasonable doubts. In your state, during manipulation, inexplicable sympathy for your partner, sharp fluctuations in feelings, feelings of lack of time, guilt, obligation - all these things should be a signal that you are being manipulated. Next, you should tell your interlocutor that he has been “brought to justice.” You can question the appropriateness of the actions and decisions that he demands from you. Then offer your own version of interaction, which, first of all, will suit you. Naturally, the manipulator will resist. In this case, it is useful to ask questions aimed at clarifying the situation: what does he mean when he talks about the problem, what objective conditions and limitations are in place, what should be done to improve the situation, etc. - Clarify why the manipulator chose you and right now - all this allows you to track what the aggressor prefers to “pressure”. Well, the most useful thing is the banal “turn on your brain”. As already written above, the main task of the manipulator is to activate feelings, emotions, irrational attitudes, because they contribute to believing in the words of the aggressor. However, as soon as you get out of the state of compliance and soberly analyze the situation, everything changes dramatically. The urgency in solving the issue disappears, and you no longer feel particularly guilty. Therefore, as soon as it seems to you that you are being manipulated - start thinking hard. And always ask for time to think - it is this that helps you to go beyond the situation and look at it objectively. In the modern world, it is very important to be able to deal with psychological pressure. We have practically abandoned weapons and the use of physical force, respectively, the enemies have only such methods of influence. And in order to live happily, you need to be able to recognize them and protect yourself and your loved ones from such gross psychological interference. We recommend reading: